
Another pissed off rant.

ughhhhs. TBH i've been so pissed lately at people's careless attitudes lately, mostly when they only bothered to rsvp saying they can't go 1 FCKING HOUR BEFORE THE PARTY STARTS. and some texted me 2 hours afterwards saying they can't make it.
I know some people are sick and they can't make it, but if YOU KNOW YOU'VE GOT SOMETHING ON THAT DAY, CAN'T YOU TELL ME 1 WEEK BEFORE? WHEN I ASKED YOU GUYS TO RSVP? 

it's this kind of attitude that i hate so fcking much because people don't give a crap how much shit they make others feel, and they could've done something about it but they ignore or they're not bothered until A DAY BEFORE when everything has been planned out - the food, the stuff, the whole planning, just for their fcking sake. 

and its not just me being pissed. my parents spent so much money buying things to please everyone and im gratefully thankful for everyone who came but we had so much shit left over. they bought so much shit that hasn't even been used/eaten cause people pulled out last minute and i felt so bad. obviously they can't do anything about it, but they put it so much money and effort and i felt like that has gone to such a waste.

one girl said she was definitely going to come. i called her the day before just to check and she said "oh im not sure i'll call you back.". Never did. so careless.

 I'm not the type of person to go like "i give you something, give me something in return" but i expected at least some good respect and even the decency to do these small meaningless things when I, and other people, put so much effort to make things happen for the sake of making everyone happy. It's just disgraceful. 

the party went well, but it's just these things that spoiled it so much. these people probably just shrugged it off, maybe come back to school and be like "im sorry ann..." and i'll probably just smile and be like "it's fine don't worry about it.", but it makes me feel so shit i've got these people around me who just don't give a fuck. 


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