

Probably the funnest yet :) 

Firstly me and Angela paired up to do ambassador duties so we started walking to all the gates but there were so little parents and every other ambassador were hawking everyone so we couldn't get anyone at the start. 

Got fed sushi by Lamya cause she was desperate for people to eat her sushi ahahahas. THE RED VELVETS GOT SOLD OUT QUICK SO FCKING HAPPY! Went down to the music rooms to listen to people sing and there was this year 7 cute girl who started off low and it didn't sound good so i was like 'mehh' but then she full on belted out and she was amaaazing. And then me and angela got free lollies hahahs and tried to pull in some parents who endedup ditching us. 

Then we had french store duties which was sososos fun. Scabbed so much free food for 'testing' hahahs and all these cute kids came and they were all so cute. Until this idiot of a Sydney Boys guy - and i swear he was from my grade- came over and looked at me and said 'oh is this stuff free?'. and i was like 'you think?'UGHS THESE STUPID PEOPLE WHY THE FCK WOULD IT BE FREE. 

yeah, stayed there for 2 shifts and then me and angela went around and got free lollies and then went into the hall to watch drama/dance. and then walked around the school and got more freebies and PLAYED BADMINTON! eholeheoleholelhoel.

and then it was time to prepare for fashion parade. and it was so hectic. ms told us to get there at 6.30 but it pretty much started at 6.30. so ann had to quickly get my makeup on and also do my hair in time to start. and ms was rushing me so fcking much that, when i got down to the hall, there was 20mins left. And then miss's prepared speech was stuffed up cause the real running order was different to the speech so i had to impromptu. Thank goodness there was people cheering for the different years so i covered all the times i tried to think up shit. 

walked right off the stage and instantly ran behind the curtains and changed there because we had our walk really quick. But then,after that, it was better. there was less rush and it was all just enjoying everything. 

Funny funny ride home with kim hahahas. all in all i'm really thank you for all the people who came and supported the whole parade and the nice comments today :) and get ready for next years fashion parade ;)


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