

ahahahs a 'many people' post again. 

but i really miss my family in vietnam, especially my cousins. 

when i went to vietnam at the end of year 7 i kinda had this feeling that i wouldn't fit in with my cousins since we only met each other when we were 5. and so i always had this image that me and tina would be the albinos in vietnam and just walk around with my mum and my aunts. 

the first place we hung out was dad's side of the family, which was in the middle of vietnam. There was an abundance of cousins and they were all around me and tina's age, plus some older cousins around 20-24 years old. Yeah the first days were awkward because we stayed at their house and we'd encounter them all the time but we didn't know what to say. 

And since im a really inclusive people and i usually wait for people to talk to me, i was really grateful how the older cousins tried to include us in stuff. They'd take the whole bunch of us to places at night to hang out; icecreameries and pretty cool teenage hang out spots. I think we all bonded and get more comfortable with each other when we had a karaoke night and everyone became closer. 

And then wherever we went, the whole bunch of us would go together and it felt so nice because i never had that kind of feeling with my cousins in Australia. My cousins here are 30 year olds, all married, all small kids. I either have to sit quietly and listen to the oldies talk about their jobs and their travelling or babysit the little kids. and since i really didn't have much to talk about to my older cousins, i find the babysitting for comfortable. 

But yeah, it honestly felt so good when i was in vietnam. we spoke to each other so informally and they'd buy us stuff and take us to the street venders to get all these good street food that was so cheap. and we'd stay at home playing cards, go karaoke, and just sleep together in those mosquito net thingos. 

leaving vietnam was the suckiest feeling yet because i knew it would be forever until i get to hang out with them again. and yeah, there's skype and fb and all but it's not the same. it's only been 2 years and i barely talk to them. but it really sucks and i really do miss them all. 


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