

ahahas i sound like a big nerd but i am so really happy :)

From what jasmine said i got into the top class sans accelerated cause i dont go accelerated class to begin with. Most of the people from sghs got into that class as well and also the people that i want to get in-ehehehez- so yyyaaaay.
Problem is it's on friday nights. And i don't want to lose bball for the world because im so attached to it and classes start at August which sucks because THATS NOT EVEN THE END OF THIS SEASON AND I LOVED THIS SEASON.

If i do continue bball i'll have to go to a lower class which sucks. Cause all my friends are in the other class. I know that if i do move to another class, chen would go with me but iunno. I dont want to lose the good position yet aalso bball as well. Maybe we could go tutoring and then straight to bball if there's a late game? All our games at at 7.30 right now but, since we're getting graded, we might change times. Iunno. Doldcskcksmcmamnd WHYFCKING FRIDAY ITS MY HAPPY DAY.


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