

so i woke up early and rushed to the station at around 6.30 to get to St James at 7.15. But then we got lost in Hyde Park cause we couldnt find the place where they handed out all the stuff cause it was like..at the back of a church. 

Me and Chen paired up and got our pack and went around st james but it was useless cause there were a lot of people standing around there already, so we went to martin place and stood at the train tunnels. 

It was pretty fun except for the part where these fort street stupid kids came over and tried to get in our way of our selling and me and chen were like death glaring and going 'omfg he's next on our kill list' hahahahas. These two fort street kids even went up to us and like 'oh you guys want to buy anything?" and i was like "hahahaha..very smart." sarcastically, and we thought they'd be gone for good but then they fcking came back again and stole our customer.

and, although tbh i thought there wouldnt be many people who would support this charity because it's really 'less known' compared to others, many people happily supported. me and chen made around $300 in total :)

we stood there for about 2/3 hours and then walked around because there were less people at that place at around 10. Went to priceline and bought nish her birthday present. afterwards we came back to the place and had recess. and then started off again to go sell some more. but then we got hungry so we went for a round of hungry jacks checkins hahahahas. omfg altogether we got one cheesehamburger, 2 medium frozen cokes, one medium fries.and that was pretty much a free lunch ;) and we also got people buying from us which was good as well.

finished at around 1.30, in time for another round of lunch hahas but i couldnt eat much. and our group were just sitting there talking about the 'asian corner' and actions that fob asians do like the peace signs and bruised face sign and these cadet men sitting behind us were laughing their heads off and it was really embarassing.  

afterwards me and angel and jasmine and chen went to FROYOLAND. hahahahas yeah we went to stratty and went to yogohouse and it was so fcking cheap im still in awe. like we got this whole big thing and we had like 3 huge swirls and topped it up with chokefuls of mochi and oreos and m&ms and watermelon..and it was only $8. so fcking cheap. 

and omg they played gangnam style in there as well. hahahs.

came back to chens house and played band hero and song all these old songs until 15 ins before we had to go tutoring. 

tutoring was okay hahas. tired and couldnt pay attention much and this guy was just staring at me from the row in front while i was talking to chen as if he was judging me. rude. 
yeah, really really fun day :)


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