
tumblr QQs


1. what did you get for modern?
i haven't said it yet? asldjaskldjalksd
soz gonna be a bitch and not say cause im disappointed as fuck same with english asldjaklsdjlasd
the two the i worry the most for and i got shit should not be happening but always does there's something wrong with me

2. man in your life
lelelel for the bajillionth time noooope. honestly so happy with where I am right now cause I've got nothing to commit to and try hard for and gives me space so I can meet new people which I wanna do so much more. also I have a hard time already being committed to my studies so yeah, even though sometimes i wanna have a buddy to be annoying to i've got friends for that.

3. rook.
no, cause too expensive and right now I don't have funds. 
why? cause of birthdays, christmas presents, textiles, food, life, ergh. 
100$ spend a week right now is no big deal :( i will though once next year comes cause new year money hehehe. 

4. favourite tv show. 
right now would either be new girl (which i kinda stopped watching this week) and community. Going back to community cause it's quick to get through and so hilarious. 

5. where do you shop online.
most of the stuff I buy recently is online but it's not like clothes it's just really wanted items or knick-knacks but I'd say my go to shops are nastygal, choies, ebay and defs solestruck. 

6. someone you don't get along with in ur grade. 
i don't really have anyone cause either i don't hold grudges for so long or i've never had such huge rifts turns out awks but there are lots of people who I tend to not talk to cause we don't have much in common...? 

7.history of you and xin. 
basically in yr7 we didn't know each other but I remember i didn't like her cause she stole jess nguyen from our group into her group hahahahahas. yr 9 met her in textiles shes so goofy and talkative and annoying and she read my folder going "omg what's ayee it SANN" and she keeps reminding me on how I apparently liked one direction which is so not true. and i was alone on the train at one stage and her and lily decided to stick with me when we didn't even know each other and then we formed a nice train family and smuggled kim over and yeah. hahahas but we have loads in common cause we're both weird and loud and...weird. iunno she's like my soul sister and we sing and 'rave' dance together HAHAHAHHAS. formal/bdayparty dance buddies :))

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