
annoying thing i hate.


THIS IS LIKE THE LOL PHASE. and i hated the LOL phase so much. I had this friend who used to catch the train together and he'd be like. 
"yeah i had to run really quick to your train cause my train got here at 48 and yours came at 50. LOL." 
"omg ann that's funny. LOL.LOL.LOL."
"hahahaha LOL."

okay so firstly you don't laugh and then say LOL because there's no point to that why couldn't you just laugh..and keep laughing. 
and also that word really makes people's face looks funny, makes them sound like a computer, and it's not cool if their face is stoner. which im very sorry biffle but your face is always stoner when you say that and it pisses me off. 

but yolo. omg yolo. 
THAT JUST DOUBLE MAKES PEOPLE'S FACE LOOKS FUNNY. honestly try it yourself. just look in the mirror and say YOLO and it's just horrible. and plus it makes you sound like a computer that really doesnt make sense. 

but okay firstly, people use it too much. again, just like LOL. but then people would put say yolo for the stupidest things they do. like:
"hahaha, i just tripped out the stairs. YOLO!"
"hahahas, getting out of my house with makeup today! YOLO"

UGHS ITS PISSES ME OFF SO MUCH. like that could just be an excuse for every single little thing. 

omg it would be my death day if someone came up to me and said something stupid and then ended it with a 'yolo' and then started laughing and said 'lol'.
....funny my foot, go climb up a tree and fall down and yolo your head off.


Anonymous said...

hey ann this post was hilarous hahahhahaha lol i'll make a post like this because yolo

Unknown said...


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