Doesn't mean you're not mine
The feeling goes on and on and on
- Unfold, The XX
Monday Night Work:
- worked with maria and min jun. they're funny but i dont really like working with just two of them cause there would be times when they just speak in korean and i stand there awkwardly.
- took loads of polaroids using the store's polaroids hahahas i don't think we were suppose to do that
- Sharek and some people came. ughs kay. asked about if theres still spaces available and im like hahahs i'll ask, but i don't want him to work with me, okay that would be freaky.
- Ki Won and tall Sam came at the end of the day to help clean up and Maria left early cause she has a date with this guy that she likes on tuesday hahahas. Mood brightened up a little.
- Went with tina to Bankstown to do some shopping and cruiiiseeed in kmart. ahahhas bought myself some sunnies, crop tops and went to eat at this nice pancakes place at centro. None of us brought good cameras though so the only photos were from my ipod which was fcking shit.
- Went to work wearing my uniform so grass horse would see but he didn't even come. stupid son of a gun.
- Had work with Gina, Ki Won and Min Jun :) best bunch hahahas. Gina is so nice but she's not really good with talking with customers i find her to quiet. i worked at front for 2 hours and got so bored cause there was noone there so i asked her to swap with me and stayed at cashier for pretty much most of the shift. Just talked with the guys at the back. Min Jun and his super huge crush for Sabrina, a coworker, and dissing him cause he pretty much likes every girl hahahas. So bored cause it wasn't a busy day so the four of us just hung around and talked.
- omfg but the guys were talking about wasabi and then i did the wasabi challenge and they friggin put so much wasabi in a wafer stick, challenging me to eat it all without changing my face expressions or they'd treat me for lunch. i did it twice, both failed hahahs but Ki Won is still gonna shout me lunch wooot hahahas.
- just pretty much goofed, ate food at the back, swapped pictures and numbers to each other and talked about cute customers hahahas.
- Texted so many people that are nonvirgin okay my bill is gonna go off the roof hahahas
- went tutoring and in the same class with angel and nish :)) chem class i half fell asleep in so fcking bored didnt understand anything. physics class HAD MUSHROOM HEAD. okay why did no one tell me he goes there hahahahs. sat at the back of the class with some other dude who thinks he's so cool cause he just started working out and telling people to touch his chest okay weirdo. mushroom head keeps looking back at me and angel, FCKING STOP SENDING SIGNALS DA FCK.
- someone asked me about working at yogurberry again. I am seirously fed up with people asking could you please just apply without using me as a 'stepping stone' to get a job. i did it all by myself, i had to make connections and friends by myself so don't ask to join my place cause you'd be with me cause thats stupid.
- finally was about to talk to brian that i don't think we should talk much anymore and he should stop advancing cause it's not healthy. pretty much the most heated convo i had with him cause he kept talking about why i wouldn't try. i really don't think its the right time to ask me that because it's not like im going to anymore i've already made up my mind. i felt really bad, cause i sound like a harsh bitch but i needed to get things straight. knowing me, if i didnt talk about this soon i would never get a chance to and in the end just have to live through it and regret not telling him early and blahblah.
- swimming in the morning. groggy cause i spent the night before reasoning til past 1am.
- got invited to an outing with chen and her old school friend amanda. she is so friggin funny and just really nice to hang with
- went to watch The Hobbit
- Uhm Bilbo is a hottie plus Thorin as well
- bought so much snacks but didnt end up eating half of it cause we had maccas for lunch ahhahas
- wanted to get a leather skirt at chicabooti like jazzys but they got sold out
- i really wanted to go shopping cause i need so much things but i figured amanda's not a shopping person so i stayed away from that. it was hard though, there were so many things i needed to get.
- friggin keep seeing that guy who went to the job interview at strath yogo at moochi bankstown, we always do awkward eye contact
Sleeping with frank ocean looped. #thegoodlife
No not really im just fucking bored and dont wanna go tutoring.
So it's only be 2 weeks into the new year and i have already been to loooads of food adventures :) This one, though, has been a spur of the moment when chen was talking about this really nice place in cabra with cheap steak. So we ventured down to there and looked for
J's Kitchen this super nice steak house on Cabra's 'busy street'.
So if you don't believe that steak can be cheap, this friggin is. 10$ for every plate including Beef steak, pork ribs, calamari, lamb..there were so many options.
I got the Beef Steak and chen went for the Pork Ribs. And this is how humongous it is:
I thought there would only be 1 piece of Beef Steak but it came with two, a huge serving of salad and loads of chips. So fcking full i couldn't finish it.
Chen's pork ribs came with three huge pieces as well as the salad and the chips.
We were so friggin full afterwards and wanted to walk around to die the stomache down but it was so hot so we were thinking of going straight to a froyo shop and sitting down to digest and get out of the heat. But Sub Zero was stacked with people and so we walked to our favourite crepe place :)
Chen got the Green Tea Ninja, which was green tea ice-cream with loads of orea bits, marshmalloews, whipped cream and wafers.
I got the Taro one - hahas yeah due to my current addiction to taro.
Loads of fun and the place is always so clean and cute.
J's Kitchen this super nice steak house on Cabra's 'busy street'.
So if you don't believe that steak can be cheap, this friggin is. 10$ for every plate including Beef steak, pork ribs, calamari, lamb..there were so many options.
I got the Beef Steak and chen went for the Pork Ribs. And this is how humongous it is:
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Beef Steak |
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Pork Ribs |
We were so friggin full afterwards and wanted to walk around to die the stomache down but it was so hot so we were thinking of going straight to a froyo shop and sitting down to digest and get out of the heat. But Sub Zero was stacked with people and so we walked to our favourite crepe place :)
Chen got the Green Tea Ninja, which was green tea ice-cream with loads of orea bits, marshmalloews, whipped cream and wafers.
I got the Taro one - hahas yeah due to my current addiction to taro.
Loads of fun and the place is always so clean and cute.
Okay how many signals does one guy fcking need to be able to know that someone is interested in him/want to know him?
Okay so last week i fcking passed you a bajillion times and smiled i thought we established a connection and this week i friggin brought out my froyo uniform so you could see and COME to the friggin shop ARE YOU FORREAL YOU DONT UNDERSTAND ME?!
Okay seriously youre from a top school and shit why arent you not socially smart at all :(
Or do i have to do the asian style; carry loads of books and friggin drop it in front of you so you could help me pick them up before we could finally talk don't be korean drama with me i just want a normal meeting ughs.
Friggin boring work day, sam wasnt there so i only swapped to cashier at the end and i was so friggin bored/tired. Worked with maria and min jun. oh min jun, that bitch is so shit he doesnt know how to talk to girls. So i just wandered around the shop and sharek and some other guys came idk who and that was embarassing but still kept my guest face on.
Had break bought some red bull.
KY HYUN CAME YAAAAY. With some other girls and Ky Won. Like he promised hahahs yay and he's like he's gonna teach me how to drive cause i finally got my licence ughs hes so adorbs like way better than min jun that bitch.
Older Sam came at the end to help clean and Ky Won stayed back. Cleaned for 30mins went home early forgot to clock off cant fcking sleep cause of all that caffeine. And i really need to change that usb at work cause the music is fcked up.
Whoever reads this and is in sydney please come hang out with me at my workplace i am in need of someone that can speak english well to talk to.
Okay so last week i fcking passed you a bajillion times and smiled i thought we established a connection and this week i friggin brought out my froyo uniform so you could see and COME to the friggin shop ARE YOU FORREAL YOU DONT UNDERSTAND ME?!
Okay seriously youre from a top school and shit why arent you not socially smart at all :(
Or do i have to do the asian style; carry loads of books and friggin drop it in front of you so you could help me pick them up before we could finally talk don't be korean drama with me i just want a normal meeting ughs.
Friggin boring work day, sam wasnt there so i only swapped to cashier at the end and i was so friggin bored/tired. Worked with maria and min jun. oh min jun, that bitch is so shit he doesnt know how to talk to girls. So i just wandered around the shop and sharek and some other guys came idk who and that was embarassing but still kept my guest face on.
Had break bought some red bull.
KY HYUN CAME YAAAAY. With some other girls and Ky Won. Like he promised hahahs yay and he's like he's gonna teach me how to drive cause i finally got my licence ughs hes so adorbs like way better than min jun that bitch.
Older Sam came at the end to help clean and Ky Won stayed back. Cleaned for 30mins went home early forgot to clock off cant fcking sleep cause of all that caffeine. And i really need to change that usb at work cause the music is fcked up.
Whoever reads this and is in sydney please come hang out with me at my workplace i am in need of someone that can speak english well to talk to.
Thursday i went out to Bankstown with my parents cause they wanted to buy some crap for their trip to vietnam. Ended up getting myself some good pair of jeans wooooot.
im running out of good jeans cause tina keeps wearing them consecutively and then expanding them. Realised that the guy who tried out at strath with me got into Moochi Bankstown and they were asking for workers there. Kinda pissed off why i didnt make it in in the first place when they asked for people but idc, i love my yogurberry family.
Thursday night had work with Minjun and my biffle Maria. Another guy came in, Sam, who transferred from Burwood and he's a music lover so i've been talking to him about acoustic music and swapping music with each other. Then he had to go out and be the bunny and its so funny cause he kept getting tortured by all these drunk people and i was laughing my head off. Ky Hyun came for the last hours to help clean up and we started talking about how Min Jun is sucha 'player' cause he keeps being super nice to girls and liking all these girls when he already had a gf hahahs. hahash the yogurberry fam wants to see brian and im like ahhahs no gtfo i will not show you so i lied and was like nah i dont have his picture on my phone and they kept friggin interrogating me.
Friday Min Jun had a day off so another new guy, Ky Won came in and he's so friggin funny. Friday was so friggin busy cause there was such a heat wave that our busy hour was like from 8pm-10.30pm and i could only go get a quick break then. Some guy customers started to get rowdy at the shop cause they wanted to impress some other chicks sitting near them and made Sam dance to gangnam style and i felt so sorry for him cause they were so rude. Ky Hyun came again and i was like bro this is my last shift with you im never gonna see you again but he promised me he'd come this week to hang out so its all good. Maria had to go again at 12 so i stayed back with all the guys and, right after the boss went, everyone got so rowdy and throwing rockmelons everywhere and my dad came to eat some froyo hahahahs.
Saturday was tiring i woke up with such a dull head but had to go to maccas. FINALLY. FINALLY. told my boss im quitting and she's like:"so when are you planning to quit." and im like "next week" but ive got no shift this week so WOOOT HAHAHAHS. did drinks and desserts and talked to so many people on front cause it wasn't busy and then went home early TO GO TO CHINATOWN. WHYY? Family wants to go eat some congee at this really nice restaurant so we went there and had this seafood congee and some pippis in xo sauce and they all tasted amazeballs. And then had some N2, took them to my octopus ball place, and then afterwards went to strath at 11.30 to get some froyo and meet the fam ahhahas. So embarassed cause i told Sabrina i was coming so when i got there she was like to Ky Hyun:"oh look she came just for you." and i was like WHHHY DID YOU SAY THAT OKAY WHUT. but he gave me 60% off so its all good hahahas.
Sunday went with mum and sis to the city to eat at Reuben Hills but we ended up going to Galleries and eating at Sushi Hotaru which is incredibly nice and then went on a monorail and then did some shopping and ended up going to Max Brenner and having loads of sweet shit hahahahs. LOVE THE BELGIUM WAFFLES THERE ITS LIKE ORGASM.
worked at maccas again for my last shift and it looked so busy so i tried to hide and doing dining but i that didnt work and i kept having to go back and doing fries but Leo, my maanger, knows how hard i work so thats good. Finally got off my shift and went home and solo partied in happiness ahahhas. called brian to tell him and he's like "YAYY GOOD JOB" and then talked until i had to go to bed.
This morning went to RTA to do my licence test. friggin machine froze at the place so i took ages but got through and my picture looks horrible cause i wasnt bothered dressing up and wearing my contacts so i only wore glasses and when i took it off to take the pic i was like dizzy and klutzy and i just looked so dead but idc. gonna wait until tina comes home and then we're recording "Locked Out Of Heaven" im so excited.
working tonight, tomorrow, friday, sat, and sunday tried to get the weekends so i'd work with Min Jun before he gets fired as well as Ky Won hahas. Wednesday i have fcking tutoring so i only have thursday night free fml. hhahas sorry this isnt a quick update, there is just so many memories i want to put down that i don't want to forget.
im running out of good jeans cause tina keeps wearing them consecutively and then expanding them. Realised that the guy who tried out at strath with me got into Moochi Bankstown and they were asking for workers there. Kinda pissed off why i didnt make it in in the first place when they asked for people but idc, i love my yogurberry family.
Thursday night had work with Minjun and my biffle Maria. Another guy came in, Sam, who transferred from Burwood and he's a music lover so i've been talking to him about acoustic music and swapping music with each other. Then he had to go out and be the bunny and its so funny cause he kept getting tortured by all these drunk people and i was laughing my head off. Ky Hyun came for the last hours to help clean up and we started talking about how Min Jun is sucha 'player' cause he keeps being super nice to girls and liking all these girls when he already had a gf hahahs. hahash the yogurberry fam wants to see brian and im like ahhahs no gtfo i will not show you so i lied and was like nah i dont have his picture on my phone and they kept friggin interrogating me.
Friday Min Jun had a day off so another new guy, Ky Won came in and he's so friggin funny. Friday was so friggin busy cause there was such a heat wave that our busy hour was like from 8pm-10.30pm and i could only go get a quick break then. Some guy customers started to get rowdy at the shop cause they wanted to impress some other chicks sitting near them and made Sam dance to gangnam style and i felt so sorry for him cause they were so rude. Ky Hyun came again and i was like bro this is my last shift with you im never gonna see you again but he promised me he'd come this week to hang out so its all good. Maria had to go again at 12 so i stayed back with all the guys and, right after the boss went, everyone got so rowdy and throwing rockmelons everywhere and my dad came to eat some froyo hahahahs.
Saturday was tiring i woke up with such a dull head but had to go to maccas. FINALLY. FINALLY. told my boss im quitting and she's like:"so when are you planning to quit." and im like "next week" but ive got no shift this week so WOOOT HAHAHAHS. did drinks and desserts and talked to so many people on front cause it wasn't busy and then went home early TO GO TO CHINATOWN. WHYY? Family wants to go eat some congee at this really nice restaurant so we went there and had this seafood congee and some pippis in xo sauce and they all tasted amazeballs. And then had some N2, took them to my octopus ball place, and then afterwards went to strath at 11.30 to get some froyo and meet the fam ahhahas. So embarassed cause i told Sabrina i was coming so when i got there she was like to Ky Hyun:"oh look she came just for you." and i was like WHHHY DID YOU SAY THAT OKAY WHUT. but he gave me 60% off so its all good hahahas.
Sunday went with mum and sis to the city to eat at Reuben Hills but we ended up going to Galleries and eating at Sushi Hotaru which is incredibly nice and then went on a monorail and then did some shopping and ended up going to Max Brenner and having loads of sweet shit hahahahs. LOVE THE BELGIUM WAFFLES THERE ITS LIKE ORGASM.
worked at maccas again for my last shift and it looked so busy so i tried to hide and doing dining but i that didnt work and i kept having to go back and doing fries but Leo, my maanger, knows how hard i work so thats good. Finally got off my shift and went home and solo partied in happiness ahahhas. called brian to tell him and he's like "YAYY GOOD JOB" and then talked until i had to go to bed.
This morning went to RTA to do my licence test. friggin machine froze at the place so i took ages but got through and my picture looks horrible cause i wasnt bothered dressing up and wearing my contacts so i only wore glasses and when i took it off to take the pic i was like dizzy and klutzy and i just looked so dead but idc. gonna wait until tina comes home and then we're recording "Locked Out Of Heaven" im so excited.
working tonight, tomorrow, friday, sat, and sunday tried to get the weekends so i'd work with Min Jun before he gets fired as well as Ky Won hahas. Wednesday i have fcking tutoring so i only have thursday night free fml. hhahas sorry this isnt a quick update, there is just so many memories i want to put down that i don't want to forget.
im so pissed at myself.
im not good at expressing my emotions and how i feel and cause of that i couldn't tell you how special you are to me and how much i'd miss you cause, even if it was brief, you were such a great friend. you were the one that bothered to talk and introduce me and make me feel good at a place i don't know and i'm glad you were like such a brotherly figure to me.
damn it sucks.
im not good at expressing my emotions and how i feel and cause of that i couldn't tell you how special you are to me and how much i'd miss you cause, even if it was brief, you were such a great friend. you were the one that bothered to talk and introduce me and make me feel good at a place i don't know and i'm glad you were like such a brotherly figure to me.
damn it sucks.
No Church In The Wild Featured in the Great Gatsby Soundtrack
Frank Ocean overload kdjflskjdflksjdfkjsldf im in love
Just a quick update
Hey guys :)
So sorry i havent been on to post random shit, ive just been super busy with work, cause half of my days are pretty much working my ass off.
Sunday had work with Min Jun and Mercy, the new chick. Min Jun is so funny cause he understands english but couldnt speak and its so hilarious watching him squirm in anger cause he couldnt figure out how to express shit and in the end hed just give up and tell me it in korean hahas. Kinda taught him some english but obviously i was crap at that. But he fed me as a thankyou -fcking gave me so much wasabi on my kimbap- and gave me 50% my froyo when chen and sarahcame so it was all cool :)
Monday has work. Saw jason at strath hahahas. It was Jin Su's last day in Australia and a few were going out for dinner but most of the people were stuffed hahahas. Worked with Ky Hyun and Min Jun the two fobs who kept going out to get random breaks and coming back smelling like fucking cigarettes. But theyre so funny. The conversations we have are so weird, like what type of guys do vietnamese girls like and shit, and we'd talk about korean and viet food though it'd take them a while to figure out wtf is 'vietnamese'. finally begged for my first break wooot.
Tuesday went to a friends house to hog her pool but that ended up being a dud cause it was so friggin hot to even get into the pool so we just had a movie marathon.
Angel and xin came afterwards to mmy workplace and hung out/gave in their resumes im so cjsjciosjcisd excited maybe we three could work together. Saw jason again hahahahas. Worked with Maria and Ky Hyun and a new trainee chick who cant run the front well fjskgkskkfdk. Like seriously when she left i me and ky hyun had to clean up so much crap. Maria is an absolute cutie fob who is so funny and she really wants to be a chef when she graduates from college so its so great to talk to her. And we kind of bonded over palm reading omfg so random. And Ky Hyun and Min Jun are leaving this week. Sad timingcause theyre the two i had the most shifts with and bonded with, the other fobs im not that close to. They both have sunday work which i was asked to be rostered on but im fcking busted with maccas.
My dad and mum and gran went to pick me up which i thought was cuuuute such a tear jerker hahas. AND SAW JASON. AGAIN WHUT.
Biggest achievement: would probs be noticed by the yogurberry manager, kevin, as hardworking, as well as my store manager, who i havent even had a shift with yet. The others also tell me im working hard which i feel kinda weird to respond cause i really dont do anything but talk to the customers and hang out with the other staff when its not busy. But I think all the hard continuous labour i did at maccas is starting to work off.
Today: woke up to go do my drivers knowledge test. Woke up sofriggin early to study but ended up being shooed home before the test cause my passport was expired and i didnt have any other id :( rescheduled for monday and no maccas shift next week AWESOME :)
Pretty much just read crap, played games, jammed sess this whole day and felt a lot more relaxing.
Working 4 nights in a row starting from tomorrow but im excited for them- cept sat and sun when its friggin maccas- this gon be pretty fun. AND FOOD ADVENTURE WITH KIM TOMORROW.
I went on one recently with chen, that would soon be posted up as well after i get some fucking good sleep :) NIGHTIES AND CHEERIOS.
So sorry i havent been on to post random shit, ive just been super busy with work, cause half of my days are pretty much working my ass off.
Sunday had work with Min Jun and Mercy, the new chick. Min Jun is so funny cause he understands english but couldnt speak and its so hilarious watching him squirm in anger cause he couldnt figure out how to express shit and in the end hed just give up and tell me it in korean hahas. Kinda taught him some english but obviously i was crap at that. But he fed me as a thankyou -fcking gave me so much wasabi on my kimbap- and gave me 50% my froyo when chen and sarahcame so it was all cool :)
Monday has work. Saw jason at strath hahahas. It was Jin Su's last day in Australia and a few were going out for dinner but most of the people were stuffed hahahas. Worked with Ky Hyun and Min Jun the two fobs who kept going out to get random breaks and coming back smelling like fucking cigarettes. But theyre so funny. The conversations we have are so weird, like what type of guys do vietnamese girls like and shit, and we'd talk about korean and viet food though it'd take them a while to figure out wtf is 'vietnamese'. finally begged for my first break wooot.
Tuesday went to a friends house to hog her pool but that ended up being a dud cause it was so friggin hot to even get into the pool so we just had a movie marathon.
Angel and xin came afterwards to mmy workplace and hung out/gave in their resumes im so cjsjciosjcisd excited maybe we three could work together. Saw jason again hahahahas. Worked with Maria and Ky Hyun and a new trainee chick who cant run the front well fjskgkskkfdk. Like seriously when she left i me and ky hyun had to clean up so much crap. Maria is an absolute cutie fob who is so funny and she really wants to be a chef when she graduates from college so its so great to talk to her. And we kind of bonded over palm reading omfg so random. And Ky Hyun and Min Jun are leaving this week. Sad timingcause theyre the two i had the most shifts with and bonded with, the other fobs im not that close to. They both have sunday work which i was asked to be rostered on but im fcking busted with maccas.
My dad and mum and gran went to pick me up which i thought was cuuuute such a tear jerker hahas. AND SAW JASON. AGAIN WHUT.
Biggest achievement: would probs be noticed by the yogurberry manager, kevin, as hardworking, as well as my store manager, who i havent even had a shift with yet. The others also tell me im working hard which i feel kinda weird to respond cause i really dont do anything but talk to the customers and hang out with the other staff when its not busy. But I think all the hard continuous labour i did at maccas is starting to work off.
Today: woke up to go do my drivers knowledge test. Woke up sofriggin early to study but ended up being shooed home before the test cause my passport was expired and i didnt have any other id :( rescheduled for monday and no maccas shift next week AWESOME :)
Pretty much just read crap, played games, jammed sess this whole day and felt a lot more relaxing.
Working 4 nights in a row starting from tomorrow but im excited for them- cept sat and sun when its friggin maccas- this gon be pretty fun. AND FOOD ADVENTURE WITH KIM TOMORROW.
I went on one recently with chen, that would soon be posted up as well after i get some fucking good sleep :) NIGHTIES AND CHEERIOS.
Got a legit free fortune telling today
Some guy came into the store and started talking to me, asking if i was going to get fortune told, would i like to hear only good things? Or good things and bad things.
Then we went into a convo and then he said hes a fortune teller and can read me as well. So the palm reading begins:
1. Im good at business, i should learn business
2. Im going to die very old - woooot
3. Im going to get married twice, one for 15years and then once again
4. Im very anxious due to family issuess - which is so absolutely true- and due to that it might affect me in the future.
5. I will be attracted to abusive guys/guys that have tattoos piercings and blah who are pretty bad
6. I believe in fairness
7. I have a thing for proving that im roght and being right
Okay, so though some are true i dont think this is accurate to my future.
Obviously im going to marry a british hottie in france, live with my poodles and sell pastries. Jeez.
Then we went into a convo and then he said hes a fortune teller and can read me as well. So the palm reading begins:
1. Im good at business, i should learn business
2. Im going to die very old - woooot
3. Im going to get married twice, one for 15years and then once again
4. Im very anxious due to family issuess - which is so absolutely true- and due to that it might affect me in the future.
5. I will be attracted to abusive guys/guys that have tattoos piercings and blah who are pretty bad
6. I believe in fairness
7. I have a thing for proving that im roght and being right
Okay, so though some are true i dont think this is accurate to my future.
Obviously im going to marry a british hottie in france, live with my poodles and sell pastries. Jeez.
Ran for 20mins straight
Sweating like a sweatfest
Feeling like a beast :)
Now its toning time: legsercises, arms, and abs with that swiss ball :)
Feeling like a beast :)
Now its toning time: legsercises, arms, and abs with that swiss ball :)
Watching 'Here Comes Honey Boo Boo' WOOOT. She is such a babe seriously.
Yeah as you can see i had a pretty shitty lazy day.
Woke up with this whole plan to go register for a Drivers License test and then go shopping with mum but things went shit when tina argued with dad and then mum went into this serious 'i dont wanna go nowhere' phase which is still lasting believe it or not.
Already booked my test for next week and itching to get out of the house. for now it's just me and honey boo boo <3 font="font">
Yeah as you can see i had a pretty shitty lazy day.
Woke up with this whole plan to go register for a Drivers License test and then go shopping with mum but things went shit when tina argued with dad and then mum went into this serious 'i dont wanna go nowhere' phase which is still lasting believe it or not.
Already booked my test for next week and itching to get out of the house. for now it's just me and honey boo boo <3 font="font">
Hi guys! this is late but HAPPY NEW YEAR AND ALL THE BEST!
2012 has been a pretty bumpy ride for i've learnt so many things.
Firstly, i've learnt what it was like to be independent. I started working, started voicing myself to the world, going outside the comfort zone of my own house and my parents who i depended on so much. Though it has been rough, i've learnt so much through these experiences and made so many new friends.
I've also learnt who my real friends are. Learnt that i should be myself more and learnt that i should love and value myself more than i used to. And, though im still working on it, i feel more confident about who i am.
This new year, i hope to start fresh. I want to stop making excuses for many things, stop trying to run away from things when it gets tough. But as well as that, i want to find what i'm comfortable in and what i love doing and try to improve myself. As you guys might have already known, i have started working at someplace else. Though i'm coping a lot of slack from my old place, i feel like this is the first biggest achievement of the year; calling in and telling them i am quitting today. The whole end of last year has seen me not being myself, trying to stay at someplace that doesnt suit me, and dreading to go to work with the only incentive of getting money as the only reason.
Though I've only started work for 2 weeks, i can tell you i haven't felt more comfortable in this working environment before. I love the joy of being able to talk to my workmates easily as well as being able to talk to customers, and though i work twice as many hours and as hard as ever, i have never felt so happy.
I hope this new year would also bring me the same enjoyment in my studies as well as my life in general. I hope to make new friends, spread out my horizon and be able to enjoy what i love in the place that i love.
And i hope and wish all of this for everyone as well. Thank you for coming along with me on my 2012 ride, and reading through my achievements, problems, rants and just subtly being there. I sincerely hope you all the best for 2013.
2012 has been a pretty bumpy ride for i've learnt so many things.
Firstly, i've learnt what it was like to be independent. I started working, started voicing myself to the world, going outside the comfort zone of my own house and my parents who i depended on so much. Though it has been rough, i've learnt so much through these experiences and made so many new friends.
I've also learnt who my real friends are. Learnt that i should be myself more and learnt that i should love and value myself more than i used to. And, though im still working on it, i feel more confident about who i am.
This new year, i hope to start fresh. I want to stop making excuses for many things, stop trying to run away from things when it gets tough. But as well as that, i want to find what i'm comfortable in and what i love doing and try to improve myself. As you guys might have already known, i have started working at someplace else. Though i'm coping a lot of slack from my old place, i feel like this is the first biggest achievement of the year; calling in and telling them i am quitting today. The whole end of last year has seen me not being myself, trying to stay at someplace that doesnt suit me, and dreading to go to work with the only incentive of getting money as the only reason.
Though I've only started work for 2 weeks, i can tell you i haven't felt more comfortable in this working environment before. I love the joy of being able to talk to my workmates easily as well as being able to talk to customers, and though i work twice as many hours and as hard as ever, i have never felt so happy.
I hope this new year would also bring me the same enjoyment in my studies as well as my life in general. I hope to make new friends, spread out my horizon and be able to enjoy what i love in the place that i love.
And i hope and wish all of this for everyone as well. Thank you for coming along with me on my 2012 ride, and reading through my achievements, problems, rants and just subtly being there. I sincerely hope you all the best for 2013.
New Year Resolution
1. Stop being so lazy
2. Start studying properly
3. Eat clean
4. Lose weight. Not to be skinny but to be fit.
2. Start studying properly
3. Eat clean
4. Lose weight. Not to be skinny but to be fit.
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