
It's too late guys..Jaebeom is leaving Korea for good..

Jaebeom is leaving Korea...today..2 hours later..to return to america forever.
And I am in my emotional breakdown.

Why do those netizens have to do this so badd. They could have just made 2pm cancel their activities for a while..just over 3 f****** words. This so shows that Korea is gay. Korea has lost a lot of fans and 2pm lovers through this. All because of three words. Why did Jaebeom write them? All because they never treatd him well before, when he was young. Everyone makes mistakes, so why can't they just let this mistake go? Let they never said anything worth being guilty before.

From now on, 2pm never is the same again. There will be no more wild bunny, no more funny leader, no more happy carefree 2pm..the 2nd album will be cancelled and Jaebeom will never step foot onto Korea and the korean music industry again.

Message to those people who made Jaebeom quit:
Thanx a lot netizens..you guys are just so sick.
One day, we may even sign petitions to make you suicide like what you did to Jaebeom. You fully deserve it. You are the true reason why Korea is gay.


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