
not rostered for next week as well.

this makes me feel so down, i feel so sucky. 

i thought it might just be a one off thing for this week but i guess not. To be honest I just want to quickly finish training and hurry and do front counter to get as much experience as possible cause it just sucks now. 
I want to talk to so many people and spread out and try shit but I can't do that if i'm shiftless. And the countless times I call my managers don't work cause either they're never there or they don't pick up the phone and my friend Paris told me to talk to manager Sandra next time I meet her which is like never cause I never get shifted when she manages. It sucks. 

why is everyone's maccas story so happy and cheerful and mine just sounds like a dogpile.

Anyways today we had the truong test hahahas. oh fck i didn't do 2 questions and I know for a fact I didn't even get the first question right. It stinks cause half-time there was this huge buzzing in my ear cause I haven't done much of the paper and sir's like "you should only get stuck on the last question. if you can't do anything else you're all losers."

seriously i don't think that's the way you should be 'tutoring' people. Like i don't mean just praise and compliment them like little dainty children but don't insult them it's going to make it shit. He gave us one friggin week to study something that feels like 2 friggin chapters and expect us all to do well when we're a really slow class? 

feel so shit so Imma go and search for another job. hahahs sad life.


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