Moday nothing, tuesday french oral, wednesday textiles workshop = no classes, thursday bludge, friday les intouchables.
Equals mindless talking in class and "LAMYA <3" tags all over my arms.
30 DAY CHALLENGE DAY ONE: Five ways to win my heart
Five ways to win my heart
what a weird challenge. anyhooos.
1. Be cute!
Though they can be so extremely hot, i'm not really into those cool kinda swagswagswag guys, cause most of the ones i know seem to be so douchey. Cute and cleany shaven hahahas. Isn't cocky cause he thinks he's the illest or anything like that. My friends think i have bad tastes in guys cause they're all like: "omg you serious he's not hot at all whats with his hair?" blahblahblah. pshh i can fix hair and clothes and stuff hahahas. i can't fix an asshole personality.
2. Know how and when to help out
Like when im struggling with shit or couldnt figure something else, it's nice to see people step in and be like "oh here i'll do this for you.",like even without me asking. chivalry? hahahas such a cliche thing but i'm a sucker for it. Yeah, i already well happy when these random people help me out at work and so yeah :)
3. Musically Talented
CALL ME A HOPELESS ROMANTIC but don't you find it so cute when some guy brings out his uke and serenades to his girl? AT THE PARK? AT THE STATION? this is one of the cutest ways of PDA and, although it may be cringing, i find it so cute. So yeah, i usually lean towards guys who can sing or play an instrument and isn't actually shy to perform to me. It takes so much courage to do these sorts of things so i get so sldkjfslkjflsdf when it does happen...soon maybe hahas.
I can't deal with fragile people, i really can't. TBH i am so grateful when someone comes to me and tells me about their problems, tell me what saddened or just have d&ms with them cause, even though mostly what we talk about are sad things or just bitchy mean things, i feel a sense of happiness that these people have trust in me to tell me these things. hahas im so weird. but like no, i just don't want my guy to be overly fragile, like super sensitive.i usually jokingly diss people and make fun of them to keep the conversation going but with these people it's so hard because i'd have to like..super think if whatever i say will insult them. and thinking just turns a convo into something very awkward. so yeah i don't full on hate fragile people but i wouldn't like my guy to be like that.
Trust is sosososos important to me - hahas mostly cause i sometimes feel so insecure- and just to know that i've got someone who's got my back makes it so much better. The feeling of being able to depend on someone at your worst and know they're there and they won't cheat you is really rare. i think i've asked for too much but i guess if my guy has this kinda personality, nothing else really matters :)
what a weird challenge. anyhooos.
1. Be cute!
Though they can be so extremely hot, i'm not really into those cool kinda swagswagswag guys, cause most of the ones i know seem to be so douchey. Cute and cleany shaven hahahas. Isn't cocky cause he thinks he's the illest or anything like that. My friends think i have bad tastes in guys cause they're all like: "omg you serious he's not hot at all whats with his hair?" blahblahblah. pshh i can fix hair and clothes and stuff hahahas. i can't fix an asshole personality.
2. Know how and when to help out
Like when im struggling with shit or couldnt figure something else, it's nice to see people step in and be like "oh here i'll do this for you.",like even without me asking. chivalry? hahahas such a cliche thing but i'm a sucker for it. Yeah, i already well happy when these random people help me out at work and so yeah :)
3. Musically Talented
CALL ME A HOPELESS ROMANTIC but don't you find it so cute when some guy brings out his uke and serenades to his girl? AT THE PARK? AT THE STATION? this is one of the cutest ways of PDA and, although it may be cringing, i find it so cute. So yeah, i usually lean towards guys who can sing or play an instrument and isn't actually shy to perform to me. It takes so much courage to do these sorts of things so i get so sldkjfslkjflsdf when it does happen...soon maybe hahas.
I can't deal with fragile people, i really can't. TBH i am so grateful when someone comes to me and tells me about their problems, tell me what saddened or just have d&ms with them cause, even though mostly what we talk about are sad things or just bitchy mean things, i feel a sense of happiness that these people have trust in me to tell me these things. hahas im so weird. but like no, i just don't want my guy to be overly fragile, like super sensitive.i usually jokingly diss people and make fun of them to keep the conversation going but with these people it's so hard because i'd have to like..super think if whatever i say will insult them. and thinking just turns a convo into something very awkward. so yeah i don't full on hate fragile people but i wouldn't like my guy to be like that.
Trust is sosososos important to me - hahas mostly cause i sometimes feel so insecure- and just to know that i've got someone who's got my back makes it so much better. The feeling of being able to depend on someone at your worst and know they're there and they won't cheat you is really rare. i think i've asked for too much but i guess if my guy has this kinda personality, nothing else really matters :)
Debit - The Legend Of Rick Ross (Every Day I'm Hustlin EP, Track 4)
got work today :) i wanted to spend the morning practicing my french for french speaking but i left my speaking sheet at school :$ so ive been asking around, and roaming around youtube.
formal pictures came out and omg there were so many face pullings. i guess i can't last a day without pulling a face at someone or even at a camera, that's probably the only thing that keeps me sane :)
trying not to take work to such a bad light, i've been pissed the last several days about it cause i've only got trained for like 30mins at the fries station until i had to move back to dining. but today i'm working at fries and i'm going to try my best and quickly get to front counter arghbargh. the only thing i'm looking forward to right now.
actually i've been pretty moody the last few days. things came up and people became irritating and it just discouraged a lot of people which brought the mood down so much.
luna park was really fun :) i went to every single ride and had so much fun, so fun that i came late to tutoring and made jasmine do the same :( sorry baby. and then i figured out i missed out on the mirror room, WHICH WAS THE ONLY ONE I WANTED TO GO ONTO THE MOST AFTER I WENT ONCE IN VIETNAM. ahs, it's cool :)
now that exams gone- well nearly- i could look forward to doing more diys and sewing more and reading more. and obviously exercise cause i've been so a flab the last few weeks. OH and an opening of a new youtube channel ;) me and my friend are going to open up a channel with more covers and hauls and just the likes so keep an eye on that :)
Cute guy at formal taken by a gorgeous girl.
Okay wait lemme just eat my misery away...
The food was okay...i thought it would be better. But everyone looked gorgeous and then as soon as we sat down and got our food we became rowdy and didnt give a crap about manners hahahas.
There was this massive time when all there was was eating and this really slow music and every just went out to the balcony the whole time to take photos, and then would go bak to eat. And then we were allowed to dance after the mains and then everyone got wild :)
And i had so much fun dancing and meeting new people, which kinda pissed off my friends cause they kept saying "ommggg ann NOW youre back!" i dont see the point of goinging to a formal if youre not going to make new friends and talk to other people.
Even while i was dancing with the group i wanted to open the circle so other people and their dates would go in but somehow people would just close the circle and and other people would leave and id be like ciskckskfd make new friends!
So yeah at around half time it was the award ceremony and me and sarah didnt want to go cause we thought it was stupid so we snuck into the photo booth and took all these retarded photos..which i think would be up on fb hahahas.
Was about to get out after everyone came out to do gangnam. And then afterwards it was just random dancing near the photobooth, random dancing on the balcony, random dancing at the back of the room, and dance dares which me and xin kinda flopped out.
Altogether it was so much fun meeting people and their dates and even though the place was a bit squished it was such a cheery place to be :)
The food was okay...i thought it would be better. But everyone looked gorgeous and then as soon as we sat down and got our food we became rowdy and didnt give a crap about manners hahahas.
There was this massive time when all there was was eating and this really slow music and every just went out to the balcony the whole time to take photos, and then would go bak to eat. And then we were allowed to dance after the mains and then everyone got wild :)
And i had so much fun dancing and meeting new people, which kinda pissed off my friends cause they kept saying "ommggg ann NOW youre back!" i dont see the point of goinging to a formal if youre not going to make new friends and talk to other people.
Even while i was dancing with the group i wanted to open the circle so other people and their dates would go in but somehow people would just close the circle and and other people would leave and id be like ciskckskfd make new friends!
So yeah at around half time it was the award ceremony and me and sarah didnt want to go cause we thought it was stupid so we snuck into the photo booth and took all these retarded photos..which i think would be up on fb hahahas.
Was about to get out after everyone came out to do gangnam. And then afterwards it was just random dancing near the photobooth, random dancing on the balcony, random dancing at the back of the room, and dance dares which me and xin kinda flopped out.
Altogether it was so much fun meeting people and their dates and even though the place was a bit squished it was such a cheery place to be :)
10 dollars an hour :)
$55 dollars a week!
but minus $25 this week for uniform.
it's cool :) closer to my goal :)
but minus $25 this week for uniform.
it's cool :) closer to my goal :)
week's playlist :)
all the good things looped and listened over and over.
What do I Have To Do? Ft. Dumbfounded - Traphik (TimothyDeLaGhetto)
Feel Like Making Love- D'Angelo cover - Glenn Lumanta
wish this was longer :(
LonelyBoy- Black Keys cover- Matt Corby
Locked Out Of Heaven- Bruno Mars
sdkfjsldjflsjdlfjsdf his voice. SLDKFJSLDFJLSDJF BRUNO IS BACK YAAAAAAY.
anyways, 2 exams to go, pd and textiles. im finally getting some rest and feeling better and the next weeks would be absolutely amazing. less schooling, more excursions, work experience, beaching...ALL OF THAT :)
getting my social life back while also earning money, let nothing get me down :)
What do I Have To Do? Ft. Dumbfounded - Traphik (TimothyDeLaGhetto)
wish this was longer :(
sdkfjsldjflsjdlfjsdf his voice. SLDKFJSLDFJLSDJF BRUNO IS BACK YAAAAAAY.
anyways, 2 exams to go, pd and textiles. im finally getting some rest and feeling better and the next weeks would be absolutely amazing. less schooling, more excursions, work experience, beaching...ALL OF THAT :)
getting my social life back while also earning money, let nothing get me down :)
today's schedule
morning: study french. like seriously
afternoon: study elective history and get more info into Elizabeth I
night: french. french. french.
afternoon: study elective history and get more info into Elizabeth I
night: french. french. french.
Got approached by this old pedo today
While doing dining. So fcking scary at first i thought he was nice and then he started talking and smiling to me every time i wallednpassed him and then he started asking for my age and i was lile errrrrr i gotta go clean tables.
And the whole time i was trying not to make eye contact with him and then afterwards when he walked out he's lile :"see you later" and i was like :"err thanks okay."
And this family close to me was like :"whatta pedo shouldve told him to go stuff himself"
I hated dining today it was crappy cause my shoes that were lile 2 size to small killed my feet and now ive got blisters :( but i made friends yaaaay!
But omfg was going out to the back to chuck some shit and i close the door behind me so i got locked out hahahas. And i spent like 5 minutes embarassinly banging onthe door but no-one so i had to try and open the gate. And luckily it was opened so i creeped out gone walked in via the front and that was just so embarassing hahahas. omfg imagine if it wasnt fml.
Some girl burned herself by the end of my shift so my manager asked me to stay back for another hour but my mum was outside so yeah.
And the whole time i was trying not to make eye contact with him and then afterwards when he walked out he's lile :"see you later" and i was like :"err thanks okay."
And this family close to me was like :"whatta pedo shouldve told him to go stuff himself"
I hated dining today it was crappy cause my shoes that were lile 2 size to small killed my feet and now ive got blisters :( but i made friends yaaaay!
But omfg was going out to the back to chuck some shit and i close the door behind me so i got locked out hahahas. And i spent like 5 minutes embarassinly banging onthe door but no-one so i had to try and open the gate. And luckily it was opened so i creeped out gone walked in via the front and that was just so embarassing hahahas. omfg imagine if it wasnt fml.
Some girl burned herself by the end of my shift so my manager asked me to stay back for another hour but my mum was outside so yeah.
7 pages of notes on Elective History to go through tonight
plus i gotta re-do french writing task. as well as start with my listening which ms reminded the whole class to do at least 2 weeks before the exam.
I don't wanna do this.. :(
I don't wanna do this.. :(
uhm..okay disrespectful much
next time remember who's the one that fcking brought you to life and then think again before you call her a bitch. rude.
i haven't finished the other one yet but i've got nothing else that is deep to say hahahas. SO LEGO.
30 Day Writer’s-Blog Challenge List:
30 Day Writer’s-Blog Challenge List:
- Five ways to win someone's heart
- Something you feel strongly about
- A book you love
- Bullet your whole day
- Things you want to say to an ex
- Your views on mainstream music
- Five pet peeves
- What you ate today
- How important you think education is
- Put your music player on shuffle and write the first ten songs that play
- Your family
- Five guys whom you find attractive
- Your opinion about your body and how you comfortable you are with it
- What you wore today
- Your zodiac/horoscope and if you think it fits your personality
- Something you always think “what if …” about
- Something that you are proud of
- A problem that you have had
- Five items you lust after
- Your fears
- How you hope your future will be like
- Your academics
- Something that you miss
- Five words/phrases that make you laugh
- Something you’re currently worrying about
- Things you like and dislike about yourself
- A quote to try to live by
- Somewhere you’d like to move to or visit
- Five weird things that you like
- One thing you’re excited about
is probably the most awkward hahas.
my trainer chick is so nice and cute and i was ppose to do fries but my manager got me mixed up with nat so i had to do dining. but dining is actually that bad. it was pretty chill cause it wasn't peak hour and i had to wipe and sweep and mop and then did some training modules so yeah my shift went by pretty quick.
working back on saturday on dining until next week when angela finally trains me on fries :L
my trainer chick is so nice and cute and i was ppose to do fries but my manager got me mixed up with nat so i had to do dining. but dining is actually that bad. it was pretty chill cause it wasn't peak hour and i had to wipe and sweep and mop and then did some training modules so yeah my shift went by pretty quick.
working back on saturday on dining until next week when angela finally trains me on fries :L
Kay so Monday was shit, I had English and Geo blahblah.
Went to my maccas orientation and got my uniform and its dreadful :( and i dont have shoes that fit me, i got to use my mums buts its still too small and my toes hurt and i dont know how i'll be able to work tomorrow.
Anyways, Tuesday I had maths. It went okay :) Afterwards me and kim and tan went to eat as well as shopping. So we went to Meetfresh and had the Taro Ball mania which was so nice!
Then me and kim bought winter melon tea and we tried it with whipped cream and omfg it tasted so shit. Not the tea though, i loved it. But whipped cream with it just tasted weird.
Then we went shopping and i tried the spike dress and i liked it cept the zip was shit so i thought it didnt fit me but today i went with my mum and it was perfect fit :))
ANYWAYS. TODAY. okay so i thought science was okay, but i knew i couldve done so much better. someone tried to copy off me and like...i was sure who it was but i had assumptions. supervising teacher came towards me and was like.."you might want to cover your answers" and she placed my question booklet on top of my answer sheet.
uhm, went with chen to go buy sadia's stuff. thanks for the people who remembered to bring money :) got her this pair of wedges thats like blue and i wanted to get her this velvet maroon one but like..the left foot came in a pair 38 and the other one was a size 39 and all the other pairs were 40 hahahas.
so i got these ones. and i dont really like the wedges that much but that was the only wedges i could afford with the little amount of people who bothered to pitch in. and also this little case to put her phone in.
and then me and chen went to Meetfresh cause chen hasnt tried meetfresh and we ate the taroballs again cause i was like CHEN YOU GOTTA TRY IT and the lady remembered me hahahas. and then walked back to central to meet mum.
and then we went shopping and i showed her that dress and ended up getting it as well as this belt that i needed for formal but i dont know if i should use it. its not like a normal belt so theres no end of belt flapping around but it looks okay on my dress.,.idk.
then we were to eat at Oiden and i got a shitty meal cause i didnt get time to choose and it was rush hour and i couldnt choose so i was like ughhhh set meal. which is sucky.
but yeah went to Topshop and found my baby ! so its this beautiful military anorak jacket and like i ran to it as soon as i saw it hahahas. its expensive but i think it's something that i could invest on so im pretty happy :)
Went to my maccas orientation and got my uniform and its dreadful :( and i dont have shoes that fit me, i got to use my mums buts its still too small and my toes hurt and i dont know how i'll be able to work tomorrow.
Anyways, Tuesday I had maths. It went okay :) Afterwards me and kim and tan went to eat as well as shopping. So we went to Meetfresh and had the Taro Ball mania which was so nice!
really liked the lanterns |
Taroball Mania |
Winter Melon Tea |
ANYWAYS. TODAY. okay so i thought science was okay, but i knew i couldve done so much better. someone tried to copy off me and like...i was sure who it was but i had assumptions. supervising teacher came towards me and was like.."you might want to cover your answers" and she placed my question booklet on top of my answer sheet.
uhm, went with chen to go buy sadia's stuff. thanks for the people who remembered to bring money :) got her this pair of wedges thats like blue and i wanted to get her this velvet maroon one but like..the left foot came in a pair 38 and the other one was a size 39 and all the other pairs were 40 hahahas.
so i got these ones. and i dont really like the wedges that much but that was the only wedges i could afford with the little amount of people who bothered to pitch in. and also this little case to put her phone in.
and then me and chen went to Meetfresh cause chen hasnt tried meetfresh and we ate the taroballs again cause i was like CHEN YOU GOTTA TRY IT and the lady remembered me hahahas. and then walked back to central to meet mum.
and then we went shopping and i showed her that dress and ended up getting it as well as this belt that i needed for formal but i dont know if i should use it. its not like a normal belt so theres no end of belt flapping around but it looks okay on my dress.,.idk.
then we were to eat at Oiden and i got a shitty meal cause i didnt get time to choose and it was rush hour and i couldnt choose so i was like ughhhh set meal. which is sucky.
but yeah went to Topshop and found my baby ! so its this beautiful military anorak jacket and like i ran to it as soon as i saw it hahahas. its expensive but i think it's something that i could invest on so im pretty happy :)
Okay i just gotta get this off my chest.
To the guy who goes around on instagram saying "less than three".
NO. WTF. STOP THIS. It took me longer than three minutes to get what this means. I was like..less than three? You want me to follow your instagram in less than three minutes?
Wait less than three. Is this like the fob way of saying #1 or something? Omg just please fcking type <3 it takes less time and it fcking easier to understand.
To the guy who goes around on instagram saying "less than three".
NO. WTF. STOP THIS. It took me longer than three minutes to get what this means. I was like..less than three? You want me to follow your instagram in less than three minutes?
Wait less than three. Is this like the fob way of saying #1 or something? Omg just please fcking type <3 it takes less time and it fcking easier to understand.
Last blog post for 2 weeks :)
so yeah today would be the last day that i blog or even go on to check posts. im going to be blocking this page and all so i dont have the sudden urge. but not that i do since im up to my neck with shit.
exams exams exams. i dont know why i think like this but i find this the most important exam period yet. all my friends are chill and i don't get how they could. i feel so sucky i wasted a holiday and things arent going the way i plan but thats what i get for not studying properly.
talked to brian yesterday night at the most ungodly hour and he's like relax you need time for yourself. but like sometimes when i do, like yesterday how i watched bourne ultimatum, i feel so guilty and tensed cause im not using my time properly. but like, im going to the point where i think im overstudying and i feel so tired and yeah, back on my daily dose of coffee.
and im following his advice to leave english to the end if it stresses me out too much. HOPEFULLY things will go well.
but thinking about it, these exams would be the last exam where i do things i hate: pd, geo, elec history, french. so yeah, SOLDIER ON :))
so yeah today would be the last day that i blog or even go on to check posts. im going to be blocking this page and all so i dont have the sudden urge. but not that i do since im up to my neck with shit.
exams exams exams. i dont know why i think like this but i find this the most important exam period yet. all my friends are chill and i don't get how they could. i feel so sucky i wasted a holiday and things arent going the way i plan but thats what i get for not studying properly.
talked to brian yesterday night at the most ungodly hour and he's like relax you need time for yourself. but like sometimes when i do, like yesterday how i watched bourne ultimatum, i feel so guilty and tensed cause im not using my time properly. but like, im going to the point where i think im overstudying and i feel so tired and yeah, back on my daily dose of coffee.
and im following his advice to leave english to the end if it stresses me out too much. HOPEFULLY things will go well.
but thinking about it, these exams would be the last exam where i do things i hate: pd, geo, elec history, french. so yeah, SOLDIER ON :))
My formal dress that I'm thinking to wear is too big for me. i can't do shit because it's the waist thats too big and mum's like GET A BELT and im like WHOA DO YOU KNOW HOW WEIRD THAT IS TO WEAR A BELT TO A FORMAL. im going to ask my mum to fix it but she's not really a tailor, last time i told her to fix my dress she just made it weird. i wish grandma was home because she's good at these things. sorry mum.
I've got another formal dress, the one i made for textiles, but i hate it so much. I hate how long it is cause it's only a year 10 formal and i want it to be short not like...yeah. i need to dance and party and craze out and i dont think it'll be good to be wearing that dress. And some of my other friends have long dresses and they're like "ANN JUST WEAR IT" but it's so uncomfortable cause its so long and i made everything tight (the underskirt) so i can't do jump legs in them.
And plus ive got these things on the top which i forgot what they're called - and im a textiles student- and it gives the bodice a shape to it and it's hard and one of them stuck out of my lining and it digs into my skin and i only realised that while i was wearing it for my catwalk.
i don't know what to do there's only like..what..2 weeks left?
I've got another formal dress, the one i made for textiles, but i hate it so much. I hate how long it is cause it's only a year 10 formal and i want it to be short not like...yeah. i need to dance and party and craze out and i dont think it'll be good to be wearing that dress. And some of my other friends have long dresses and they're like "ANN JUST WEAR IT" but it's so uncomfortable cause its so long and i made everything tight (the underskirt) so i can't do jump legs in them.
And plus ive got these things on the top which i forgot what they're called - and im a textiles student- and it gives the bodice a shape to it and it's hard and one of them stuck out of my lining and it digs into my skin and i only realised that while i was wearing it for my catwalk.
i don't know what to do there's only like..what..2 weeks left?
"yeah but what i'm trying to say is, you're a really one of a kind person that I can't imagine without"
Still makes my day, im such a lucky girl (:
First step to studying?
Goodbye facebook you annoying piece of crap. see you on saturday heoleholehole.
So yesterday was Angel's PARTY WOOPWOOOP!
i was still contemplating the night before whether or not to go cause i actually didnt even think of getting a ride/organising one and it was so last minute but yeah, called jasmine and got one on friday hahahas.
So, typical of me, I was really chill the whole day. Woke up late and ate and studied a bit and watched avatar and exercised and watched random crap with mum and dad until i realised that i had 1 hour to go until i have to be at Jasmines.
Then mum decided to go somewhere so I had to hurriedly take a shower and ask my sister to do makeup cause i cant do it for shit. Wore my dress and luckily i had my fingers painted already from the night before so i just chucked on a big jacket and wore my litas and got to jasmines. Maddie and Jasmine were there already but they havent gotten ready so we just chilled and talked, and talked, and make-uped and hahahas, got out of the house 20 minutes after the party was meant to start.
Got lost cause there was Railway Parade and Railway Street and we went to the wrong one and ended up at this industrial place where they made ugg boots. Came and nearly everyone was there and Angel looked ammmaaaaaazing. And then these 4 guys came as well, which i felt so sorry for because they mustve got so awks. Well they were ahahahs.
Angel wanted people to know each other so we had to do the name game at the start :/ which didn't work ahahas. So we sat down and ate! The food was good and everyone was all "let's just gracefully eat like..1 quiche and then we'd be full" so our table was in charge of the eating. And Angel didnt want to sit with us so we ended up having her brother come over and sit hahahahas.
Then we took photos and started playing musical chairs and the whole time i was like MY DRESS IS GONNA FALL DOWN EVEN THOUGH THERE ARE STRAPS WHAT IS THIS FCKERY. then we danced and danced and got all SWEATTAAAY ahahahahahas. Yeah, me and xin went all out even though the lady was like "ANN DONT DANCE THERE ARE GUYS THERE." i dont know, they didnt do anything but dance in their own corner with the occasional tan coming in and hugging space monkey face - that's what jasmine calls him hahahahas.
But yeah, we karaoked with the mike and i talked to angel's tutor friends and they're so nice! it never got awkward, the conversations we had, cause they're so chill and cute and we sang What Makes You Beautiful with them.
And then Angel opened the presents and me and xin were like..talking in the mike all these weird things okay that was embarassing SKIP THAT. And me and angela got her this pair of gladiators cause she said she wanted them but then when she opened it someone was like "DUDE HER TOE" and i was like "WHATS WRONG WITH HER TOE". Seriously what's wrong with her toe no-one would tell me. And then i heard someone saying she doesnt have a one of her big toes. okay i don't even know anymore. And then Victor guy came out and gave her these balloons and it was so cuuuute! like i know she doesnt like him but awwwwwws. DSKFJSDFLSDJLFSDJLFKSD.
And then her brother came out and danced Gangnam Style and she did it with him and we were like AWWWS THEYRE SAH CUTE. they sosososososo are! Like even her father was dancing with them and i was like NAWWWS.NAWWWWS. if i had a brother i would want him to be that nice.
Then the cake was cut and everyone started to disperse and sign cards and sit outside and go random places and yeah, only a few of us were dancing. And then i came out and sat with the others and played with the helium balloons and IT WAS THE FIRST TIME KRISTIE SUCKED HELIUM! hahahahas a momentous moment :L And yeah, everything got slower at the end and everyone had to go and we got this really cute frangipani clip as well as these addictive lollies that I ended up eating only half until someone stole them :/
Then came back and had a last dance and Holly was just amazing at dancing but obviously me and xin won the dance award, cept angel lost the present. DAMN YOU I TRAINED SO HARD.
Got home 20minutes late with 5 missed called from dad and he silent treatmented me the whole night. But overall it was a fun party and everyone was beautiful.
i was still contemplating the night before whether or not to go cause i actually didnt even think of getting a ride/organising one and it was so last minute but yeah, called jasmine and got one on friday hahahas.
So, typical of me, I was really chill the whole day. Woke up late and ate and studied a bit and watched avatar and exercised and watched random crap with mum and dad until i realised that i had 1 hour to go until i have to be at Jasmines.
Then mum decided to go somewhere so I had to hurriedly take a shower and ask my sister to do makeup cause i cant do it for shit. Wore my dress and luckily i had my fingers painted already from the night before so i just chucked on a big jacket and wore my litas and got to jasmines. Maddie and Jasmine were there already but they havent gotten ready so we just chilled and talked, and talked, and make-uped and hahahas, got out of the house 20 minutes after the party was meant to start.
Got lost cause there was Railway Parade and Railway Street and we went to the wrong one and ended up at this industrial place where they made ugg boots. Came and nearly everyone was there and Angel looked ammmaaaaaazing. And then these 4 guys came as well, which i felt so sorry for because they mustve got so awks. Well they were ahahahs.
Angel wanted people to know each other so we had to do the name game at the start :/ which didn't work ahahas. So we sat down and ate! The food was good and everyone was all "let's just gracefully eat like..1 quiche and then we'd be full" so our table was in charge of the eating. And Angel didnt want to sit with us so we ended up having her brother come over and sit hahahahas.
Then we took photos and started playing musical chairs and the whole time i was like MY DRESS IS GONNA FALL DOWN EVEN THOUGH THERE ARE STRAPS WHAT IS THIS FCKERY. then we danced and danced and got all SWEATTAAAY ahahahahahas. Yeah, me and xin went all out even though the lady was like "ANN DONT DANCE THERE ARE GUYS THERE." i dont know, they didnt do anything but dance in their own corner with the occasional tan coming in and hugging space monkey face - that's what jasmine calls him hahahahas.
But yeah, we karaoked with the mike and i talked to angel's tutor friends and they're so nice! it never got awkward, the conversations we had, cause they're so chill and cute and we sang What Makes You Beautiful with them.
And then Angel opened the presents and me and xin were like..talking in the mike all these weird things okay that was embarassing SKIP THAT. And me and angela got her this pair of gladiators cause she said she wanted them but then when she opened it someone was like "DUDE HER TOE" and i was like "WHATS WRONG WITH HER TOE". Seriously what's wrong with her toe no-one would tell me. And then i heard someone saying she doesnt have a one of her big toes. okay i don't even know anymore. And then Victor guy came out and gave her these balloons and it was so cuuuute! like i know she doesnt like him but awwwwwws. DSKFJSDFLSDJLFSDJLFKSD.
And then her brother came out and danced Gangnam Style and she did it with him and we were like AWWWS THEYRE SAH CUTE. they sosososososo are! Like even her father was dancing with them and i was like NAWWWS.NAWWWWS. if i had a brother i would want him to be that nice.
Then the cake was cut and everyone started to disperse and sign cards and sit outside and go random places and yeah, only a few of us were dancing. And then i came out and sat with the others and played with the helium balloons and IT WAS THE FIRST TIME KRISTIE SUCKED HELIUM! hahahahas a momentous moment :L And yeah, everything got slower at the end and everyone had to go and we got this really cute frangipani clip as well as these addictive lollies that I ended up eating only half until someone stole them :/
Then came back and had a last dance and Holly was just amazing at dancing but obviously me and xin won the dance award, cept angel lost the present. DAMN YOU I TRAINED SO HARD.
Got home 20minutes late with 5 missed called from dad and he silent treatmented me the whole night. But overall it was a fun party and everyone was beautiful.
Birthday Presents!
Title says it all! So my camera is really shitty so excuse the bad quality. I'm going from largest to smallest:)
So right here i've been given this is cute blue/silver clutch from Steph and Maddie and it also has those chains in it so I could use it on a normal day or even to an event. The Collette electric blue clutch was given to me by Nish, Angel, Kristie and Tan. This is oh so cute and I really needed it for formal and it matches my dress!
So the bag was given to me by Jasmine and Lamya. And I really didnt know what it was before I opened it because it was packaged to look like a ball of some sort. But then when I opened I was like ERMEGAWD ERMEGAWD. It's a Herschel bag, which I know costs a lot cause ive been drooling over them for ages! And when I opened it they had all these snacks inside and im lik AHHHS. FOOD. IM HAPPY ALREADY.
But omg. THE BOXING GLOVES. Chen gave it to me yesterday as a late birthday present and this is pretty much one of the coolest presents! I've always wanted a boxing kit and when I saw this I fell in love hahahas. My goal is, for my first paycheck, I'd go get the punching bag! YAAAAAAY!
Now are the clothes! Xin and Jasmine and Kim got me this awesome Lee muscle tee ( on the left) which was a little big on me so you can see everything on the sides. Theses this edgy print on the back but the front is a dreamcatcher!
Chenzo gave me this cross muscle tee, also has big arm holes that show everything hahas. but I like that, i could wear it to the beach or pair it with a bandeau!
She awesome gave me this really cute dress which is all black except for the middle is like white and meshy and it has this cute neck design on it. It's pretty except the neck strap is a little to long so the boob part of the dress is reeeally low hahas.
My lovely sister got me makeup. hahhas yeah first makeup present; concealer, bronzer,loose powder and blue eyeliner. I really wanted these cause I watched a tutorial by From Head To Toe and I really liked the way she did her makeup and the colour matched my formal 'idea' so yeah.
Okay. I am a sucker for cards! I just love reading everyone's messages and it makes me feel so happy. And the cards are so funny hahahs.
NOW ITS THE JEWELLERY! All the jewellery I got are oh so pretty and there wasn't any when i was like "cuuutteee but i dont think i'll be able to wear it". LOVELOVELOVE THEM SO MUCH.
So these are the cuffs! The left and centre were from Steph and Maddie and I loved the Silver cuff so much. It has an aztec-ky cutout design on it and its so rad. The one on the right is from Janine and its sososos cute, I've got this blouse that I know i could wear with it so I'm excited.
The left and centre are given to me by Alice and she thought I wouldn't like them BUT I LOVED THEM SO MUCH! The right one was given to me by Ina and it's so cute but I'm not really a fan of loads of feathers. It's okay though cause I know have to take them out and I loved those turquoise rocks on them!
Studs and rings! The blue set was given to me by Ina and I lovelovelove the set. I really wanted a pair of blue studs and also a metallic one - not that i have loads of those already hahhas- but this set is just so cute. The cone studs- from Alice- was sososos cool. I've always wanted to get cone studs and I was seriously contemplating on getting them for myself soon so yeah, really happy.
The Collette set were given by the quads :) The Aztec I actually got for myself when I went shopping with mum but ITS SO CUTE.
EARRINGS. okay so I really needed statement earrings for the formal and these are ohsopretty. The left one was given to me by Ina, the centre by Alice, and the right by Janine. And i love them all so much. I don't have big earrings cause there was this phase when I only wore studs and found big earrings really dangly and weird. But now i'm like COLLECT COLLECT COLLECT.
Thank you guys!
So right here i've been given this is cute blue/silver clutch from Steph and Maddie and it also has those chains in it so I could use it on a normal day or even to an event. The Collette electric blue clutch was given to me by Nish, Angel, Kristie and Tan. This is oh so cute and I really needed it for formal and it matches my dress!
So the bag was given to me by Jasmine and Lamya. And I really didnt know what it was before I opened it because it was packaged to look like a ball of some sort. But then when I opened I was like ERMEGAWD ERMEGAWD. It's a Herschel bag, which I know costs a lot cause ive been drooling over them for ages! And when I opened it they had all these snacks inside and im lik AHHHS. FOOD. IM HAPPY ALREADY.
But omg. THE BOXING GLOVES. Chen gave it to me yesterday as a late birthday present and this is pretty much one of the coolest presents! I've always wanted a boxing kit and when I saw this I fell in love hahahas. My goal is, for my first paycheck, I'd go get the punching bag! YAAAAAAY!
Now are the clothes! Xin and Jasmine and Kim got me this awesome Lee muscle tee ( on the left) which was a little big on me so you can see everything on the sides. Theses this edgy print on the back but the front is a dreamcatcher!
Chenzo gave me this cross muscle tee, also has big arm holes that show everything hahas. but I like that, i could wear it to the beach or pair it with a bandeau!
She awesome gave me this really cute dress which is all black except for the middle is like white and meshy and it has this cute neck design on it. It's pretty except the neck strap is a little to long so the boob part of the dress is reeeally low hahas.
My lovely sister got me makeup. hahhas yeah first makeup present; concealer, bronzer,loose powder and blue eyeliner. I really wanted these cause I watched a tutorial by From Head To Toe and I really liked the way she did her makeup and the colour matched my formal 'idea' so yeah.
Okay. I am a sucker for cards! I just love reading everyone's messages and it makes me feel so happy. And the cards are so funny hahahs.
NOW ITS THE JEWELLERY! All the jewellery I got are oh so pretty and there wasn't any when i was like "cuuutteee but i dont think i'll be able to wear it". LOVELOVELOVE THEM SO MUCH.
So these are the cuffs! The left and centre were from Steph and Maddie and I loved the Silver cuff so much. It has an aztec-ky cutout design on it and its so rad. The one on the right is from Janine and its sososos cute, I've got this blouse that I know i could wear with it so I'm excited.
The left and centre are given to me by Alice and she thought I wouldn't like them BUT I LOVED THEM SO MUCH! The right one was given to me by Ina and it's so cute but I'm not really a fan of loads of feathers. It's okay though cause I know have to take them out and I loved those turquoise rocks on them!
Studs and rings! The blue set was given to me by Ina and I lovelovelove the set. I really wanted a pair of blue studs and also a metallic one - not that i have loads of those already hahhas- but this set is just so cute. The cone studs- from Alice- was sososos cool. I've always wanted to get cone studs and I was seriously contemplating on getting them for myself soon so yeah, really happy.
The Collette set were given by the quads :) The Aztec I actually got for myself when I went shopping with mum but ITS SO CUTE.
EARRINGS. okay so I really needed statement earrings for the formal and these are ohsopretty. The left one was given to me by Ina, the centre by Alice, and the right by Janine. And i love them all so much. I don't have big earrings cause there was this phase when I only wore studs and found big earrings really dangly and weird. But now i'm like COLLECT COLLECT COLLECT.
Sam is so cute. She
gave me this personalised charm and I love these. It's so sparkly, I'm
going to hang it on my locker keyring or even my bag hahas. 
lastly, the group got me this! A cute varsity jacket with all their messages! Its one of a kind! To be honest I don't wear varsity jackets anymore and this is pretty huge but it's just so cute, it makes me feel so loved. Everyone's messages are so genuine and im happy I have the closest people around me. Thank you guys!
heyhey! so yeah i didn't get a chance to blog about this even though it was last week, i've just got so many things going on. so yeah, last saturday it was my birthday party! and innitially I wanted to have it at a park but then all these people came early so we had to do change it last minute back to my house. Luckily dad put stuff up in the morning just in case it rained so the place was very clean.
dressed up as Dorothy from Wizard of Oz, sewed it myself! Super proud hahas.Around 18 people came so we had around 22 people.
well the party started really late, people came at really different times and this meant that me and dad have to go pick up bunches of people, and some people dropped off last minute but im not going to rant about that or i'd go off the rails again. anyway, overall it was a really good day. firstly it started off slow so the chips and the drinks came out first. the balloons kept popping by itself, i dont even know why aldfjalskjdlas.
anyway my parents started the bbq and thats when everyone was like..hawking for food. just some photos hahahas.
Afterwards we were ready for some fun! Didnt get time to get the water balloons ready so nish and angel and tan helped out with them.
Omg it was like paintball skirmish but with waterbombs. everyone was in teams and there was bombs going out everywhere. and then all my friends circled me and threw a big bucket of water on me hahahas. THEN IT WAS THE JELLY GAME! Simple rules: pair up, one person who is blind must feed the other person who can't use their hands.
Afterwards we all sat down, had icecream and i opened up the presents and everyone was sososos sweet - will be having a present haul post soon. ended up watching the Grudge and some people dispersed. Altogether there were some bumps in the day but overall it went well. I am so grateful for everyone who came, it made my day so much better just to have my buddies around!
thank you so much and love you all, i had so much fun and i hope you guys had too!
dressed up as Dorothy from Wizard of Oz, sewed it myself! Super proud hahas.Around 18 people came so we had around 22 people.
well the party started really late, people came at really different times and this meant that me and dad have to go pick up bunches of people, and some people dropped off last minute but im not going to rant about that or i'd go off the rails again. anyway, overall it was a really good day. firstly it started off slow so the chips and the drinks came out first. the balloons kept popping by itself, i dont even know why aldfjalskjdlas.
they never realised |
Yum salad which not a lot of people ate |
cuuuteee |
Getting ready for some action! |
Meanwhile, my helpful babes made crepes! thank you jess for the crepes! |
Mama Tran approves! |
CREEEEEPES! Nutella crepes made by Chenzo |
Afterwards we all sat down, had icecream and i opened up the presents and everyone was sososos sweet - will be having a present haul post soon. ended up watching the Grudge and some people dispersed. Altogether there were some bumps in the day but overall it went well. I am so grateful for everyone who came, it made my day so much better just to have my buddies around!
thank you so much and love you all, i had so much fun and i hope you guys had too!
KAY SO today dad woke me up to walk but i was lazy and he got pissed afterwards.
spent the morning starting my textiles assignment AND I HAVE FINISHED. Well, Mr. Lamb doesnt have eyes and a nose at the moment but soon he will :)
watched loads of avatar and thought of exercising while watching it so i logged down 30 minutes of treadmilling! and it was so hard on my legs cause i did the massive workout yesterday and wokeup SOORE.
Ate super well today, had 3 pieces of ham in the morning as well as oat bran. Lunchie had 2 soft boiled eggs and dinner had a viet beef steak and salad! loads of liquids including mum's fruit smoothie sans milk and sugar, downed 2 of those. everything was going smooth until i got hungry after lunch and ate a vanilla drumstick. slkdjflskjdlfjskldfjlsdf only regretted after i was down my last bite hahahs.
but yeah. just finished 15 minutes of HIIT and cardio so i am super sore and sweaty hahahas.
tomorrow i will be biting off a little more carbs because i've got a special birthday dinner! YAAAAAAAY THAI FOODIE! Don't have anything to wear yet, so im thinking of going shopping right before tutoring and getting something semiformal :)
hahas okay, going to head off to do some serious studying before the friend comes over for a night movie marathon!
spent the morning starting my textiles assignment AND I HAVE FINISHED. Well, Mr. Lamb doesnt have eyes and a nose at the moment but soon he will :)
watched loads of avatar and thought of exercising while watching it so i logged down 30 minutes of treadmilling! and it was so hard on my legs cause i did the massive workout yesterday and wokeup SOORE.
Ate super well today, had 3 pieces of ham in the morning as well as oat bran. Lunchie had 2 soft boiled eggs and dinner had a viet beef steak and salad! loads of liquids including mum's fruit smoothie sans milk and sugar, downed 2 of those. everything was going smooth until i got hungry after lunch and ate a vanilla drumstick. slkdjflskjdlfjskldfjlsdf only regretted after i was down my last bite hahahs.
but yeah. just finished 15 minutes of HIIT and cardio so i am super sore and sweaty hahahas.
tomorrow i will be biting off a little more carbs because i've got a special birthday dinner! YAAAAAAAY THAI FOODIE! Don't have anything to wear yet, so im thinking of going shopping right before tutoring and getting something semiformal :)
hahas okay, going to head off to do some serious studying before the friend comes over for a night movie marathon!
MY JAM: Midnightview
hahas okay so Midnightview is this guy with a reaaally different sort of music that I find so spectacular. It's kind of like..soft grunge, but in music form.
Midnightview raps. But doesn't rap. if you think about it's more like him talking but it's so sensual, and the music is like...earorgasmic.
so this is one of the sounds that I loooove on his mixtape right now:
Her Favourite Flowers- Midnightview ft. Hope
Okay this is like a remix of his song "Bring You Flowers" but, i dont know, i seem to like this version a lot more when they're really alike. The acoustics? THE ACOUSTICS? too good ldkfjlskdjfsd.
This is so mellow and calm, I love it so much.
Transplatonicism- Midnightview ft. Death Cab for Cuties
HE DID A COLLAB WITH DEATH CAB FOR CUTIES. How cool is that? adlkfjakldjflkjd eargasm seriously.Check out his mixtape on his youtube channel if you think these songs are cute and search him up on youtube for others because the cool stuff aren't only on his channel.
Sorry for this useless rambling but i am sososoos pumped right now.
i have never EVER been able to do this HIIT routine that i've been aiming for for about..3 weeks now. It's always been going for 10 minutes until i get finished at around 10 minutes but this time..I HAVE CONQUERED IT.
40 more minutes to go but i can't cheat myself, lego!
i have never EVER been able to do this HIIT routine that i've been aiming for for about..3 weeks now. It's always been going for 10 minutes until i get finished at around 10 minutes but this time..I HAVE CONQUERED IT.
40 more minutes to go but i can't cheat myself, lego!
Hey so Im sorry i wasn't able to post up pictures of the party and of the shopping/present haul and blog for a while because i've been buusssy! hahahs busy on watching Avatar and Ktown, which ruined my life so much. Seriously don't watch Ktown. It's crappy and fake and i'm a sucker for reality tv shows so i wasted 10 hours of my life on that.
So I'm going to go back onto my detox + training session again because i've been slaaaaacking these holidays.
Wanted to look better for the summer and make healthier decisions and look beautiful for my formal so I'm thinking of starting as soon as possible before I slack again. Took a picture for my before shot and i'm so pissed off at my body, but it'll all be changed, i hope :) I'll post up the before picture after i get more toned, so hope you guys follow this space and see how it goes with my training!
So i'm back trying to do the whole 1 hour of full cardio and hiit, which never worked because i get tired after 5 minutes of hiit but NO. I WILL GET THROUGH THIS.
So I'm going to go back onto my detox + training session again because i've been slaaaaacking these holidays.
Wanted to look better for the summer and make healthier decisions and look beautiful for my formal so I'm thinking of starting as soon as possible before I slack again. Took a picture for my before shot and i'm so pissed off at my body, but it'll all be changed, i hope :) I'll post up the before picture after i get more toned, so hope you guys follow this space and see how it goes with my training!
So i'm back trying to do the whole 1 hour of full cardio and hiit, which never worked because i get tired after 5 minutes of hiit but NO. I WILL GET THROUGH THIS.
eating onion rings with chopsticks.
cause i don't want to oil my fingers and then spread it on my keyboard hahahs.
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