

Hahas dont read this if you cant handle happiness hahas.

Ahahas seriously today is honestly the happiest day in sucha long time. All these things that i wanted to happen suddenly did and i feel so teary and happy and even if it was just a small moment ahahahas IM SO HAPPY

Okay so today i woke up late and im starting a detox so i weighed myself and omfg im so stunned i dropped down three kilos ahahahas. And i wa likenooo what i dont feel lighter so i reweighed two times and it was the same. HALAMAJALA.

And then i had a really weird brekkie whichdidnt really matter cause i was so pumped for the day :)
I went on the train and was full happy dappy and then met jasmine and was all happy dappy. But my tea bottle wouldnt open so jasmine asked this guy who we initially thought was very creepy. But he was sososos nice! He was like' you need grip' so he intelligently brought out rubber bands and the bottle opened so smoothly. Ahahas yeah iunno i got super happy hahahas.

. And then this guy who i really wanted to become friends with- cause hes super smart and social- came onto the train and sat around me and bolero's area.

And i was like calmcalm keep talking but dont act retarded hahahas. And then when he sat up he full bumped me on the shoulderblade and i was lile ekekekekekkekeekek.

Okay so we came to school and science was funny cause lamya kept bugging me about my crush ad then teasing anout my story and yeah.

Elec hist came and ms handed out lollies but i didnt get one! Eheolehoel.

Sport was super fun. It was just me and linda again and we talked about random stuff. Like i regret not doing batminton cause my friend all go "awww it wa so fun yeahyeah" and tbh im very annoyed when they say that, but walking with linda and super fun. We're not close on a daily basis idkhow, it does t get akward when i talk to her. Like we dont run out of this to talk about though we dont have much in common :)

Went through lunch avoiding temptations and kristie trying to stuf cake down my throat ahahahhas.


Went home and did serious cardio, strength, and circuit training :)

Had a filling yet healthy dinner.

TRUONG. Okay so there was a party on today and at first i was like eeehhh im really awkward with people cause i dont know them much. We came there and belinda asked us to sign the card and when we sat in class people brought out all this food and i was going omgg no cant eat all this cake.

And we bought ms pandora charms and she loved it hahahs. And then we had a 'party'. And by that i mean small groups of here and there and me and jasmine and steph in a side. And then alecia came and omggg shes sososos cute. She is so sweet and nice and we were making each other eat cause se bareeeely eats. And then i talked to the amanda chick and shes nice, kawei and katherine and even lee! And i wanted to tell lee she's pretty but i didnt want to sound weird hahahs. She's the type of person whos into white hot celeb guys and yeah hahahas.

And then i clumsily spilt jelly on te floor, which is pretty normal of me, but all these people are so nice they full on helped me clean up. And mushroom head was a bitch he sat right there and looked on. But then he was like ohh were out of tissues and i was like hahahahs i brought the toilet roll. Yeah ahahahahas, weird first convo. But he laughed hhahaas. All good ;)

And then i walked someone and came back And then he was like :" yeah miss figured out about it"
And i was like "oh really?"
And he's like "yeah, but she doesnt care."
An i was like "ahahahs thats good."

CONVO BITCHES. Ahahahas no im really proud. All the people i wanted to make friends with, took a long time but yeah it ended well.

Yuryur. Came home and im not hungry :DDD

And boleros taught me how to rap to justin bieber ahaha iunno why. We ended up going swag swag swag the whole time.

Rereading and i sound like those ohmygaaah girls but no im really happy today. It started off well and ende off well and yeah NOONE COULD STOP MY SUNSHINE ahahahahs.




I honestly don't get what you want. One minute you'd get close and i got my hopes up. The next you ignore me as if we dont know each other.

Do you want to be friends or not? Gosh make up your mind.


Watch The Dark Knight just then in time for tomorrows premier YAAAAAAY :)

I am really happy that Rachel died though, cause she's such a player.
Ahaha but on the bad side, guess who's gonna be thirdwheeling again :L most awkward when the sister's friend decides to kill you after you prank called him...


the fck, fb messenger stuffed up on my face. 
just my luck. 


if you're reading this, 
im really sucky at apologising, cause sometimes it just sounds as if i don't really care and take things seriously and i don't feel sorry. but i do. 
it hasn't just happened once or twice, it's happened quite a few times and i feel really guilty putting you through it cause you never do it to me. but it's not like i'm ignoring you or anything, trust me i wouldn't do that. 

some nights i just have a lot of work and i get tired and go to sleep early. some nights my mum's being a maniac and cutting down my internet at like 9.30pm. And it's so unfair to you because you're always punctual and sometimes i'm not even there and i wouldn't tell you anything until the next day. and i feel so embarassed that you put so much on the line and all because of my hormonal state/workload/schoolcrap and random shit, i bail out on you. 

but trust me if things were easier i wouldn't do this to you. yeah? i know you're never pissed at me and sometimes i wish you would cause UGHS I FEEL SO GUILTY. but thanks for understanding me and still hanging on :) it's great to know someone's got my back hahas.


first day back at school...fml

title says all. 
today was great cause i got me meet all my friends again but it's pretty funny. when i was in year 9 and term started we'd see each other and scream at the top of our lungs running towards each other like a dramatic poppy field & lovers scene. 
but today we were like, "oh hey!" and started talking as if we saw each other the day before. 

class was okay i guess and every teacher was lenient when you didn't bring your shit hahahas. and ann was showing me all these pretty shoes and its so sad cause i don't think i'd ever buy heels that are $1400. 

BUT IVE CONFIRMED WHAT IM GOING TO GET FOR SARAH! Told some friends and we're set for it :) yayayay the season of money draining out is coming hahas.

and then ann suggested we go glebe markets today and i was like omfg whhyyyyy didn't we decide on this..during the 2 weeks that just passed. ahahahas. 

okay yeah im on here to procrastinate cause ive got some english editing left and im not bothered.  but i really need to get something off my chest. 

the fck do people do to get attention nowadays. 
taking immature photos that is so offensive but just enough to get attention from some guys...? saying things thats stupid but just enough to get attention, again?
letting shocking things happen to you and purposely acting stupid to let you be victimised like that but just enough to get people to talk about you and make you look badass..just enough to get attention? 

im sorry i sound like a grandma and a funcop blahblah but do you guys even have any shame? is getting attention from some guys so important that you gotta talk sleazy and act like you're just dumb?
"ohmygod them creeps look at how many guys like this photo/comment on this post!" 
hahas girl they're not creeps if you don't do stupid shit like this. 

ahahahas grow up please. you guys go around saying you want the perfect guy who loves you for life, who's that 'prince charming from my fairytale', someone who won't broke your heart and who's not a jerk. woman the things you do don't attract guys like that. like you said, they only attract creeps.

woot yay, adrenaline to keep me going to finish my essay.


annoying thing i hate.


THIS IS LIKE THE LOL PHASE. and i hated the LOL phase so much. I had this friend who used to catch the train together and he'd be like. 
"yeah i had to run really quick to your train cause my train got here at 48 and yours came at 50. LOL." 
"omg ann that's funny. LOL.LOL.LOL."
"hahahaha LOL."

okay so firstly you don't laugh and then say LOL because there's no point to that why couldn't you just laugh..and keep laughing. 
and also that word really makes people's face looks funny, makes them sound like a computer, and it's not cool if their face is stoner. which im very sorry biffle but your face is always stoner when you say that and it pisses me off. 

but yolo. omg yolo. 
THAT JUST DOUBLE MAKES PEOPLE'S FACE LOOKS FUNNY. honestly try it yourself. just look in the mirror and say YOLO and it's just horrible. and plus it makes you sound like a computer that really doesnt make sense. 

but okay firstly, people use it too much. again, just like LOL. but then people would put say yolo for the stupidest things they do. like:
"hahaha, i just tripped out the stairs. YOLO!"
"hahahas, getting out of my house with makeup today! YOLO"

UGHS ITS PISSES ME OFF SO MUCH. like that could just be an excuse for every single little thing. 

omg it would be my death day if someone came up to me and said something stupid and then ended it with a 'yolo' and then started laughing and said 'lol'.
....funny my foot, go climb up a tree and fall down and yolo your head off.
waiting for the perfect chance to ask my parents about the concert ticket. sskdaksjdlkasldksaldkaslkdalksdasld.



Hi :)

yeah, uhm, you might be pissed if you read this and realized that it was you and you'd probably come back to school and whack me.

yeah so i met you in year 8? i remember that at the beginning of the year i had 3 special friends i'd hang out at lunchtime and a core class that i hated because i barely knew anyone there and while everyone had a group of 3 and 4 people, i only had one, and at that time we didn't even know each other much. and i kept wanting to move classes and be with my other friends. but one day you started hanging out with us in class through my friend. 

and at first i honestly thought you were a 'too carefree' person. ahahas yeah at that age i was just thinking 'omg ann don't let bad people influence you, you need your marks.' and i did judge you. i thought that, other than you being very girly, you're very mean and judgy and don't really care about school and all. and then, after a day of sitting with each other in class, you suddenly sat with me and my group and your 'comfortableness' shocked me. omg i remembered how me and friend was like, 'omg stephanie had food tech class right? omg she mustve baked cupcakes!' and you starting running to stephanie and taking one of the prettiest cupcakes and even steph was shocked cause she didn't even know you then aahahahahs. and i was like, omg i deserved that, WHO ARE YOU? ahaahahahas. And yeah, because of my first impression of you, i kept having doubts whether or not you should be in our group cause you were so different to us.

but thinking about it again, i really couldn't believe i had those thoughts. The next 3 terms we hung out so much and had so many rants and you showed me how to unnerdify myself and have fun and shit. and we'd go hand in hand with each other, me and my loud jokes and you and your loud rants. and started becoming so close and we'd eat each others shit and talk about guys and their weird pineapple hair ahahahas. and you are so funny even though you don't try to be and your laugh is so cute.

you could be so blunt sometimes and at times i'd be shocked about what you said and awkward laugh- yeah you're right i do awkward laugh- but most of it is true hahahs. year 8 finished and we both had our backs and now we're not in the same class but we're still close and i love hearing your bitch rants about your bosses and some pedo guy of yours hahahas. and honestly im still so pissed you always diss my bus guys; they're all cute cept you keep dissing i have bad taste ahahas. look at yours and their bushy, dark eyebrows jeeez :L

yeah we're come a long way, from our first impressions of each other til now, but you're one of the coolest friends i have around. and yeah, people do have bad first impressions of you but it's okay cause i've got your back, i get you :)


never been in a relationship that created that much 'broken-ness' ahahahs. 


hi you. 
honestly you're so annoying. not like cute annoying or like girly annoying but just confusing annoying. 

okay so we're not on good terms and so when you randomly pop up i try to make it up to you by trying to be all happy and shit.and i'd ask you how you're going and how are things for you and then you'd criticise me for asking you that, saying why i never cared until now.
im sorry, i was trying to make conversation with you and break that awkward silence. but fine okay, if that's what you want. 

and then you'd ask some deep questions and then i'd try to help you by suggesting stuff to do and blah and then you wouldn't even take all the things i've said on board and change the subject by saying stupid things that doesn't even have anything to do with it. and it really does piss me off. i mean if you want to talk to me but can't be fcked to listen then whats the point? and mostly when we're on a serious topic and i'm trying to help YOU. 

I don't know what you want, honestly. I mean i used to tell myself that i should make up to you since the last time. i did shit and i'm trying to turn things around. But now i'm not sure if i want that or not anymore. you're really nice and every single conversation but most of the time you act like such a dick. and like, sometimes i think that it's just unintentional but it's getting really out of hand. 

i let you have things your way because i know how emotional you can be most of the time but you're getting on my nerves so much, and i really can't deal with your emotional shit anymore. i'm sorry, but if you need to someone to sulk to, i'm sorry thats not me.

omfg. good stuff.

FRANK OCEANS NEW ALBUM CAME OUT 5 DAYS AGO :D so sorry i only realised today. 
"channel ORANGE" ! It hasn't arrived in Australia yet, the physical copy, but i will get my hands on it yeryer. 

 Sweet Life.
jazz-funk, electro piano. his voice. the lyrics. what more could you ask for?

have yet to start on my essay

fml. i felt like i've done barely anything these holidays. 
i mean i don't have a job so i didn't make money like a bajillion of my friends. and all the school work ive done half of my other textiles assignment.
and school starts in 2 days. and i gotta finish watching batman begins and dark knight in time for thursday where i'll be going to the premier. 



ahahas okay so more than half of my audience is from united states.
okay that's creepy. 

MY JAM: Aussie Talent

okayokay so this guy have been around for quite a long time and hahahs it's kind of like local talent cause he's based around my area but yeah BIG GUY :D

i first heard of him through facebook where this friend of mine posted a video of him and he's a pretty good singer. He auditioned for Xfactor once, not sure if you guys remember or not, and he's based around rnb, which is around my area as well ahahahas. 

he's voice is sosososo smooth and he doesnt need all the fancy background shit cause his voice makes up for it sososos much. okay so here's the xfactor audition vid to refresh your minds hahas:


and lotus flower bomb ;) they do miguel good :) 

but anyway back to Big Guy. He's been doing lots of collabs with people and covers for songs such as Climax- which suits his voice so much- but recently he got this original that came out and it got me hooked. its rnb and i just love his voice omg the falsettos ahahahas. CHECK HIM OUT AND SUPPORT HIS MUSIC!

another my jam done, I.AM.OUT :)


You keep complaining that nothing goes your way,
You keep being depressed that you don't have that special person around,
You keep moaning that you're unsuccessful in life.

But you don't seem to try. Complaining to people doesnt solve whatever problem you got, it just makes you seem more weak and vulnerable. And that girl you want is not going to miraculously appear if you keep sitting there sulking. Get off your butt. Do something different for a change. Meet new people. Then maybe things can come your way instead of sitting in front of a screen 24/7 and thinking that someone would think of you more than that.


hi macbeth

i confirmed again today how bad i am at english. and it organising. 

i mean i sat in front of my computer this morning at 10. and like did random shit and now im back and i haven't done anything. okay so like i know which side im siding on it for the question ahahahs. but ive got no hard hitting proof. 

so i know macbeth is not purely evil and he doesn't deserve what he got because he was led and pressured by many other factors in his life like his trust to the witches and his wife. and then it's full ambition for power that makes him take everything to the extreme. WHY CAN'T THAT JUST BE THE WHOLE THING FOR MY ESSAY. skljdjakjsdklasjdas. 

and i don't want to be just like any other kid who goes and gets the first easiest quote to fun an arguement on because that would just be boring but all my notes are at school cause im a stupidhead and now i can't do anything gahs. 

ahahas if you guys don't know who this guy is he's an american/korean singer/dance/hotpot who's voice is sugar sweet and who has rock hard abs ahahahs. 
but yeah they confirmed a concert for september but the tickets hasn't come out yet and iunno if i really wanna go or not cause im moneyless right now, unless i can get the refund for aj rafs concert, i dont think i could persuade my dad to let me go. 
ahahahs but if i could i'd probably go with kim and i think it'll be fun cause we'll be spazzing together ahahahs. 

and it's at enmore theatre! yayayayayayay. 
okay i have to go back to doing macbeth. yeah. someone help me out before i go brainless. 

Yeah okay,

I hate your guts.
You hate mine.
Get over it, stop making everything so dramatic.


Birthday Pressie Ideas

Sarahs birthday would be coming up soon and since its her 16th i want to get her something she really likes. She's really into makeup so im thinking getting her this pretty cool makeup thingo ehehez. Can't put it on here or she might see. But i did so much researching and it costs alot and since ive got barely the amount of money to have to spend that much for everyone in our group i think i'll have to do a pitching with someone else.

But then when i was searching online some people were giving this away as giveaways on these fashion blogs so yaaay :) ahahas joining all of them to increase my chance of winning.

Ahahas yeah there are many groups in our grade which give so many things for their people and i really like that to happen in our group as well but we don't go on the same budget ad them ahahas. Thing is we're very close knitted and its peoples 16th so yeah, trying really hard to make eveyone happy. And itll be so unfair to base everyone in the group according to how close you are to them and getting them presents based on that. Like i know there are people who im not close to compared to others in the group but doesnt mean i can assume they wont be getting anything for me so i wont be getting anything for them.



screw you Shakespeare


and you know what else is stupid? i brought none of my english shit home :( so im screwed. and the question is so stupid and i wrote good notes but it's all in my locker and when school ended i was like yesss lets go home quick. 

hahahs im so screwed. yer. 



So on Friday the whole group went to celebrate Steph's birthday, YAAAY. ahahas well not the whole group because so many didn't come. yeah, party poopers. 
it was Steph (ahahas of course), Maddie, Kristie, Angel, Linda, Jasmine, Sarah, Jess, Chenzo, and me :)

So we all wanted to go meet at Town Hall but, when we got there, Sarah dragged us to this pretty cool shop at Town Hall called Puff that sells $1 macarons. and they're sosososos nice. Mostly the strawberries onesies ahahs. 

As our present, Steph was a foodie person so we got her all these zumbo stuff and some stuff she wanted at Typo. And Kristie put together this really cute canvas of all of us. Everyone had a huge message for her and took really ugly photos and yeah. Steph got really emotional, it was really cute.

 Tan was coming late so we walked around the city to find something to eat. But we're so indecisive as a group, and ended up walking half an hour to all these random restaurants but ending up to not eat anything. 

Tan came so we met her up at George Street Cinemas and we decided to got to Market City to eat food. But then we stopped in front of Pepper Lunch and went inside...so go eat at the shop behind it ahahahas. And we were so loud, i bet so many people were pissed at us. But there was this shop whose meals were sososos cheap. it was this jap restaurant behind pepper lunch. Every bowl/dish was around $3-$5 and you could get so full on it. Me and Linda bought curry and i got takoyaki balls and mochi and altogether it was $7 and i couldnt even finish it in the end because it was so much. and so nice ahahas. 

how cute :)

Jazzy's bowl
 Afterwards, we went to mizuya and bought the $1 green tea soft serve cone and tried to use their wifi but it sucks ahahahas. 

 then we headed to mc to go dodgem cars. but we ended up playing all these other games. racing games, gambling, deal or no deal, fruit ninja, shooting games, dj game, bball shots. it honestly was so much fun. Everyone was having fun, shouting at shooting and winning loadful of tickets to go get batons ahahas.

Afterwards, me, linda, chen, steph, and maddie walked back to town hall together. AND I GOT FROZEN YOGHURT. ahahas havent had my baby for so long. but yogertberry isn't that good, tbh. Still, it was the only one there.

Home choice: watermelon and oreos on mango :)
it was really fun although half the group wasn't there :) AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEPH. LOVE YOU LOTS YOU SASSY GIRL AND I HATE THAT YOU'RE STILL YOUNG AHAHAHS.


gosh, who am i trying to impress. 

cutecute :)



mhmm...honestly i wish i could be someone who's not so self-conscious. someone that honestly doesn't care what people think and doesn't do things to please people. 

sometimes i hate being so conscious about how people think of me and my decisions and that makes me always hesistant about certain things. like i can't tell people about how i really feel about something, scared that they might judge me for what i say and what i do.

but nowadays everyone is quite vain and judgmental so that person would be pretty hard to be. and even though they are people who say 'i don't care about what people think'. that's bullshit.


uhm, i think i've had a pretty good childhood. 

we used to have two girls who lived opposite of us and they were so friendy, yet we only started to become friends when we moved to birrong public school. kimberly and kiralee. me and tina were in year 1 and 3 and one was in year 5 and the other was in year 6. ahahs yeah. i remember the times when gran would walk us to school and they'd walk with us. tina and kimberly (the year 6 one) used to bond so much over smart mathsy stuff so me and kiralee would just talk weird funny things. and when they went on holidays we helped take care of their cat ahahahs.

there was this one time when it was kimberly's birthday and they came over to invite us over and dad didn't want us to go so he was like 'oh yeah sorry they're sleeping.' but i so desperately wanted to so i jumped up from behind the sofa and was like 'no i'm not'. and dad got so embarassed but he let me and tina go and afterwards he lectured us so much. ahhahas.

but then they moved afterwards because kimberly had high school and yeah. good times though, good times :)



ahahas i sound like a big nerd but i am so really happy :)

From what jasmine said i got into the top class sans accelerated cause i dont go accelerated class to begin with. Most of the people from sghs got into that class as well and also the people that i want to get in-ehehehez- so yyyaaaay.
Problem is it's on friday nights. And i don't want to lose bball for the world because im so attached to it and classes start at August which sucks because THATS NOT EVEN THE END OF THIS SEASON AND I LOVED THIS SEASON.

If i do continue bball i'll have to go to a lower class which sucks. Cause all my friends are in the other class. I know that if i do move to another class, chen would go with me but iunno. I dont want to lose the good position yet aalso bball as well. Maybe we could go tutoring and then straight to bball if there's a late game? All our games at at 7.30 right now but, since we're getting graded, we might change times. Iunno. Doldcskcksmcmamnd WHYFCKING FRIDAY ITS MY HAPPY DAY.

i want to go to the fun. concert :(

but right now my mum and dad is full on anti-concerts because of AJ Raf's concert cancelling and shit and so there is so little chance i'd be able to go. 

it's so cheap though and the ticks haven't been sold out yet- which is kinda weird because i thought everyone would be fighting to get them. oh come on even tickets for 5 seconds of Summer sold out pretty quick. 

skdklasdklalsdlasd. gotta love my parents; 


Matt Zzang/Noggi Foodout

hello :)
So i was finishing my previous blog post and i realised that it was pretty much all snacking at Strathfield, which doesn't cover lunch, SO I WILL BE COVERING LUNCHING AT STRATHFIELD. ahahahs yeah, plus i'm pretty bored. 

So Strathfield is filled with many korean restaurants on, on my first time going to eat with kim, i really wasn't sure of where to go eat because all the places looks delicious and they were all very affordable. 

So Kim and I went to Matt Zzang, this restaurant on the main street. And so, in the halfies week, when me, Kim, Jasmine and Chenzo went to go eat, we went back to Matt Zzang because it was pretty good :) So we ordered a beef dish for $12 and dukkboki for $6 - plus an extra bowl of rice for $2- (something like that i forgot).

Side dishes
  For the first time comers, you'd think they'd only give you what you order because that's what all other restaurants are like, but it's totally different. They brought out side dishes!! There was Kimchi, salted seaweed- which tastes really good even though it sounds ..pretty exotic ahahas, korean jelly, and pickled beansprout.

Korean Jelly

Salted Seaweed- sorry for the bad photog.
 And then the beef dish came out :)
Beef Dish

 The beef dish is pretty big for a 4 people crew - and it was pretty shocking how we saw one lady eating something the same size by herself- but the sauce of the dish was absolutely nice. sososososos noice. This though, is spiceless because chenzo isn't chilli tolerant. If you guys are spice tolerant though, i really recommend the spicy pork dish (for the same price of $12 as well). it honestly is delicious and very worth the price :)

We also bought dukkboki at the store as well. It was very nice and there were tofu pieces in there but i wouldn't recommend you guys buy it at this place if you're just looking for good dukkboki because you can get better ones at the street vendors. But it was okay :)

We walked around for a little bit and went to Noggi to eat. People usually say 'oh but Moochi is pretty good why don't you guys go there?". 
Personally, I don't really like Moochi. It has pretty shitty service and, although it's a very colourful place, there are so little seats and it's pretty cramped. Plus, they have a student deal where they'd give you free toppings if you're a student but you'd have to show your ID card. When me and Kim went there as newbies, we didn't show a card - yet it was obvious we were students because we were wearing uniform- yet they charged as the normal price. The only good stuff that is there is the pomegranate flavoured yoghurt, which is pretty good. 

Noggi might look plain from afar but it has loads of good seating - it expands through to the back and also has heating for cold days- and the service is wonderful :) the staff is very friendly and patient with the ordering and they always smalltalk me when i go there which is very cute - plus there's this cute looking guy there as well ahahahs-. They give free toppings for students just by going there WEARING UNIFORM and their biscotti flavoured yoghurt is extremely nice. SO yeah, choose whichever fits you but i prefer Noggi more. 

The big size we got (which is not the biggest cause there's a bigger one) comes with 5 toppings and you can get all 4 flavours of yoghurt. For toppings we chose strawberry, oreo, watermelon, marshmallows, and mochi. MOCHI IS BY FAR ONE OF THE BEST TOPPINGS SO DO TRY IT OUT BECAUSE YOU'D MISS OUT. 

So yeah, if you guys want to try Korean food and frozen yoghurt, do go eat at Strathfield :)


bytheway, ruthless advertising ahahs but if you guys want to look at more foodpics, JOIN INSTAGRAM and follow me!

Frolicking Around :)

I haven't been food blogging for a while mostly cause my posts have been all bitchrant posts and stuff and cause most of my food stuff are posted on instagram :) . but yeah, im going to try and do many of those during the holidays because i'll be going around a lot. Uhm, just clarifying, i guess most of my food posts won't be all fancy and snazzy because i don't have loads of money to go eat and expensive places all the time. so i guess most of my food adventures are pretty urban and 'streetfoody'- which is good if you want to go so many places and try good things with worthit prices :DD

Uhm so, on the wednesday strike, me and a couple of friends went to Strathfield for Noggi but we kinda spent our money on other stuff ahahhas. Pretty much the whole trip we tried to use as little money as possible while finding good snacks. The first place we went to was for dukkboki; spicy korean rice cakes. You could buy them on a stick, which is usually fried for a bit and them chillied, but we bought a box full of them for $7 at this korean shop next to the pork roll shop. 

 Honestly it's not that spicy but it's a pretty good price. Outside Strathfield station is also a 'streetfood' shop which sells all kinds of Korean hot snacks.They also sell dukkbokki sticks with sausage for $3 a stick and it's quite nice there. Sarah bought a box of fried chicken ahahas. Don't try it, it tastes so bad and dry and it doesnt look like chicken ahahas. 

 But if you're looking for snacks in the plaza, there's so many good places to go get some :) The Asian grocers have pretty nice icecreams which are only $1 each so if you'd like to try korean icecream- which is both pretty and nice- i recommend you try these. 
The onesies here are green tea icecream and watermelon icecream, which are $2 altogether, and it's honestly sosososos nice. The black 'seeds' in the watermelon icecream are sesame seeds and it might sound weird but it's sososos good. the green tea icecream is so creamy and so noice omgahs.

nts: also try 'melon bar' which is a melon iceblock and the coffee icecream, which could be broken in two so you could share with a mate :)

We also went to buy hot fried snacks, and there was this asian store close next to the checkout place of Woolworths (next to Bakers Delight). The friend stuff was pretty okay but they had the best dukkboki on a stick so far in Strathfield (that i've tried ahahs) they had chicken pieces on there and it was so nice and the dukkboki wasn't as spicy but it depends on who eats it. 

I'm outtie :)

SWANS VS. GIANTS / Holiday Schedule

hehes so 2 days ago, my sister's friend Fiona got 3 ticks to the swans vs. giants game and nicely gave it to me, tina, and daddy to go watch. 
Dad's a super huge fan of the swansies and i watch it with him most of the time so i knew he'd be pretty pumped to go watch it. 
We decided to go early, thinking they'd be massive lineups and fight for seats if we went the normal time. 

So we headed off 2 hours early to get there 1 and a half hours early with AMPLE seats- yeah im starting to use that word- and we got a spot right above the opening of the giant's 'area'. like the place where they run out? yeah we got the place up there.  the place was filled with swans fans and barely any giants fans and it's kinda sad because they're the baby team and all these ads and shit come up for swans. but there was this small crowd of Giant fans and they're so funny; they were all dressed in orange and dancing around near the goals.

And so we watched all these reserve matches/women's matches, waiting for the real game. And then the swansies came out on the other side and i was like to daddy, 'omg it's adam goodes' and we were looking at all these other swansies and being like woah we're so close to them. 

they were many times when the action was near our seats so we got quite a good view but the food was so expensive. like holy shit a coke bottle was $5, i could get a giant one at woolies for $3. ahahhas im so cheap but yeah, it's kind of shocking how much money they make. 

and i felt so sorry for the giants because there were times when the ball was given to them cause swans fouled them and the whole crowd was like 'boooo' and me and tina were screaming 'omg let them be.'
and in the end swans were leading 100 and something to 30 something and we went 20 minutes before the game ended because it was 10.30 and we didn't want to mingle in the huge train traffic and got home at 11 and had to help my friend out with his hairstyle/clothes cause he has someplace he needed to go today. And then i started to get all pissed because im so tired but i had to help him out but he'd go afk for a long time until i was like 'ok i need to go to sleep' and he'd ask questions again. yeah, i really do stink at styling people i should stop. 

but anyway, today i'm going to use my time to start on my bodycon skirt for my textiles formal dress. i've already got the bodice done and i was talking to lily on the train on friday and she was helping me design the bodice with the studs so we - well mostly lily cause she has such good ideas- created this bodice design that would suit the detached collar so I really can't wait to finish everything. 

I searched up this wonderful youtube diy guru who created this diy maxi chiffon pleated skirt which im going to use to make the waterfall skirt but it'll be kind of hard becaue i have to tweak it a bit and it might not turn out the way i wanted it to. So, during this week, i will be going to lincraft and buying cheapcheap chiffon or fabric that is pretty thin and make a draft one first and if it works out it'd be doing the same for my turquoise chiffon. 

really pumped for the holidays because i want to do as much diying as i could and get my formal design going. plus tina and me would be going on lots of food outtings so i will have loads of food pictures :DDD YAAAAAAY. ahahas i really do need to post them up here though, i haven't posted up food in such a long time.