so i was looking through part-time/casual jobs the other day and i pointed to this retail listing and went "omg i really want to do this."
and my friend, who i will 'nameless' her because then she'd be like 'oh ann why did you bitch about me online' scoffed and said: "wow ann you have such high standards for jobs. Go work at maccas or something you're probably not going to get a job at whatever place you're trying to get."
GAH. OKAYOKAY so it's really funny that she said this because she tells me how shitty maccas pay and how many hours she has to work and how much things she has to miss out because of her shifts. then why oh why do you think i'd want to work there? so i can rant all the time about how sucky my job is. hahahas you're funny.
plus. i can't deal with food. and i told this to my other friend the other day and she's like 'haha ann you don't even make the burgers and stuff you just serve.'
i can't do shit under pressure, i can't make pretty swirls with cream, i go to sizzler and spill coke everywhere from the 'serve yourself' drinks machine cause i put my coke in first AND THEN put in the ice and i've never changed that. And everytime i touch food it's a disaster. thats why i can't go through a meal without spilling shit everywhere and eating so klutzily.
plus. i can't control myself around fatty foods. my friend is working in maccas and she says she's on a diet while she buys all this unhealthy shit. For other people, that's what she says. once i had to home alone guard my house because my parents and sister was out and i spooned down so much nutella it was like heaven in 5 minutes but then i felt so body guilty. but deep inside i was thinking how good it'll be to spoon the whole jar hahahas.
plus. HAVE YOU SEEN HOW KLUTZY I AM AROUND LOADS OF PEOPLE. far out ann jeeeeez. Like corridor walking around the school and high speed walking in the city is by far my worst nightmare. I mean I would walk and i'd see someone 5 metres away from me and so, mentally, i'd say 'okay ann choose a side and stick to it." so i would..after we're 1 metre away. And that poor person would have go to the same side as me so i'd be like 'oh sorry.' and then that poor person would go the other direction and me, being sosososo quick witted, would change directions as well.
And then it's kinda of like a partner salsa dance without touching the partner. and baaad eye contact. Which is really awkward. How many times have i gotten laughed at by my friends i don't even know.
tobehonest, yeah i know it's hard to get retail jobs at this age and i do need money.
but trust me if i could deal with food i would maccas everyone's face off. fcking pro style.
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