
soz for the lack of daily updates

the past days have been tutoring and tutoring and playing restaurant story HAAHAHAHS. 
what began as something to download for boring loner train rides have eaten up my mornings like 2 hours a day playing that shit. 
try to find me hueueheuheu we can be neighbours. 

had tutoring with aaron on friday. 
he was stuck in traffic or something so i had to wait for half an hour but the lesson was pretty productive like we actually did work and he was helpful and not grumpy like last time. 
omfg that time when we did hamlet and he made me search for quotes with that grumpy bird face but this time he was really nice cause we helped each other together. guess he's pretty moody like his mood is based on how his day went- not professional at all- or he felt bad i had to wait for 30mins idek but GOOOOOOD productive day. 
tina's friend offered to tutor me for 40$ an hour. like whaaaat aaron charges me 30$ and hes much better and the new chick will make me change my way of writing. u go to america ya poo. 

i've been sleeping in advanced english for the pass 2 lessons ie going through the crucible. 
i feel so bad because this was me at the start of year 11 and it's not like im not interested it's just he goes through it soooooo slow and there seriously isn't a point and i try to keep myself awake but im always half asleep and writing like im left handed. 
and he still hasn't realised. 

3U ENGLISH <3 after="" and="" bomb="" deep="" font="" good.="" grill="" hartley="" hueheuheuheuheuheuheuehuheuehuehe.="" i="" idk="" in="" is="" it="" its="" love="" much="" my="" nbsp="" nice="" prepre="" so="" the="" thing="" thinking="" up="">

im understanding maths well and i'm actually doing work in class and i feel so proud of myself. yaaayayayaayayayay. kinda understand circular motion but im gonna put in more effort. 

history is going pretty good and i have the best study buddy ever JASMINE HUEHUEHUE. 
idk there are people where u swap notes and even though they have everything you're like ehhhhhh - and cause im paranoid at everything i tend to put more than i need so i don't like people who just note things briefly cause WHAT IF- but jasmine structures it like i do so it's like me writing it hahahahahas.

and understanding terry lee! he laughed at me yesterday i dont understand our relationship is weird omg that why you should never go to ur sis's ex's dad's tutoring place. 

i think i'm pretty much up to date with everything and its been 2 weeks hope this effort keeps lasting hehehehe. 


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