

I HATE. SUPER DUPER HATE. Guys who think they have swag and are top shit. 
The ones that think the best way to talk to a girl would be like 'yo babe, how r u?' or something like that and they think it's going to impress people but it just makes them look like such douches. 

And then on their fb page they're like "Works at "Swag..100% Complete". 
hahahas it's so amazing how they think they're so 'dope' and they're like 'a hot cunt' and you just sit there going "Omg no. please don't. stop it. you are so embarassing, please somebody pull a blanket on top of that kid please."  

Yeah and i know that everyone hates these type of people and it's not just me but YOU CAN'T SAY YOU HAVE SWAG. YOU CAN'T BE LIKE "OH IM SO SWAG". YOU ONLY DESERVE ITIF SOMEONE ACTUALLY SAYS IT TO YOU. AND WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO BE SWAG ANYWAY?! It wasn't cool to begin with.  ughhhs lsdjflksjdkfdj don't get these people. And they wonder why they don't have many friends. 


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