
another JAM post coming along tomorrow! + first day at work

got some reeeeeallly really awesome stuff to share (:
feeling sick in the stomache tonight and don't feel like talking to anymore, going to head to bed after i finish up some science notes. 

work was shit. i wanted to do cashier but ended up doing deli, which is pretty much nothing cause i can't touch the slicer and all the people who came were regulars so the lady ended up server everyone and i just stood there like a mute. she is a lovely woman though, cept our age difference is so huge i don't know what to talk to her about.

and so i tried doing some stuff to make my time useful but then my assistant manager was like "DO SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE. GET IN THERE." and i was like "I WOULD IF I COULD BUT I CANT TOUCH ANYTHING." 

and then my lady had her break cause she was feeling sick, so Ben, the assistant manager came in and filled in and that was when I finally was able to do some stuff. like wrap people's meats and putting clingwrap on the huge chunks of ham, and cheese, and salami.
 and i learnt all these hams and salami that i have never ever heard before and he gave me some mortadella with olives and i was like yuuuuum olives. and omg the chili chicken.ughs. sljfslkdjlksjldf. 

but like, not everyone goes to the deli. so i ended up cleaning, and cleaning, and cleaning, and wiping the place. and then rewiping the place. but at least he let me do some stuff. 
Rosa, my lady, came back and i started doing nothing again and getting so bored so she let me off for a thirty minute break.
 Sat in the park and ate and sunbaked and came back...so be bored for another 1 and a half hours. But she liked me so it was all gee hahahs. 

came in the back room and saw Nelson and was like "you think i have a chance to try out register?" and he's like "uhhh..i need people at the deli and place register is pretty normal work and i think you're smart enough to do deli. do you not like deli?" and i was like "uhhh..i really want to try out register and all the other things, not just deli." and he's like "yeah okay but i want you to focus on one thing first and then you can get on with something else." lieeees, i have a feeling i will be stuck at the deli for agggeeees. 

I was meant to stay back til 5 but Nelson let me off at four and I was about to ask him about pay cause he's so dodgy until he's like "oh i gotta talk to you". and when i went into his office he gave me this random call card and is like "go visit this man" and im like "whuuuut. why" and he's like "oh he's in charge of this program- and i couldnt fully understand him cause he's asian accent is pretty strong- that's like for students who wants to train in the iga franchise and he wants to meet you and talk to you." and im like "ughh...uhmm..okay.." and he went on about this program that talks about studnet work conditions and that I should call him up and go to his office in lakemba to meet him and i was thinking "WHAT THE FCK HOW DOES THIS HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH..fcking dodgy." and then i asked him about pay for today and if i needed to bring a bank details tomorrow and he was like "ughh..you're going through training now..balhbalhablaha talk about this on friday." AND IM LIKE "PLEASE DON'T TELL ME I DID THIS PRO-BONO. THIS IS NOT EVEN PRO-BONO IT'S LIKE 5 HOURS WASTED WRAPPING UP MEAT" but obviously i wanted to keep this job so i was like, "okay..cool see you wednesday."

got home and mum's like full asian going "WHA HE'S NOT GONNA PAY YOU?! SLKDFJSLKDJFLSJDLFSDLF" and im like "okay mum he's definitely going to pay me cause they gotta pay you for training but i just find the whole thing really boring and dodgy."
so, not being impulsive, but i really want to quit. I don't like doing deli cause i gotta like..small talk people and compliment people and wrap cheese with this CLING WRAP MACHINE THAT HAS A HOT ROD ON IT AND IT'S FCKING HARD TO PULL THE CLINGWRAP AND IT NEARLY BURNT MY ARM. and wrap meat. 

thing is my mum wants me to work until i actually get money in my bank and then ditch. but i'm like "it's boring. i'm not going to go through another 2 days of this training shit." it's not even training, it's like 2 days of school but all you do is clean the bench and wrap meat for customers and stand there awkwardly smiling to customers. and then i have to go meet this guy at lakemba as well, and i really don't know why he wants to see me wtf this is so dodgy. 

so it's either dread through for money or quit now so i don't waste my time. leaning towards the second option but open for any suggestions.  


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