
anon: Do you get jealous easily?

Contrary to beliefs, yes I do. 
Not like, normal jealousy like "Ohgod her face is so pretty I'm so jealous."
I mean the jealousy over someone you know where you get defensive and protective and all that. It usually happens to me when I really like someone and I feel like I'm losing them. 

Like for example I've got a friend who I'm super close to. When they happen to talk to someone else/spend more time with someone else to a point where we talk lesser and I see that person with that other new person, that's where I get overly jealous towards the new person. If they're going some place together and they ask me to accompany them, I'd try my best to be there. I spend so much more time with that close friend, and I'd get pissed off or irritated when that other person comes along. 
In a way, I get protective over things that mean a lot to me. 

But, recently, I've never had this feeling towards me.
Around a month ago, something major happened, and I'm starting to not care and not get phased by these things. Someone I'm really close to began to distance and, usually, I get protective and try my best to pull them back and be like "YOU BELONG HERE.". But I didn't do that. Instead it gave me space to talk to other people and spread out more and I've became closer to many other people and made new friends.

But I think that, if someone really means so much to me, that little jealous kid inside of me would appear again. Likewise, if someone don't mean so much, I'd be blunt and say I'm not jealous. And i usually mean it, about not giving a crap. hahas yeah, I guess that's how I roll.


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