
Honesty Corner: 21: One of your favorite shows.

ask me more at: http://www.formspring.me/itsanntran
21: One of your favorite shows. 

Okay hehehe i must admit i am a suckkkeeer for retro shows. It used to bore me so much but then afternoons before dinner with nothing to do, around the 5-6 slot, I'd watch tv and comfort myself with channel 11 or 99. Cause deal or no deal and price is right is so pointless. But this opened me to so many shows; Becker, Family Ties, Happy Days as well as Brady Bunch. 

 Okayokay im very old blahblah but i loooove Family Ties so much ahahas. it is so incredibly cute and the plot is good cause it deals with like normal family problem and issues and it's not like a soap opera so every ep is like a skit and Alex Keaton is a hottie with attitude omg what can get better than that hahahs. 

so yeah the whole 'plot' of the show is about this family called the Keatons and theyve got Alex, the older bro who's too old for his age, Mallory, the typical ditzy pretty daughter, Jennifer the sport rebel one and recently - in the last few series- Andy the baby. And it's comedy but they tackle all these issues like teenagers growing up and jobs and school and blah and it's pretty interesting. 



Skyfall wasn't that great, to be perfectly honest.
So many things weren't explained or expanded on and the end was just too cliche. me and kristie just spent the time laughing and spotting out weird things and eatting food and omg feeling so flabflab. 

afterwards i had tutoring which was okay but like my phone rang in the middle of the lesson and i couldnt fish it out of my bag cause there was too much shit and omg so embarassing sir thought it was some viet music and im like noooo im not a fob :( and then he cames past my table going 'was it cai luong' and i was like noo lkdflskdjfskdjflsdjf. And when i checked it fcking it was maccas which called me 3 times and i had to text nat to ask what the heck is going on an sandra wanted me to come to work at 7.30 in the morning instead of my 12oclock shift and at first i was like yaaaaay cause it's not busy in the morning that means i can ask for front counter training but then nat told her that i have her shift so im back on but i can come in at 11 yeah more money.

and i never knew fruit cake went to my tutoring but apparently he did. 

then came to pick tina up at michaels house and talked to terry lee and he's like 'oh if you're free on saturday come to my classes and see how you go.' and i really want to cept i think im starting to really like truong nights :( 

im not really looking forward to tomorrow cause it'll be hot and humid and judging from customer flow i will probably be at my fries station fuck my life so much hurhur. 


honesty corner

 i am genuinely bored. inbox the number/comment below :)


01: Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is.
Where you’d like to be in 10 years.
Your views on drugs and alcohol.
Your views on religion.
A time you thought about ending your own life.
Write 30 interesting facts about yourself.
Your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality.
A moment you felt the most satisfied with your life.
How you hope your future will be like.
Discuss your first love and first kiss.
Put your ipod on shuffle and write 10 songs that pop up.
Bullet your whole day.
Somewhere you’d like to move or visit.
Your earliest memory.
Your favorite bloggers.
Your views on mainstream music.
Your highs and lows of this past year.
Your beliefs.
Disrespecting your parents.
How important you think education is.
One of your favorite shows.
How have you changed in the past 2 years?
Give pictures of 5 guys who are famous who you find attractive.
Your favorite movie and what it’s about.
Someone who fascinates you and why.
What kind of person attracts you.
A problem that you have had.
Something that you miss.
Goals for the next 30 days.
Your highs and lows of this month.

courage, regrets. regrets, courage.

Turn a lamp on
Let me talk to you
See that light bulb, does something to you
Makes it a little harder to tell a lie don’t it?
Make it difficult to run and hide don’t it?

Tell the truth to me, good truth to me
Come close to me if that’s you
I wanna see the details inside those beautiful eyes
The lies

No wonder why there’s no mirrors on these walls no more
You can’t tell me why you’re so terrified of beautiful
Scared of the good more than the evil
Scared of the light more than the dark
Scared of the truth so much more than the lie

I'm scared for you
I'm scared of you
Scared of beautiful


changed back my url, feeling more comfortable

Do you ever have this feeling where you don't like someone, idk due to past experiences or maybe gossip and then you actually talk to them and you feel so incredibly guilty you thought of that in the first place?

i recently became better friends with this girl. At first we were only acquaintances and also, due to so many things that happened between everyone around me, we didn't like each other. So when a situation came up which meant that we had to be around each other more, i got to spend more time with her. 

And tbh, now I don't mind her. I get why people around me don't like her - her personality can be sometimes off putting and she could be seen as really passive aggressive- but I find that how you treat people is how they would treat you back. Now it pisses me off when I hear people bitch about her. It's not like im super close with her or anything like that to be saying "oh no don't bitch about that girl you've got it wrong" but I don't see how those people could make such judgements, since I'm very sure they don't know her that well.

As bitchy as people  may be, it's not so "impossible" that they would treat you well. Maybe you gotta be the first to do so, but you'll get what you deserve sooner or later. 

The new classmate came to school today. I think I did a pretty good job talking to her at the office and taking her in and introducing her to people. She's a pretty cool girl who's all the way from NZ but with a pretty confusing history hahahas. It's so funny seeing her try to explain to everyone else the same thing over again and seeing people going "oh woooow."

Afterschool went home early to go with mum to the dentist and talked to this uni guy who did some kind of work experience there. He's interested in pharmacy - which doesn't explain why he's at a dentist place hahahs- but i told him how I didn't like physics and science in general but I'm planning to do optometry and he's like "hahas you can do it but it's pretty hard and you gotta be dedicated." I really don't know what I want to do now, nor if i should change my subjects for next year or not. so brain racking hahas.

ANYYWAAAAYS. Day off tomorrow to go pick my gran from the airport :) yay to not going to school and doing nothing hahahas.




hahahs i just want to share this with you guys. I used to love this song when I was in my Jeff Bernat. Today I tried to learn The Christmas Song to sing for my biffle as a present and I listened to his cover, which brought me back to this song. 

i just love his jazzyness and the keyboard chords that he does. I tried it on my own keyboard and it sounded shit hahas. 


This for dinner

Why so early?
The weirdness of having a shift that starts too early yet also too late for dinner.

And no money to grab dinner from the workplace hahahahas.


not rostered for next week as well.

this makes me feel so down, i feel so sucky. 

i thought it might just be a one off thing for this week but i guess not. To be honest I just want to quickly finish training and hurry and do front counter to get as much experience as possible cause it just sucks now. 
I want to talk to so many people and spread out and try shit but I can't do that if i'm shiftless. And the countless times I call my managers don't work cause either they're never there or they don't pick up the phone and my friend Paris told me to talk to manager Sandra next time I meet her which is like never cause I never get shifted when she manages. It sucks. 

why is everyone's maccas story so happy and cheerful and mine just sounds like a dogpile.

Anyways today we had the truong test hahahas. oh fck i didn't do 2 questions and I know for a fact I didn't even get the first question right. It stinks cause half-time there was this huge buzzing in my ear cause I haven't done much of the paper and sir's like "you should only get stuck on the last question. if you can't do anything else you're all losers."

seriously i don't think that's the way you should be 'tutoring' people. Like i don't mean just praise and compliment them like little dainty children but don't insult them it's going to make it shit. He gave us one friggin week to study something that feels like 2 friggin chapters and expect us all to do well when we're a really slow class? 

feel so shit so Imma go and search for another job. hahahs sad life.

neglected my formspring.

my social-  if you do count this social- is opening again :) 



So today during Senior Conference

my friend played the MATCH game with me - weirdly I've never played this before hahas. 

and so apparently i'm going to marry ____ (leaving out the name) and live in a tree house with 10 children and become an architect. 

hurhurhurhur i know this is bullshit but it doesn't stop me from dreaming. 

To be honest senior conference wasn't fun. The first speaker tried to connect to us which was okay, the second lady talked bullshit and jumped from topic to topic that don't connect- so how does Feminism connect with Driving Distractions and then to listing your favourite books and then some mediation? I guess she just wasn't really sure of what she was wanting to project to us and it kinda fell through when debates were created which showed how badly she researched about her topics. 

Wheelchair Basketball was fun though cept I wouldve wanted some more time. Don't want to go to school tomorrow though, it was an agony to sit through lectures today while drawing random shit and failing to study hahas.

im so bummed.

so today i called Maccas to ask what dates are my shifts cause metime doesnt work for crap. And the girl on the phone was like "oh sorry you don't have shifts this week. call sandra tomorrow and ask her to put you on more shifts."

i don't know. i feel so bummed that my shifts has been reduced from what..2 shifts? to zero. And i asked my friend who joined the place the same time as me and she gets around 3 a week. 
It feels so pissing cause it just makes me wonder whether it was my fault or not...like if i do things to slow or if i'm just not good enough that i don't even get shifts or maybe my manager hates me cause maybe i did shit last time on fries. 

i mean the last shift i had i spent the half the time spending there cause i was put on drinks and it wasn't busy. i really don't know what to do ladkjfsldjflsjdlfsdf. Like I think I do work hard enough, everytime i'm placed on dining i would just keep myself busy and last time on fries I thought I did a good enough job and then i self-doubt myself cause I think I'm not even good enough. 

Maybe i should stop wondering so much but it's inevitable. my friend there was telling me how she hated working there for some time because they didn't need newbies at that point and only now did she start to talk to people and become more into the job and this is like after 6 months. Cept I don't think I'm a patient person. Like whenever I feel like people don't need me at that moment, i don't belong, or I'm just not happy where I am I'd just move someplace else and start anew really quick. Like seriously quick. I don't know if i should just try and be patient and see where it leads me or just do what i do best and jump to something new. 

faaaar out. all cause of my reduced shifts i go crazy over this mess. 

anyways, this week i've got a truong test. In a way I feel like there is a lot of pressure on me but i also feel like i really want to do well. but it stinks how sir gives us a week to prepare cause I am actually very slow. I know if i put my mind to it I can do it, it's just I'm a very slow learner and I need to do things repetitively to get the hang of it so I'm not sure 5 nights of studying is good enough for this exam. and by 5 nights I mean 1 hour per night and the endless checking of facebook messenger hahahas. 

sorry i've been neglecting this. too much workload and work related trouble has caused me to forget about my teen angstyness hahahahas. 



take back time, go to sleep.


  • Had the year 2 class again
  • Pretty amazed some kids still remembered my name
  • Started off doing DEAR, and then writing, and then maths with the kids
  • Went to PRESCHOOL! Ms. had to teach the kids for an hour so i got to tag along. Remet Collin as well as Roger and then sat with Simon and CJ and Duke and talked about Minecraft that i had no idea about ahhahas.
  • Lunch was cute! Hung out with the normal kids and then all these random ones came to play Red Light Green Light. 
  • Helped kids and showed them how to use powerpoint
  • Drew on some cards and talked to Lozi, this really cute kid. The teacher dislikes him so much for being loud and rowdy and keeps threatening to put his name on the board blahblah. when will she realise that if you just pay attention to him and put out your time to help him out, he's one of the nicest kids ever. 
  • Recess: walked around to waste time, played hide and seek again. zain and ayman, i still can't figure out who's who. 
  • LIBRARY. helped the kids do some sentence writing. Sat with Qasim, this kid who barely concentrates and is always so rowdy but if you encourage him he tries so hard. Sat with Lozi and the asian group and one of the guys asked me what i do in Minecraft and i'm like 'oh im still on level 1 cause i suck. so i usually live in the caves.' and then Simon goes 'but you can't you need wood. how can you make a cave without wood.' awksies
  • Duke is cute but he says the most weirdest things, don't know why other kids fight for him
  • no one in the morning class remembered my name it sucked
  • COLLIN. sosososo cute. i asked him if he wanted to make a crown and he looked and me and said "if you want to make one, i'll make one with you!'
  • Far out the teacher gave me 200 pages to photocopy, came back in time for story time, missed out on making crowns
  • Read 'Caps for Sale' and Jonathan was the peddler and he's sososo cute and collin was a monkey
  • Collin made me sit next to him for fruit time
  • Lunch time came out to play with all these kids and the year 2 kids would come over and play or say hi to me they're so adorable. Hide and Seeked with all these kids. 
  • The kids figured it would be the last time i'd see them and they all came and hugged it was so cute. even the kids i haven't taught before.
  • sneaked some photos ahhahas. 
  • Afternoon class, PEOPLE REMEMBERED MY NAME. 
  • Hung out with my biffle4lyfe Andy ahahhas. he is so cute and i try to talk to him in English though he'd reply to me in Viet. 
  • Hung out with Imogen who tried to talk to Andy but she didn' know Viet so she would just say gibberish nasily syllables it's so funny. 
I HAD SO MUCH FUN.i got to meet so many kids, talked to loads of the staff which share the same joy in teaching little kids like me and just sharing all the positive energy. 
these kids are so carefree, they don't bitch, don't hold grudges, forget that they're pissed at someone after less than a day. so happy and can just play with whoever they want. and even the kids who might be annoying and rude turn out to be the cutest, nicest and they just need the love and attention. an unforgettable opportunity.


I hate it the feeling how the things i dread and feel disappointed with myself about are the things that i need. Some sort of unhealthy addiction, i feel disgusted when im done but never brave enough to leave it for good.

I keep running back to you.

thinking music. cause i feel sick.


just something i found amazing

    If the boy who draws

    lets you look over his shoulder.

    If the poet


    and shows you her words.

    If the girl who sings for the shower only,

    hums a song

    in front of you.

    Know that you’re no longer a person

    but the air

    and dust

    that fills their lungs.

    When the world perishes,

    and all things cease to exist,

    you’ll remain inside an ink stain,

    a paint brush,

    a song.

    — Alaska Gold

Work Experience Day 1+2+3

felt like a bitch for not updating so here's dot points for everything!

  • Had a Year 2 class and the kids were so cute
  • First job was to do D.E.A.R with this kid called Simon who is sososos cute
  • Made friends with this kid called CJ
  • Watched this video of how Rainbows were made
  • Lunch was awks and all these kids started to come around me and go like MISS ANN LETS MAKEUP. LETS PLAY RED LIGHT GREEN LIGHT. omg i forgot how to play that hahahas. 
  • Made friends with the naughty kid in the class, he seriously wasn't naughty he just needed attention and less screaming from the teacher for everything that he did. 
  • Had a dance lesson. Simon was a natural at dancing. 
  • Watched The Magic Schoolbus! YAAAAY
  • Preschool FCKYEAH
  • One of the teachers there I actually had when i was in preschool, it brought so much memories back. 
  • Learnt how to use a pro photocopier hurhurhur
  • The first bunch of kids were sosososo cute and they just play all day it's unbelievable
  • Made friends with this kid called Roger, who was screaming "BUBBLES" when the teacher put soap into the water bucket
  • Made friends with Collin, Jonathan and Isabella who suggested we all slide on a slippery dip to the petrol station cause their lego cars wouldn't start.
  • Did the Wombat Wobble, the Finger Dance, The Scarecrow Dance
  • Read Wombat Stew! 
  • The Afternoon bunch was the best! 
  • Made friends with this kid called Andy and his friends Jacklyn and Annabelle. 
  • Andy couldn't talk in English much and so he started talking to me in Viet and pretended he was a teacher
  • Then he turned into Superman and pulled me over to the book room to get rid of the imaginary dragon 
  • And then he gave me a makeup session with fake makeup ahahahahhahas. 
  • Kindy class! 
  • Some of the kids knew me cause i talked to them at lunch times and all
  • Had to do an Information Report about Spiders and helped this kid called Gary who was adorable sldkfjsljdflsdjflksdjflksjd. 
  • All the kids remembered my name hahahahas. 
  • Had Reading Groups and met these twins named Zain and Ayman who were sososoosososos cute. 
  • Hung out with the kindy kids at lunch as well as jess and some other random kids who wanted to play Duck Duck Goose
  • OMFG got bombarded at DDG cause everyone wanted a go and in the end it was like 4 kids going around. 
  • After lunch, played House with some small kids. They all fought to be the mother and the father and i was the big sister who had to cook them pizza. And then they all turned into dogs and made such a noise. Made friends with these two girls who were so cute and one drew me a sheep ahahhas. 
  • Cardin asked me to help him glue his Christmas tree and after i did so he was like "THANK YOU MISS ANN' :')
  • Played Hide and Seek at lunch, got in trouble for bringing the kids into the out of bounds area. 
  • Had scripture and met my year 2 kids again and then had assembly
  • Their assembly is so small hahahahas. 
I swear i think im the only person who found hanging out with small kiddies for work experience a fun thing. Weird as it sounds I feel so happy just to spend time with the kids and talk to them and see them all happy, it makes me feel so much younger. And thinking back, not a lot has changed after a decade of going to this small school, the atmosphere is still so friendly and lovable. 


30 DAY CHALLENGE DAY TWO: Something you feel strongly about

2. Something you feel strongly about
how judgmental we could be. 

so i was talking to my friend a couple weeks back and something happened in our group and the last thing my friend said was "pretty people get everything."

and at first i was like psh no wtf but, come to think about it, looks determine so many things in the way people treat you and how you treat others. 

For instance, i know so many people who might not be babes but their personality is so great but guys don't go for them. they go for the easily wasted, cakeuped pretties that have shitty personalities and in the end they're like 'why can't i find a decent girl? ann why is she such a bitch to me blahblah'

Also, votings. You know how there's like SRC voting, or class voting for like formal organisers, even prefects. Please don't deny that looks have something to do with the overall votings. This pissed me off so much, especially when my class voted for people in the formal committee. And half the people voted are shit cause they don't go to the meetings, don't give a crap, aren't the sort of leader personality. But they have the face for it. Why should the face matter? 

They get away with so many things, half the prefects of this year - via my sister's judgements - are crap but since they're popular and since half the school looks at their prefect voting photos and say 'holycrap they're pretty' they become a prefect. 

we as a society has become so shallow and so dependent on the aesthetic qualities of people. instagram is all full of shit like 'ohmygod you're so pretty' 'babe you're gorgeous please go to a hole'. im not saying that everyone should uglify themselves to be balanced. it's just everyone's beautiful in their own way and we shouldn't judge people on that. 

respect to people who would approach other people for things other than the way they look at dress.



Hey guys :) so for Halloween mufti this year I decided to try out Zombie Boy and while checking out this girl's tutorial (which is so amazing alsdjalskjd) i stumbled onto Mashup Germany :)

Mashup Germany is this pretty dope guy -Ben Stiller- who mashups all these songs and it's such a blast. Showed it around to people and so far people like it so yeah :) definitely check the mashup's out :) So he does loads of mashups that range to loads of music genre's, so there's dance and pop and blahblah. i don't know i'm more into the pop ones with some old school songs in them, they bring back memories.

Jet vs. Lenny Kravitz vs. Hard-Fi vs. more - I want to get away 
sldkfjsldjflksdf too good :)

Just can´t get enough - Mashup-Germany

Mashup-Germany - I'm coming home 
okay so bob marley is just awesome so this is like eargasmic. 

there are so much more, just keep flipping through his soundcloud page :)



So October, my favourite month!, has passed. Coming with it were some huge ups and downs and loooaaads of drama, including formal drama, people drama. But also a lot of parties, outings, and them damn exams. Had the funnest birthday, started a new job, fixed some relationships, made new friends. So here are my top five things/moments of this month :)

Song: Ordinary Joe- Nujabes
So I've been looping Nujabes in general because he's amazing. Found this in the middle of this month and thought it was such a lovely song. 

Book: The Perks of Being A Wallflower

I've been reading this...for 2 months :P It's always been something I've been putting on hold because it's a pdf file on my ipod and I've never touched it, only when im lonerated on the train- which is frankly never hahas. So when my friend Jasmine said she had the bought the book, i immediately borrowed it from her. And I started right from the beginning and finished it in one night, in time for the movie. It really is such an amazing book because it explores so much teen angst and when I read it, some parts i was like  'hey, this actually happens to me as well, this is also how i think'. Definitely a book to read, even if you're a non-reader like me. 

Item: Maybelline Baby Lips Smoothing Cherry
 I have always been a sucker for Baby Lips, and I think forever will be. I first tried Baby Lips when I got a free sample and it was just amazing. It moisturizes me lips so quickly and so I had to grab one when it was on sale. And this one smells amazing :) Pretty good :) 

Movie: Les Intouchables
Okay yes fine, I am really lame for saying it was my favourite cause i barely did anything fun this month. yay exams :/ But this is truly a beautiful movie. hahas yeah I think I said this before. So yes, please go watch!

Okay this happened today but it was really amazing. It was in Zumba and we were meant to partner up and do these crazy moves except the group all joined up as a big circle and we were just acting crazy and all happy. Hahahs even though it was hot and sweaty, it was such a great atmosphere to be with the people you like and care for. And i know i'm getting deep and erksberks but these small things that you don't notice just shows how, even though there are so much drama and people are iffy towards others, in the end we fit perfectly as a group. I feel so grateful for that. 

TOP 5 FAVOURITES OF THE MONTH, what are yours?


i really don't know what shit i want for Christmas


To be honest I'm not really a Kris Kringle fan. Actually I'm not a fan of gift giving. It's not like i don't want to, i love making people happy but everytime, there's always this iffyness when I give it to them. I am so freaked out that the person wouldn't like the present cause then that just means something else useless in their house. So I take AGES to decide what to give people. 

I remember going out shopping last year and I stayed in that shop for an hour just to buy some little gifts, like coming back and forth. and Mum's already finished grocery shopping. 

And there are those iffy KK experiences. Like a pair of plain gold studs for last year's class KK. And the load of jewellery that I got last year as well. And even this year - wondering why i said No Makeup, No Jewellery, No Wallets for this years. 

But seriously I don't know what i want. Things I want, I seriously have got already. And other things I want are expensive. People ask for candles and I'm like, yeah i like how candles smell nice. But they're candles. They're so impractical. hahahs another thing pissing about me. I love practical things. No decoration shit, they're so useless, you're fine without them likewise. 

I think, if anything, the best present would be an Ebay Giftcard. The shit i could get with that, the amount of shit i could get with that, would be amazing. 
sorry, here's to another random ramble. 



yes! so much shit off my shoulder!

this week has been going pretty well :)
though class gets boring and bludgey and test results have killed me - especially science- it feels good to relax :)

Les Intouchables was amazing. Maybe cause i have this about feeling happy when old people are happy but it was so funny and so amazingly written. And the end i was crying cause it was so beautiful. Me and Kim brought so much food but we didn't even eat half of it cause we were just watching.

Work was fun because i was placed on drinks and it's so fun except my cones were so ugly and my workees were laughing at me about how shitty my cones looked. Met some other people and made new friends and everyones so helpful, it's all so cute. 

No more shifts today and i'm closing in getting one of my stars yay! 

Christmas is coming and so is the amount of KK presents. So far it is $150 not counting my goal in buying my dad his super present so yes, hopefully i get a shitload of shifts by the end of the year to put everything together. :) 

 so much shit has happened so this blog is pretty bare, but i'll be grabbing some more time soon so yaaay!