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One of Tina's competitions thingos. 

so today was fun/okay/tiring. 

we went to the temple as a family. and ate loads of food. and listened to lectures. and met up with other buddhist families and their children and everyone's going "omg you two have grown!" to me and tina. 

went shopping and got the corkboard and also the pins and wrapping paper. 

went home and napped. and then woke up and caught up with maths and got some music for nish's party. and then went out and jogged about around the neighbourhood and did some pilates when i came back. 

and mum was lazy to cook so we ordered pizza hahas, which defeated my whole purpose of eating clean today. 

kinda pissed off right now. i've got a textiles assignment due soon and im done for. and brian fell asleep again since he's probs too tired so he can't help me. ughs lsdkfjsldjflsdjfsd. whatta oldie, falling asleep all the time.

I STILL HAVENT GOTTEN NISH MY INDIV. PRESENT. i really don't know what to get her. makeup would just come out as so little because they are expensive but so small and i dont want to give her like..2 mascaras and a small eyeshadow pallette on the day. but the big cool pallettes are too expensive.dflksjdfkljsdlkfjskdjflsdjff. need a job hurhur.


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