
Peeps of my class

1. Vicki- SRC, Test genius, Goodie two shoes
exhibit A.
french teacher: Ohh.there's only 2 people who got full marks. That's Vicki and (insert name)
exhibit B.
Jap teacher: The best results are from Vicki and (insert another name)

2. Lisa- Confused, hungry, salad roll
exhibit A.
mr makar: ohh..lisa..where is your sald roll

3. Kristie-Talkative, scared of boys, bleach
exhibit A.
kristie: today is such a sad day
me: why?
kristie: the bleach site is not working =.=

4. Annabelle- sweet, funny, skillful
exhibit A.
annabelle: hey ann, wb this dance move (does rad dance move)
ann: *gasps*

5. Lamya- secret keeper, funny, rad
exhibit A.
Lamya: (add gossip here)
ann: omg..really? where did you get that from
lamya: my sources
(this happenes to a billion other secrets she has told me which I swear I will never tell)

6. Sadia- Nice, normal, overeacting goddess
exhibit A.
sadia overeacts
nish: uhhhh..don't do that
teacher: no, thats good..10/10

7. Angela Peyotis- The angela no.2, loud, great basketball skills
exhibit A.
angie p: No ann, thats a foul. That's coz (insert scientific basketball reason)
ann: Oooookayyy, I'll just go out

8. Lin- Rad, BOF geek, really late in korean news
6 months after BOF is aired done with..
lin: omg..i just finished watching bof, its so rad!
ann: omg..its so old

9. Mathi- great, funny, smart
exhibit A.
geo teacher: do you know why (insert something)
mathi: yes..coz (insert something)
nish: ann..don't you think she's a stuck-up at geo?
ann: no..she's just good at it

10.Jane-bookworm, innocent, normal
exhibit A.
ann: jane, why are you reading a text book?
(touched her book that's the size of 3 maths text book)
jane: it's not a text book..it's a novel

11.Jojo-Kim Bum freak, just knew suju, kyuhyun lover :L
exhibit A
jojo: omg, i love kyuhyun. He's so good at singing and he's so hot
ann: uhuh
(minutes later, i peeked over at her science book..all over it is "kyuhyun, KYUHYUN, KyUhYuN")

12. Steph- Weird, retarded, movie knower
exhibit A.
steph: hey, have you watched (insert movie)
ann: nahh..what's it about
(steph starts talking about the movie IN DETAIL)
exhibit B
ann: you're retarded
steph: thanx, I know I am

13. Erin-wise, good hockey player, pixie-like
Exhibit A
mr flanno: Ohhh..does anyone know what aurora australis means?
whole class: whaaaa??
*erin puts hand up*
mr flanno: yes, linxie
Erin: Does that mean southern lights?
mr flanno: correct
ann: I thought that was an Australian flower..*silence*

14. Angela Prendergast- quirky, social, suck up to miss aldridge
Exhibit A.
Miss: Who would like to read this passage?
Angela: Me!!
Exhibit B.
Miss: Who wants to share to the class their paragraph?
Angela: Me!!
Kristie: Suck-up!!

15. Julia-Cheeky, quiet, has an evil side
Exhibit A.
*Alisa playing DS with her jumper over her head*
Julia: OMG Alisa, there's an insect on your head! *there was actually none*
Alisa: OMG..*stops her winning streak on DS* where?
Julia: Ohhh..it went away..
Alisa: Grrr..*random insect came*
Julia: There it is..
*Julia to me*
Julia: Omg, there really was an insect

16. Holly- "OMG, you're so cute" sayer, loud, funny
Exhibt A
Holly to me
Holly: Ann, you're so cute *squishes cheek*
Ann: Uhhh..I'm older than you?
Holly: So what, who cares

17. Nigashini- smart, sportive, talks about too personal stuff..too much
Exhibit A.
*Nish standing at the canteen with me*
Nish: Omg, I have a wedgie
Ann: *sarcasticly freaked out* Wow, that's good to know...

18. Sally- normal, bored, 'doesn't care' person
Exhibit A.
*me looking at her group's routine*
Me: Don't do that, it'll make you look retarded
Sally: Uhh..we don't care about this dance routine..
Me: Okkkayyy.

19. Jessica- good dancer, giving, tickles me too much
Exhibit A:
She gave me a 2PM album worth more than 20 bucks for my bday.
And it was sold out. She bought it on the day the next batch of albums came just for me.
*sniff sniff*

20. Maike- make-up person, highway pursuit geek, highly pretty.
Exhibit A.
*Maike playing highway pursuit like a game nerd*
*Making noises resembling a car and-to me- like orgasm noises*
Me: Maike, you sound like a game nerd
Kristie: Yea..she loves Highway Pursuit
Maike: Yeaaaa

This list will continue. But for now, ima stop coz my hands hurt. Ima go drink some mocha.
It wil continue!!


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