

  • first busy weekend in a loong time
  • first time going out with a purpose that does not make me regret so badly
So sat and sun was spent on MedEntry UMAT course. finally spent some time doing something useful, makes up for lying to myself that i'd study hahahas. 

for those who don't know what UMAT is, it's basically this extra exam (on top of hsc) that students gotta do if they want to get into a med course. if they were to get good atar and good umat, they'd defs be guaranteed for an interview. 

I came to this course thinking that I'd do it only cause i want to broaden my options and had really no idea what I'm suppose to be doing or what the exam would be like or anything. perfectly blank slate.

But the course was so beneficial. it allowed me to really get the know hows to tackle the exam, the interview as well as learn more about the options available, the courses available and also network with other people there (although i barely did, and probably the thing I regret the most) 

cameout thinking that maybe I would be able to beat the test and get into a med field,it isn't as scary as it seems, so for all who wants to do UMAT i defs recommend this course. 

yeaaah...week update cause i really didn't do anything hahahas. 


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