
30 DAY CHALLENGE DAY TWO: Something you feel strongly about

2. Something you feel strongly about
how judgmental we could be. 

so i was talking to my friend a couple weeks back and something happened in our group and the last thing my friend said was "pretty people get everything."

and at first i was like psh no wtf but, come to think about it, looks determine so many things in the way people treat you and how you treat others. 

For instance, i know so many people who might not be babes but their personality is so great but guys don't go for them. they go for the easily wasted, cakeuped pretties that have shitty personalities and in the end they're like 'why can't i find a decent girl? ann why is she such a bitch to me blahblah'

Also, votings. You know how there's like SRC voting, or class voting for like formal organisers, even prefects. Please don't deny that looks have something to do with the overall votings. This pissed me off so much, especially when my class voted for people in the formal committee. And half the people voted are shit cause they don't go to the meetings, don't give a crap, aren't the sort of leader personality. But they have the face for it. Why should the face matter? 

They get away with so many things, half the prefects of this year - via my sister's judgements - are crap but since they're popular and since half the school looks at their prefect voting photos and say 'holycrap they're pretty' they become a prefect. 

we as a society has become so shallow and so dependent on the aesthetic qualities of people. instagram is all full of shit like 'ohmygod you're so pretty' 'babe you're gorgeous please go to a hole'. im not saying that everyone should uglify themselves to be balanced. it's just everyone's beautiful in their own way and we shouldn't judge people on that. 

respect to people who would approach other people for things other than the way they look at dress.


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