

Hahas dont read this if you cant handle happiness hahas.

Ahahas seriously today is honestly the happiest day in sucha long time. All these things that i wanted to happen suddenly did and i feel so teary and happy and even if it was just a small moment ahahahas IM SO HAPPY

Okay so today i woke up late and im starting a detox so i weighed myself and omfg im so stunned i dropped down three kilos ahahahas. And i wa likenooo what i dont feel lighter so i reweighed two times and it was the same. HALAMAJALA.

And then i had a really weird brekkie whichdidnt really matter cause i was so pumped for the day :)
I went on the train and was full happy dappy and then met jasmine and was all happy dappy. But my tea bottle wouldnt open so jasmine asked this guy who we initially thought was very creepy. But he was sososos nice! He was like' you need grip' so he intelligently brought out rubber bands and the bottle opened so smoothly. Ahahas yeah iunno i got super happy hahahas.

. And then this guy who i really wanted to become friends with- cause hes super smart and social- came onto the train and sat around me and bolero's area.

And i was like calmcalm keep talking but dont act retarded hahahas. And then when he sat up he full bumped me on the shoulderblade and i was lile ekekekekekkekeekek.

Okay so we came to school and science was funny cause lamya kept bugging me about my crush ad then teasing anout my story and yeah.

Elec hist came and ms handed out lollies but i didnt get one! Eheolehoel.

Sport was super fun. It was just me and linda again and we talked about random stuff. Like i regret not doing batminton cause my friend all go "awww it wa so fun yeahyeah" and tbh im very annoyed when they say that, but walking with linda and super fun. We're not close on a daily basis idkhow, it does t get akward when i talk to her. Like we dont run out of this to talk about though we dont have much in common :)

Went through lunch avoiding temptations and kristie trying to stuf cake down my throat ahahahhas.


Went home and did serious cardio, strength, and circuit training :)

Had a filling yet healthy dinner.

TRUONG. Okay so there was a party on today and at first i was like eeehhh im really awkward with people cause i dont know them much. We came there and belinda asked us to sign the card and when we sat in class people brought out all this food and i was going omgg no cant eat all this cake.

And we bought ms pandora charms and she loved it hahahs. And then we had a 'party'. And by that i mean small groups of here and there and me and jasmine and steph in a side. And then alecia came and omggg shes sososos cute. She is so sweet and nice and we were making each other eat cause se bareeeely eats. And then i talked to the amanda chick and shes nice, kawei and katherine and even lee! And i wanted to tell lee she's pretty but i didnt want to sound weird hahahs. She's the type of person whos into white hot celeb guys and yeah hahahas.

And then i clumsily spilt jelly on te floor, which is pretty normal of me, but all these people are so nice they full on helped me clean up. And mushroom head was a bitch he sat right there and looked on. But then he was like ohh were out of tissues and i was like hahahahs i brought the toilet roll. Yeah ahahahahas, weird first convo. But he laughed hhahaas. All good ;)

And then i walked someone and came back And then he was like :" yeah miss figured out about it"
And i was like "oh really?"
And he's like "yeah, but she doesnt care."
An i was like "ahahahs thats good."

CONVO BITCHES. Ahahahas no im really proud. All the people i wanted to make friends with, took a long time but yeah it ended well.

Yuryur. Came home and im not hungry :DDD

And boleros taught me how to rap to justin bieber ahaha iunno why. We ended up going swag swag swag the whole time.

Rereading and i sound like those ohmygaaah girls but no im really happy today. It started off well and ende off well and yeah NOONE COULD STOP MY SUNSHINE ahahahahs.



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