
christmas eveee

^ up there is one of my favourite christmas songs from one of my favourite artists- jeff bernat. 


  • christmas eve was spent was the best company 
  • woke up early came to chens and saw Komet 
  • went to the city and had a picnic with chen jasmine kristie maddie steph 
  • niceeee food and drinks 
  • went shopping
  • finally got myself clockwork orange. FINALLY. 
  • serious shopping with serious finds and its not even boxing day yet but there were so many people there
  • bought green tea icecream heehehehe :) 
  • went back to chens with treats for her dog and hung out :)) 
  • im not kicked out of terry lee. <33333333 font="">
  • cute day

  • night on christmas eve trying to start english essay. effoooort. hahahs no it cause ive got a lesson tomorrow and havent done shit which always happens. don't think i will even start
  • christmas day will probs be spending at chens cause home will be just boring. 


good day raking

  • decided not to go to school cause so done with it
  • went with gran to cabra for fabric shopping and used up 20$ just for samples wtf that was ppose to be my benefit money 
  • no more money cries
  • brought chicken rolls hehehehehehehehe
  • had  great bonding time with gran but then stupid trains to cabra got delayed and trains back got cancelled so was fucking pissed off 
  • had to go to lidcombe then change and at lidcombe saw aaron and so i hid from him and pretended i was occupied on my phone and left my gran hobbling behind im so sorry but awks 
  • went to birrong and waited for chen's dad to come pick me up 
  • stood underneath a tree then some chubb van came right where i was standing and scared the shit out of me 
  • went back to chens watched hunger games and chilled
  • goooood raking
  • going back to school tomorrow to say farewell to Mr. Harbridge this is absolutely not cool all of the best and most dedicated teachers are leaving
  • our grade pretty much has the worst luck ever hahahahs :(


tumblr QQs


1. what did you get for modern?
i haven't said it yet? asldjaskldjalksd
soz gonna be a bitch and not say cause im disappointed as fuck same with english asldjaklsdjlasd
the two the i worry the most for and i got shit should not be happening but always does there's something wrong with me

2. man in your life
lelelel for the bajillionth time noooope. honestly so happy with where I am right now cause I've got nothing to commit to and try hard for and gives me space so I can meet new people which I wanna do so much more. also I have a hard time already being committed to my studies so yeah, even though sometimes i wanna have a buddy to be annoying to i've got friends for that.

3. rook.
no, cause too expensive and right now I don't have funds. 
why? cause of birthdays, christmas presents, textiles, food, life, ergh. 
100$ spend a week right now is no big deal :( i will though once next year comes cause new year money hehehe. 

4. favourite tv show. 
right now would either be new girl (which i kinda stopped watching this week) and community. Going back to community cause it's quick to get through and so hilarious. 

5. where do you shop online.
most of the stuff I buy recently is online but it's not like clothes it's just really wanted items or knick-knacks but I'd say my go to shops are nastygal, choies, ebay and defs solestruck. 

6. someone you don't get along with in ur grade. 
i don't really have anyone cause either i don't hold grudges for so long or i've never had such huge rifts turns out awks but there are lots of people who I tend to not talk to cause we don't have much in common...? 

7.history of you and xin. 
basically in yr7 we didn't know each other but I remember i didn't like her cause she stole jess nguyen from our group into her group hahahahahas. yr 9 met her in textiles shes so goofy and talkative and annoying and she read my folder going "omg what's ayee it SANN" and she keeps reminding me on how I apparently liked one direction which is so not true. and i was alone on the train at one stage and her and lily decided to stick with me when we didn't even know each other and then we formed a nice train family and smuggled kim over and yeah. hahahas but we have loads in common cause we're both weird and loud and...weird. iunno she's like my soul sister and we sing and 'rave' dance together HAHAHAHHAS. formal/bdayparty dance buddies :))

ask me more at



its a wine kind of night

  • aaron came late to lesson so lesson cancelled fuark 
  • went home to read poems myself and drink wine cause im fancy
  • loljks no fiona came over with nice mascato hehehehe 
  • terry lee announced two major tests again WHY CANT I HAVE MY FIRST WEEK OF HOLIDAYS OFF TERRY YOU STINKY. 
happy sunday all :)





feeling so unaccomplished

all these people in my grade going overseas on exchange on scholarships and stuff and i haven't done anything as extraordinary and this will be my last high school year won't be able to do that now omg cry. 


To sum up: 
• nike joggers as belated present have arrived
• unif boots as belated present have arrived 
• $50 westfield voucher from the dad for having the best studious year yet 
•$35 book voucher for 1st in textiles 
• new textiles ideas that is way better than all the others 
•reconnecting with CERTAIN people 
• dad has agree to give me driving lessons

All in december :) merry early christmas to mee :)) 


happy sunday

stay cute.


food with tina: chicken edition

  • walked from central to townhall cause lonely 
  • sat at food court for thirty mins playing solitaire and waiting for tina
  • tina came and got kfc wicked wings guy gave me big pieces yaaaaay
  • went to myer and bought Aesop and lady gave me benefit Gimme Brow sampling but she used dark and i haven't shaped them recently so it looked like two caterpillas 
  • Went to Arisun to eat it was okay mhmmmm Stra one was better but maybe it was cause i had soju with it cause we only got water and it was pretty dry and yeah 
  • Ordered jajamyeon (ehhhhh) and chicken with soy sauce (yuuum)
  • jajamyeon aint jajamyeon so disappointed
  • Walked to yogurtland and it was okay not that great mhmmmm 
  • Went to yogurberry cause i craved green tea but it tasted like milk :( 
  • it tasted like milk. with a bitter green tea aftertaste :(
  • Sounded like a quick food run but actually took so long and walked everywhere and just super tired
  • but overall really fun because it was such a random last minute food run and i got to catch up with the sis :) 



to the lovely ladies of nish angel tan lamya xin for getting me them beautiful nike free runs and awesome cropped sweater that i feel like i could sleep in cause its so comfy and noice. 

i finally feel like the things i've been buying for myself can now be justified cause im celebrating christmas early HURHURHURHURHUR. 

but omg the past few weeks have been buying clothes and food and random shit and shoes <333 font="">

Taobao shit from JUNE has finally arrived and althoughmost of my stuff didn't arrive I was sososo happy with what i got. 

  • American Apparel side tote bag 
  • 3 concept eyes lip gloss 
  • MAC brushes (fake)
  • BLACK BOOTS (that i gave to kim cause i dont want them much anymore)
  • Makeup organiser 
  • Marc by Marc Jacob earrings (fake) 
and tina's cut out boots that she got me from ages back also came last month so yeayeayeaheyaheayehayehayehayehae. been wearing it everywhere cause it makes me tall :") all i'm waiting for now is my portable phone charger 

Also bought a 
  • BENEFIT Holiday set cant wait for it to come to me heoehoehoeheoheoe. 
  • UNIF GOSH BOOTS  please come already
AND this brings me to another point: money
so it has only been what 8 months? since i left my job with 1,800 bucks in the bank and now there's only 500 and i feel like im gonna cry because most of it has been go to shit like phone, textiles, food, foood food.
omg not to mention i have already bought my patterns which are around 50$ altogether for two fucking easy dress and jacket patterns fucking kill me textiles. 
and  right now going shopping is just buying crap for people and it feels good but also crappy cause i cant redeem this money its gone forever until end of year 12. 
i need a job. 

and on another side note i am certain that I will marry Ta-ku because he did a voice-over interview of his album and there's so much meaning and he's just amazing. 

and on another side note:
first in textiles out of the grade (with only one class though HAHAHAHS) and second in grade for modern history and tied first in class :)

gonna try my hardest to hold onto my rank as well as move up hehehehehehe. 
first textiles proposal came back with 98% YAAAY ALL IS GOING WELL. 

but right now too many ceebs i mean wtf why cant school just end now why is there still 2 more weeks.