

Hi :)

yeah, uhm, you might be pissed if you read this and realized that it was you and you'd probably come back to school and whack me.

yeah so i met you in year 8? i remember that at the beginning of the year i had 3 special friends i'd hang out at lunchtime and a core class that i hated because i barely knew anyone there and while everyone had a group of 3 and 4 people, i only had one, and at that time we didn't even know each other much. and i kept wanting to move classes and be with my other friends. but one day you started hanging out with us in class through my friend. 

and at first i honestly thought you were a 'too carefree' person. ahahas yeah at that age i was just thinking 'omg ann don't let bad people influence you, you need your marks.' and i did judge you. i thought that, other than you being very girly, you're very mean and judgy and don't really care about school and all. and then, after a day of sitting with each other in class, you suddenly sat with me and my group and your 'comfortableness' shocked me. omg i remembered how me and friend was like, 'omg stephanie had food tech class right? omg she mustve baked cupcakes!' and you starting running to stephanie and taking one of the prettiest cupcakes and even steph was shocked cause she didn't even know you then aahahahahs. and i was like, omg i deserved that, WHO ARE YOU? ahaahahahas. And yeah, because of my first impression of you, i kept having doubts whether or not you should be in our group cause you were so different to us.

but thinking about it again, i really couldn't believe i had those thoughts. The next 3 terms we hung out so much and had so many rants and you showed me how to unnerdify myself and have fun and shit. and we'd go hand in hand with each other, me and my loud jokes and you and your loud rants. and started becoming so close and we'd eat each others shit and talk about guys and their weird pineapple hair ahahahas. and you are so funny even though you don't try to be and your laugh is so cute.

you could be so blunt sometimes and at times i'd be shocked about what you said and awkward laugh- yeah you're right i do awkward laugh- but most of it is true hahahs. year 8 finished and we both had our backs and now we're not in the same class but we're still close and i love hearing your bitch rants about your bosses and some pedo guy of yours hahahas. and honestly im still so pissed you always diss my bus guys; they're all cute cept you keep dissing i have bad taste ahahas. look at yours and their bushy, dark eyebrows jeeez :L

yeah we're come a long way, from our first impressions of each other til now, but you're one of the coolest friends i have around. and yeah, people do have bad first impressions of you but it's okay cause i've got your back, i get you :)


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