
Birthday Pressie Ideas

Sarahs birthday would be coming up soon and since its her 16th i want to get her something she really likes. She's really into makeup so im thinking getting her this pretty cool makeup thingo ehehez. Can't put it on here or she might see. But i did so much researching and it costs alot and since ive got barely the amount of money to have to spend that much for everyone in our group i think i'll have to do a pitching with someone else.

But then when i was searching online some people were giving this away as giveaways on these fashion blogs so yaaay :) ahahas joining all of them to increase my chance of winning.

Ahahas yeah there are many groups in our grade which give so many things for their people and i really like that to happen in our group as well but we don't go on the same budget ad them ahahas. Thing is we're very close knitted and its peoples 16th so yeah, trying really hard to make eveyone happy. And itll be so unfair to base everyone in the group according to how close you are to them and getting them presents based on that. Like i know there are people who im not close to compared to others in the group but doesnt mean i can assume they wont be getting anything for me so i wont be getting anything for them.



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