
Read through 2014 blog posts and am so surprised how far ive come hahaha

On another note, hitting the gym again for eyeball bod hahaha 
Still feeling a bit sick but form for squats have never been better. .


Today i learnt how to listen to my body more.
Ran my first full marathon in the cold and felt the effects of it today ; waking up with the beginnings of the flu and legs that felt like they were going to give way any minute.
Tried so hard to stay awake and keep myself feeling good the whole day but i just felt so grogging at uni and didnt want to move. Slept in every class except prac, and felt bad that i wasnt being productive so forced myself to stay at uni to work. As expected, nothing much productive was done and I went home; sleeping all the way from the bus to thr train and crashing when i went home.

Woke up feeling much better, had pho, and decided to not push myself anymore and hust take it chill for the night. I guess the main important thing is to always listen to your body when it needs to rest. The whole day i was feeling disappointed because I couldnt gym on my gym day and I wanted to be productive asf, even tho nothing was working out.

Thankful for the boy for sticking it out with me even though he felt equally sick. Going to try and rest well for tomorrows busy schedule