

welcome back to another ann 'crazed-filled' spastic post! 
hahahahas im so lame wtf. 

so this morning me and chen and kim went early to shoot some stuff. and we had a little coffee run cause kristie told me to get green tea latte. and it's so goddamn nice lkdfjslkdjfklsjdflsdf. 

dat green tea latte

funny science period. it was only me and ann and nish because the others were at cricket. and everyone was just like "OMG WOW YOU LOOK SO PRETTY." and "DAT LEG. DAT THIGH. DAT STOMACHE." to people around the class and i was like 'THAT IS WHY I HATE MUFTI YOU GET SO FCKING SELF CONSCIOUS, STAP IT." i don't know how american people do this shit. like do they get teased for wearing shit twice in a week? 

and then there was elec history and we watched ELIZABETH I and she's so interesting. and her whole love life and blah and yeah hahahahas, i love David Starkey he's so funny. 

and then at recess i was meant to get this cool shirt off sarah. except she gave it to nigashini WHO LOST IT. and now im like sldjflksdjflksdlfjsdl WHY WOULD ANYONE TAKE A SHIRT. THEY DONT KNOW WHERE IT HAS BEEN STUPID BITCHES.

Sport was fun. and then i had a period of english where it was just slacking off and looking at the yearlies timetable and OMFG I LOVE THE YEARLIES TIMETABLE. THIS IS THE FCKING FIRST TIME MATHS IS NOT WITH FRENCH.

YURYURYUR. so i got english and science first day, and then maths second day with an arvo free. and the science with an arvo free. and then thursday and friday is ooooff so i got like 4 free days. and monday i have french and elec his which is a bit..hahahas. then there's pd on tuesday with morning and arvo free. AND THEN MORNING FOR TEXTILES ON FORMAL DAY. 

so fcking good :)) 

went on a job run after school with kim. came to yagoona early so i asked the iga manager and he said that there's a position ava so FINGERS CROSS I MIGHT GET IT. and i was super excited about it and then, 5 mins later, walked to kfc. and the guy was like :ohhh fill out that form. and i was like coolcool. met a cute guy there bahahahas. 
finished the form and the manager was like 'yeah you gotta work hard!' and i was like 'i can do that!' and he's like 'hahahahs okay i'll contact you laters.'

then i went home and showered and called kim and then went to maccas. and omg one of the guys there was in my old school except he didnt recognise me and i look really different so i didn't say anything. the lady sat me down and we had like..this really weird conversation. hahahs it sounded as if we were old buddies and sitting down for a chat. but she was oh so nice and i was like..trying to innitiate a lot of conversations with her. 

and afterwards she's like
"yeah i like you. you're very bubbly, i'm going to hire you." and i was like BOOYEAAAAAH. 

and then i came home and the kfc man called me and he was like 'ooorrrrhhh yur man. you got in. bring your docos and stuff tomorrow' and i couldnt just say 'oh im sorry i cant take the job' cause i literally came to the store 1 hour before that. so i said 'yeah okay' but i think im going to call him tomorrow and tell him i can't take the job. 

thing is i really don't know which one to pick- iga or maccas. and ive been asking so many people and even my mum and they're all giving me mix replies. so i'm just going to wait until iga accepts me, call kfc and tell them i can't take the job tomorrow, and figure everything else after..cause i gotta write my invites hehehehes. 

too much shit happened in one day but i'm feeling pretty good (: fingers cross everything will carry out well :))


Vicki said...

Go to Maccas. The pay is better than KFC and Maccas is so happy chappy bubbly happy. Okay... But yeah I like Maccas more. Or you can wait for IGA to say yes and be like a cool checkout chick.

Unknown said...

hahahs yeah thats what im doing. i'm waiting for iga to accept me and then weigh out the pros and cons (:

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