

uhm, i think i've had a pretty good childhood. 

we used to have two girls who lived opposite of us and they were so friendy, yet we only started to become friends when we moved to birrong public school. kimberly and kiralee. me and tina were in year 1 and 3 and one was in year 5 and the other was in year 6. ahahs yeah. i remember the times when gran would walk us to school and they'd walk with us. tina and kimberly (the year 6 one) used to bond so much over smart mathsy stuff so me and kiralee would just talk weird funny things. and when they went on holidays we helped take care of their cat ahahahs.

there was this one time when it was kimberly's birthday and they came over to invite us over and dad didn't want us to go so he was like 'oh yeah sorry they're sleeping.' but i so desperately wanted to so i jumped up from behind the sofa and was like 'no i'm not'. and dad got so embarassed but he let me and tina go and afterwards he lectured us so much. ahhahas.

but then they moved afterwards because kimberly had high school and yeah. good times though, good times :)


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