

today I met up with Kim in the morning to do some filming for this competition! 
the weather was absolutely beautiful today so we were like 'hey why not use this opportunity to shoot outside." so we went to this park around my area - WHICH IS NOT DODGY AT ALL- and shot there in the middle of the playground hahahs. 

weirdo morning face so i cat stamped it hahahs
OOTD: simple sleeveless (unironed) collared denim top (jayjays ehoelheole), Kenji shorts

Got to the park and started shooting at this small cubby house cause the shade was nice but omfg THE WIND. it kept blowing my hair all over my face and im like..half singing and then blehblehbleh hair in my mouth. and then these kids started coming over and playing with this random thing that made such a loud noise and i'm like "IS THAT EVEN AMUSING?" and i think the kid got freaked out and scuttled away hahahahs. i'm so evil.

and kim brought really yummy asian bread stick that you'd find at Bankstown for $1.20 and it's so yummy hhahahahs.i think i said that before :P

"dau chau quay"- viet fried bread stick

but yeah. spent nearly 2 hours just to shoot a 2 minute video. but it all turned out good cause the atmosphere was great and yeah, beautiful scenery.

our hang out spot!

AND came home to find a pork roll waiting for me!
with a dish, just to be a little bit fancier (:
Had a very chill day today and hope I could start with my studying tomorrow. hoope. 
And MONDAY IM STARTING WORK. AT IGA. My parents really want me to do IGA cause it's much more money and also there's a lot less hours so i can concentrate on school work so I think it would be fine to start off and see how good it is. and if it doesn't suit me I can just go to Maccas. CAN'T WAIT!



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