
slack day! + body rant

hahahas so today i decided to stay at home cause it was graduation ceremony. and you do nothing at grad ceremony. 

so yeah, tried studying PMI cause i've got an exam tomorrow but that didn't get anywhere cause I started watching Modern Family from season 1 and then I napped and then I ate and rewatched and blaaah. 

felt really bad for my body so I did loads of cardio and leg toning. i hate my body so much atm it's not even funny.
I am proud of where I am now because I've improved so much but I HAVE NO STAMINA. NO ENDURANCE.
I do a hard 10 minutes of cardio and I get puffed out already and so when I get to the 30 minute mark I'm just like OMFG STAAAWP. and then I have to do the last 30 minutes trying to do body toning.
BUT YOU CAN'T SEE ANYTHING CAUSE YOU NEED THE DAMN CARDIO TO MELT THE FLAB TO SEE THEM ABS. BUT I CAN'T DO CARDIO. and the cardio pretty much only helps my legs and you can see my calf muscles but WHY NOT MY BICEPS. jeez body :/
thank goodness holidays are coming so I can spend more time trying to tone this bitch of a body.

went blog stalking crazy, and it scares me that there are some sydney boys guys have blogs. AND IT'S SO DEEP. hahahas really scary.

So it's nearly the holidays. and I'm waiting for a call from the iga people but they have called. And my friends tell me not to reply to dominos so I'm leaving that out. I think that, if the iga people don't call by saturday, I'll accept Maccas. Both ways, I am really excited to work at both places, I FINALLY GET A JOB WITH DAD'S CONSENT. And Natasha happened to apply as well- and it's weird because we had interviews on the SAME DAY, hers right after mine, and the interview lady was suspicious whether or not we knew each other cause she's never heard of our school until we both popped up hahahs. 

But having a job after the holidays mean i can have a little fun in the holidays to relax! I'll be going around loads of place so I can't wait to capture everything! 

hahahas back to studying now :L



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