TBH i've been so pissed lately at people's careless attitudes lately,
mostly when they only bothered to rsvp saying they can't go 1 FCKING
HOUR BEFORE THE PARTY STARTS. and some texted me 2 hours afterwards
saying they can't make it.
know some people are sick and they can't make it, but if YOU KNOW YOU'VE GOT SOMETHING ON THAT DAY, CAN'T YOU TELL ME 1 WEEK BEFORE? WHEN I
this kind of attitude that i hate so fcking much because people don't
give a crap how much shit they make others feel, and they could've done
something about it but they ignore or they're not bothered until A DAY
BEFORE when everything has been planned out - the food, the stuff, the
whole planning, just for their fcking sake.
its not just me being pissed. my parents spent so much money buying
things to please everyone and im gratefully thankful for everyone who
came but we had so much shit left over. they bought so much shit that
hasn't even been used/eaten cause people pulled out last minute and i
felt so bad. obviously they can't do anything about it, but they put it
so much money and effort and i felt like that has gone to such a waste.
girl said she was definitely going to come. i called her the day before
just to check and she said "oh im not sure i'll call you back.". Never
did. so careless.
not the type of person to go like "i give you something, give me
something in return" but i expected at least some good respect and even
the decency to do these small meaningless things when I, and other
people, put so much effort to make things happen for the sake of making
everyone happy. It's just disgraceful.
the party went well, but it's just these things that spoiled it so much. these people probably just shrugged it off, maybe come back to school and be like "im sorry ann..." and i'll probably just smile and be like "it's fine don't worry about it.", but it makes me feel so shit i've got these people around me who just don't give a fuck.
Don't you just love it?
Doing things with people who act like they just don't care/don't contribute at all?
lskdjflksdjflsjdf i hate it sososos much. I want to get something done, I try to motivate people by initiating things and people just nod and go like "yeah kay whatever.."
No contribution, no suggestions, and I feel so pissed off because it feels like im the only one who worries about this shit not getting done. and by the looks of it i don't think it will be.
And then i feel as if I'm being to out of hand a pushing people around, but i bet if I just leave things as it is, nothing's going to happen.
And now it's just me who's trying to sort things together, to get everyone to meet up and do the work, and I have a feeling i'll be the one who pretty much put the whole thing together cause everyone's thinking "ohh pshhh, someone's going to do it, someone like ann, im just going to do nothing and wait for things to get together cause it will."
they don't even call to ask what's fcking bad I have to call them up and ask them for their work. OH GOOD LORD. OH MY FCKING SKDFJSKDJFLKSDF. Do you even care about this?! Or do you think everything around you is all going to be all swell cause everyone's going to do every single thing for you and you just sit there and bask in the glorious ending mark? YOU DON'T DESERVE IT.
OR LIKE, when you try to organise something with a group to get something for someone else for there birthday, those people would be like "oh yeah i'll pitch. hahahs i dont know what im getting in the end and im not going to contribute to actually going out to buy the just going to pitch in."
Like not everyone's like that. I know there are some people who have their life filled to the brim with shit and can't go out and get the shit but some people just don't fcking care. like not even help CONTRIBUTE into the planning of the thing and NEVER. NEVER. NEVER. Put their hands up and say "Hey I can get this for....". NOT CAUSE THERE ARE PEOPLE LIKE NIGASHINI WHO CAN ORGANISE SHIT THAT YOU CAN JUST CHUCK ALL RESPONSIBILITIES ONTO HER. SHE HAS A LIFE AS WELL IT'S NOT LIKE SHE GOES SHOPPING EVERYDAY AND JUST PASSES WESTFIELD TO GET SHIT FOR PEOPLE.
AND THEY DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT THEY'RE PITCHING IN FOR. ARE YOU SERIOUS? NOT EVEN? NOT EVEN..SDLKFJSLDKJFLSDJFLSJDFLKJL. So all you going to do is pitch in whatever shit, sign your name on a card, and walk off?
Imagine receiving the same shit for your birthday? That shitty attitude of yours!
lskdjflksdjflsjdf i hate it sososos much. I want to get something done, I try to motivate people by initiating things and people just nod and go like "yeah kay whatever.."
No contribution, no suggestions, and I feel so pissed off because it feels like im the only one who worries about this shit not getting done. and by the looks of it i don't think it will be.
And then i feel as if I'm being to out of hand a pushing people around, but i bet if I just leave things as it is, nothing's going to happen.
And now it's just me who's trying to sort things together, to get everyone to meet up and do the work, and I have a feeling i'll be the one who pretty much put the whole thing together cause everyone's thinking "ohh pshhh, someone's going to do it, someone like ann, im just going to do nothing and wait for things to get together cause it will."
they don't even call to ask what's fcking bad I have to call them up and ask them for their work. OH GOOD LORD. OH MY FCKING SKDFJSKDJFLKSDF. Do you even care about this?! Or do you think everything around you is all going to be all swell cause everyone's going to do every single thing for you and you just sit there and bask in the glorious ending mark? YOU DON'T DESERVE IT.
OR LIKE, when you try to organise something with a group to get something for someone else for there birthday, those people would be like "oh yeah i'll pitch. hahahs i dont know what im getting in the end and im not going to contribute to actually going out to buy the just going to pitch in."
Like not everyone's like that. I know there are some people who have their life filled to the brim with shit and can't go out and get the shit but some people just don't fcking care. like not even help CONTRIBUTE into the planning of the thing and NEVER. NEVER. NEVER. Put their hands up and say "Hey I can get this for....". NOT CAUSE THERE ARE PEOPLE LIKE NIGASHINI WHO CAN ORGANISE SHIT THAT YOU CAN JUST CHUCK ALL RESPONSIBILITIES ONTO HER. SHE HAS A LIFE AS WELL IT'S NOT LIKE SHE GOES SHOPPING EVERYDAY AND JUST PASSES WESTFIELD TO GET SHIT FOR PEOPLE.
AND THEY DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT THEY'RE PITCHING IN FOR. ARE YOU SERIOUS? NOT EVEN? NOT EVEN..SDLKFJSLDKJFLSDJFLSJDFLKJL. So all you going to do is pitch in whatever shit, sign your name on a card, and walk off?
Imagine receiving the same shit for your birthday? That shitty attitude of yours!
if you can't stick with it
stop making promises.
you think trying to recall your empty promises would help? say you wanted to do it, but bring up a stupid excuse so you can continue to lie about how you would do it tomorrow. how many tomorrows have i heard, i think i've lost count.
just say you're sorry, you can't do it anymore. and shut up.
you think trying to recall your empty promises would help? say you wanted to do it, but bring up a stupid excuse so you can continue to lie about how you would do it tomorrow. how many tomorrows have i heard, i think i've lost count.
just say you're sorry, you can't do it anymore. and shut up.
biggest fear
to be controlled by someone emotionally.
to be too considerate towards someone's feelings that i suppress mine.
i fear im feeling that right now.
to be too considerate towards someone's feelings that i suppress mine.
i fear im feeling that right now.
MY JAM: I've lost count
heyhey! Sorry i promised a jam on tuesday but i never got the time to post.
My taste in music have been rapidly changing. I've stopped listening to mainstream and rnb except at parties or when i'm with some of my friends.
though i still like acoustic, i'm starting to get into urban hiphop.
URBAN HIPHOP! UGHS, so fcking amazing, mostly when there's a jazz influence to it. So I first started fully listening to urban hiphop around last year, through Jeff Bernat, who collabs with a lot of jazz/urban hiphop guys.
And you guys have probably heard "Distance" by EPonym & Esta ft. Jeff Bernat that I put in the Jeff Bernat jam post but if you guys haven't heard, here it is:
So yeah, was really hooked with this song and then I started listening to related videos on youtube and,one thing led to another: I FOUND RYTHMATICAL.
Kay so Rythmatical is this super cool guy who produces really nice beats and its just very cool. hahahas. He mixes urban hiphop with retro music and makes such a cool spin to it. I'm currently listening to his mixtape: Behind The People, but feel free to check all his other songs from his other mixtapes (:
Currently loopings:
Second Guess- Rythmatical ft. Mosaek.
This track is really jazzy with alot of piano instrumental and Mosaek is just very awesome //
Flea- Rythmatical ft. Flea
So, iunno but i really love this song. It's urban hiphop but it the chorus sounds like some retro song you'd listen to in the 20th century and it's all jazzy and you're like OHMEGAWWWD. hahahas
Cannabis- Rythmatical ft. Lorisoul
So yeah, check this guy out and if you like it, visit him at
My taste in music have been rapidly changing. I've stopped listening to mainstream and rnb except at parties or when i'm with some of my friends.
though i still like acoustic, i'm starting to get into urban hiphop.
URBAN HIPHOP! UGHS, so fcking amazing, mostly when there's a jazz influence to it. So I first started fully listening to urban hiphop around last year, through Jeff Bernat, who collabs with a lot of jazz/urban hiphop guys.
And you guys have probably heard "Distance" by EPonym & Esta ft. Jeff Bernat that I put in the Jeff Bernat jam post but if you guys haven't heard, here it is:
Kay so Rythmatical is this super cool guy who produces really nice beats and its just very cool. hahahas. He mixes urban hiphop with retro music and makes such a cool spin to it. I'm currently listening to his mixtape: Behind The People, but feel free to check all his other songs from his other mixtapes (:
Currently loopings:
This track is really jazzy with alot of piano instrumental and Mosaek is just very awesome //
So, iunno but i really love this song. It's urban hiphop but it the chorus sounds like some retro song you'd listen to in the 20th century and it's all jazzy and you're like OHMEGAWWWD. hahahas
So yeah, check this guy out and if you like it, visit him at
another JAM post coming along tomorrow! + first day at work
got some reeeeeallly really awesome stuff to share (:
feeling sick in the stomache tonight and don't feel like talking to anymore, going to head to bed after i finish up some science notes.
work was shit. i wanted to do cashier but ended up doing deli, which is pretty much nothing cause i can't touch the slicer and all the people who came were regulars so the lady ended up server everyone and i just stood there like a mute. she is a lovely woman though, cept our age difference is so huge i don't know what to talk to her about.
and so i tried doing some stuff to make my time useful but then my assistant manager was like "DO SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE. GET IN THERE." and i was like "I WOULD IF I COULD BUT I CANT TOUCH ANYTHING."
and then my lady had her break cause she was feeling sick, so Ben, the assistant manager came in and filled in and that was when I finally was able to do some stuff. like wrap people's meats and putting clingwrap on the huge chunks of ham, and cheese, and salami.
and i learnt all these hams and salami that i have never ever heard before and he gave me some mortadella with olives and i was like yuuuuum olives. and omg the chili chicken.ughs. sljfslkdjlksjldf.
but like, not everyone goes to the deli. so i ended up cleaning, and cleaning, and cleaning, and wiping the place. and then rewiping the place. but at least he let me do some stuff.
Rosa, my lady, came back and i started doing nothing again and getting so bored so she let me off for a thirty minute break.
Sat in the park and ate and sunbaked and came be bored for another 1 and a half hours. But she liked me so it was all gee hahahs.
came in the back room and saw Nelson and was like "you think i have a chance to try out register?" and he's like "uhhh..i need people at the deli and place register is pretty normal work and i think you're smart enough to do deli. do you not like deli?" and i was like "uhhh..i really want to try out register and all the other things, not just deli." and he's like "yeah okay but i want you to focus on one thing first and then you can get on with something else." lieeees, i have a feeling i will be stuck at the deli for agggeeees.
I was meant to stay back til 5 but Nelson let me off at four and I was about to ask him about pay cause he's so dodgy until he's like "oh i gotta talk to you". and when i went into his office he gave me this random call card and is like "go visit this man" and im like "whuuuut. why" and he's like "oh he's in charge of this program- and i couldnt fully understand him cause he's asian accent is pretty strong- that's like for students who wants to train in the iga franchise and he wants to meet you and talk to you." and im like "ughh...uhmm..okay.." and he went on about this program that talks about studnet work conditions and that I should call him up and go to his office in lakemba to meet him and i was thinking "WHAT THE FCK HOW DOES THIS HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH..fcking dodgy." and then i asked him about pay for today and if i needed to bring a bank details tomorrow and he was like "'re going through training now..balhbalhablaha talk about this on friday." AND IM LIKE "PLEASE DON'T TELL ME I DID THIS PRO-BONO. THIS IS NOT EVEN PRO-BONO IT'S LIKE 5 HOURS WASTED WRAPPING UP MEAT" but obviously i wanted to keep this job so i was like, " see you wednesday."
got home and mum's like full asian going "WHA HE'S NOT GONNA PAY YOU?! SLKDFJSLKDJFLSJDLFSDLF" and im like "okay mum he's definitely going to pay me cause they gotta pay you for training but i just find the whole thing really boring and dodgy."
so, not being impulsive, but i really want to quit. I don't like doing deli cause i gotta like..small talk people and compliment people and wrap cheese with this CLING WRAP MACHINE THAT HAS A HOT ROD ON IT AND IT'S FCKING HARD TO PULL THE CLINGWRAP AND IT NEARLY BURNT MY ARM. and wrap meat.
thing is my mum wants me to work until i actually get money in my bank and then ditch. but i'm like "it's boring. i'm not going to go through another 2 days of this training shit." it's not even training, it's like 2 days of school but all you do is clean the bench and wrap meat for customers and stand there awkwardly smiling to customers. and then i have to go meet this guy at lakemba as well, and i really don't know why he wants to see me wtf this is so dodgy.
so it's either dread through for money or quit now so i don't waste my time. leaning towards the second option but open for any suggestions.
feeling sick in the stomache tonight and don't feel like talking to anymore, going to head to bed after i finish up some science notes.
work was shit. i wanted to do cashier but ended up doing deli, which is pretty much nothing cause i can't touch the slicer and all the people who came were regulars so the lady ended up server everyone and i just stood there like a mute. she is a lovely woman though, cept our age difference is so huge i don't know what to talk to her about.
and so i tried doing some stuff to make my time useful but then my assistant manager was like "DO SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE. GET IN THERE." and i was like "I WOULD IF I COULD BUT I CANT TOUCH ANYTHING."
and then my lady had her break cause she was feeling sick, so Ben, the assistant manager came in and filled in and that was when I finally was able to do some stuff. like wrap people's meats and putting clingwrap on the huge chunks of ham, and cheese, and salami.
and i learnt all these hams and salami that i have never ever heard before and he gave me some mortadella with olives and i was like yuuuuum olives. and omg the chili chicken.ughs. sljfslkdjlksjldf.
but like, not everyone goes to the deli. so i ended up cleaning, and cleaning, and cleaning, and wiping the place. and then rewiping the place. but at least he let me do some stuff.
Rosa, my lady, came back and i started doing nothing again and getting so bored so she let me off for a thirty minute break.
Sat in the park and ate and sunbaked and came be bored for another 1 and a half hours. But she liked me so it was all gee hahahs.
came in the back room and saw Nelson and was like "you think i have a chance to try out register?" and he's like "uhhh..i need people at the deli and place register is pretty normal work and i think you're smart enough to do deli. do you not like deli?" and i was like "uhhh..i really want to try out register and all the other things, not just deli." and he's like "yeah okay but i want you to focus on one thing first and then you can get on with something else." lieeees, i have a feeling i will be stuck at the deli for agggeeees.
I was meant to stay back til 5 but Nelson let me off at four and I was about to ask him about pay cause he's so dodgy until he's like "oh i gotta talk to you". and when i went into his office he gave me this random call card and is like "go visit this man" and im like "whuuuut. why" and he's like "oh he's in charge of this program- and i couldnt fully understand him cause he's asian accent is pretty strong- that's like for students who wants to train in the iga franchise and he wants to meet you and talk to you." and im like "ughh...uhmm..okay.." and he went on about this program that talks about studnet work conditions and that I should call him up and go to his office in lakemba to meet him and i was thinking "WHAT THE FCK HOW DOES THIS HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH..fcking dodgy." and then i asked him about pay for today and if i needed to bring a bank details tomorrow and he was like "'re going through training now..balhbalhablaha talk about this on friday." AND IM LIKE "PLEASE DON'T TELL ME I DID THIS PRO-BONO. THIS IS NOT EVEN PRO-BONO IT'S LIKE 5 HOURS WASTED WRAPPING UP MEAT" but obviously i wanted to keep this job so i was like, " see you wednesday."
got home and mum's like full asian going "WHA HE'S NOT GONNA PAY YOU?! SLKDFJSLKDJFLSJDLFSDLF" and im like "okay mum he's definitely going to pay me cause they gotta pay you for training but i just find the whole thing really boring and dodgy."
so, not being impulsive, but i really want to quit. I don't like doing deli cause i gotta like..small talk people and compliment people and wrap cheese with this CLING WRAP MACHINE THAT HAS A HOT ROD ON IT AND IT'S FCKING HARD TO PULL THE CLINGWRAP AND IT NEARLY BURNT MY ARM. and wrap meat.
thing is my mum wants me to work until i actually get money in my bank and then ditch. but i'm like "it's boring. i'm not going to go through another 2 days of this training shit." it's not even training, it's like 2 days of school but all you do is clean the bench and wrap meat for customers and stand there awkwardly smiling to customers. and then i have to go meet this guy at lakemba as well, and i really don't know why he wants to see me wtf this is so dodgy.
so it's either dread through for money or quit now so i don't waste my time. leaning towards the second option but open for any suggestions.
Like yesterday i shrugged it off when i saw the forecast im like stawp worrying. But this morning j checked the forecast and its shiiiiet. And sunday is shit.
The ony day good is friday but i dont want to change the date dkskdkckskxks cause people have got stuff planned and blahblah. And my house Is too small to cater for that many people so i dont know what to do :/
The weather looks absolutely perfect today and im thinking yeah, thats what i want saturday to be like ARGHCKDKDKKDKXKDKD.
Like yesterday i shrugged it off when i saw the forecast im like stawp worrying. But this morning j checked the forecast and its shiiiiet. And sunday is shit.
The ony day good is friday but i dont want to change the date dkskdkckskxks cause people have got stuff planned and blahblah. And my house Is too small to cater for that many people so i dont know what to do :/
The weather looks absolutely perfect today and im thinking yeah, thats what i want saturday to be like ARGHCKDKDKKDKXKDKD.
today I met up with Kim in the morning to do some filming for this competition!
the weather was absolutely beautiful today so we were like 'hey why not use this opportunity to shoot outside." so we went to this park around my area - WHICH IS NOT DODGY AT ALL- and shot there in the middle of the playground hahahs.
AND came home to find a pork roll waiting for me!
the weather was absolutely beautiful today so we were like 'hey why not use this opportunity to shoot outside." so we went to this park around my area - WHICH IS NOT DODGY AT ALL- and shot there in the middle of the playground hahahs.
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weirdo morning face so i cat stamped it hahahs |
OOTD: simple sleeveless (unironed) collared denim top (jayjays ehoelheole), Kenji shorts
Got to the park and started shooting at this small cubby house cause the shade was nice but omfg THE WIND. it kept blowing my hair all over my face and im like..half singing and then blehblehbleh hair in my mouth. and then these kids started coming over and playing with this random thing that made such a loud noise and i'm like "IS THAT EVEN AMUSING?" and i think the kid got freaked out and scuttled away hahahahs. i'm so evil.
and kim brought really yummy asian bread stick that you'd find at Bankstown for $1.20 and it's so yummy hhahahahs.i think i said that before :P
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"dau chau quay"- viet fried bread stick |
but yeah. spent nearly 2 hours just to shoot a 2 minute video. but it all turned out good cause the atmosphere was great and yeah, beautiful scenery.
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our hang out spot! |
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with a dish, just to be a little bit fancier (: |
Had a very chill day today and hope I could start with my studying tomorrow. hoope.
And MONDAY IM STARTING WORK. AT IGA. My parents really want me to do IGA cause it's much more money and also there's a lot less hours so i can concentrate on school work so I think it would be fine to start off and see how good it is. and if it doesn't suit me I can just go to Maccas. CAN'T WAIT!
slack day! + body rant
hahahas so today i decided to stay at home cause it was graduation ceremony. and you do nothing at grad ceremony.
so yeah, tried studying PMI cause i've got an exam tomorrow but that didn't get anywhere cause I started watching Modern Family from season 1 and then I napped and then I ate and rewatched and blaaah.
felt really bad for my body so I did loads of cardio and leg toning. i hate my body so much atm it's not even funny.
I am proud of where I am now because I've improved so much but I HAVE NO STAMINA. NO ENDURANCE.
I do a hard 10 minutes of cardio and I get puffed out already and so when I get to the 30 minute mark I'm just like OMFG STAAAWP. and then I have to do the last 30 minutes trying to do body toning.
BUT YOU CAN'T SEE ANYTHING CAUSE YOU NEED THE DAMN CARDIO TO MELT THE FLAB TO SEE THEM ABS. BUT I CAN'T DO CARDIO. and the cardio pretty much only helps my legs and you can see my calf muscles but WHY NOT MY BICEPS. jeez body :/
thank goodness holidays are coming so I can spend more time trying to tone this bitch of a body.
went blog stalking crazy, and it scares me that there are some sydney boys guys have blogs. AND IT'S SO DEEP. hahahas really scary.
So it's nearly the holidays. and I'm waiting for a call from the iga people but they have called. And my friends tell me not to reply to dominos so I'm leaving that out. I think that, if the iga people don't call by saturday, I'll accept Maccas. Both ways, I am really excited to work at both places, I FINALLY GET A JOB WITH DAD'S CONSENT. And Natasha happened to apply as well- and it's weird because we had interviews on the SAME DAY, hers right after mine, and the interview lady was suspicious whether or not we knew each other cause she's never heard of our school until we both popped up hahahs.
But having a job after the holidays mean i can have a little fun in the holidays to relax! I'll be going around loads of place so I can't wait to capture everything!
hahahas back to studying now :L
so yeah, tried studying PMI cause i've got an exam tomorrow but that didn't get anywhere cause I started watching Modern Family from season 1 and then I napped and then I ate and rewatched and blaaah.
felt really bad for my body so I did loads of cardio and leg toning. i hate my body so much atm it's not even funny.
I am proud of where I am now because I've improved so much but I HAVE NO STAMINA. NO ENDURANCE.
I do a hard 10 minutes of cardio and I get puffed out already and so when I get to the 30 minute mark I'm just like OMFG STAAAWP. and then I have to do the last 30 minutes trying to do body toning.
BUT YOU CAN'T SEE ANYTHING CAUSE YOU NEED THE DAMN CARDIO TO MELT THE FLAB TO SEE THEM ABS. BUT I CAN'T DO CARDIO. and the cardio pretty much only helps my legs and you can see my calf muscles but WHY NOT MY BICEPS. jeez body :/
thank goodness holidays are coming so I can spend more time trying to tone this bitch of a body.
went blog stalking crazy, and it scares me that there are some sydney boys guys have blogs. AND IT'S SO DEEP. hahahas really scary.
So it's nearly the holidays. and I'm waiting for a call from the iga people but they have called. And my friends tell me not to reply to dominos so I'm leaving that out. I think that, if the iga people don't call by saturday, I'll accept Maccas. Both ways, I am really excited to work at both places, I FINALLY GET A JOB WITH DAD'S CONSENT. And Natasha happened to apply as well- and it's weird because we had interviews on the SAME DAY, hers right after mine, and the interview lady was suspicious whether or not we knew each other cause she's never heard of our school until we both popped up hahahs.
But having a job after the holidays mean i can have a little fun in the holidays to relax! I'll be going around loads of place so I can't wait to capture everything!
hahahas back to studying now :L
anon: Do you get jealous easily?
Contrary to beliefs, yes I do.
Not like, normal jealousy like "Ohgod her face is so pretty I'm so jealous."
I mean the jealousy over someone you know where you get defensive and protective and all that. It usually happens to me when I really like someone and I feel like I'm losing them.
Like for example I've got a friend who I'm super close to. When they happen to talk to someone else/spend more time with someone else to a point where we talk lesser and I see that person with that other new person, that's where I get overly jealous towards the new person. If they're going some place together and they ask me to accompany them, I'd try my best to be there. I spend so much more time with that close friend, and I'd get pissed off or irritated when that other person comes along.
In a way, I get protective over things that mean a lot to me.
But, recently, I've never had this feeling towards me.
Around a month ago, something major happened, and I'm starting to not care and not get phased by these things. Someone I'm really close to began to distance and, usually, I get protective and try my best to pull them back and be like "YOU BELONG HERE.". But I didn't do that. Instead it gave me space to talk to other people and spread out more and I've became closer to many other people and made new friends.
But I think that, if someone really means so much to me, that little jealous kid inside of me would appear again. Likewise, if someone don't mean so much, I'd be blunt and say I'm not jealous. And i usually mean it, about not giving a crap. hahas yeah, I guess that's how I roll.
Contrary to beliefs, yes I do.
Not like, normal jealousy like "Ohgod her face is so pretty I'm so jealous."
I mean the jealousy over someone you know where you get defensive and protective and all that. It usually happens to me when I really like someone and I feel like I'm losing them.
Like for example I've got a friend who I'm super close to. When they happen to talk to someone else/spend more time with someone else to a point where we talk lesser and I see that person with that other new person, that's where I get overly jealous towards the new person. If they're going some place together and they ask me to accompany them, I'd try my best to be there. I spend so much more time with that close friend, and I'd get pissed off or irritated when that other person comes along.
In a way, I get protective over things that mean a lot to me.
But, recently, I've never had this feeling towards me.
Around a month ago, something major happened, and I'm starting to not care and not get phased by these things. Someone I'm really close to began to distance and, usually, I get protective and try my best to pull them back and be like "YOU BELONG HERE.". But I didn't do that. Instead it gave me space to talk to other people and spread out more and I've became closer to many other people and made new friends.
But I think that, if someone really means so much to me, that little jealous kid inside of me would appear again. Likewise, if someone don't mean so much, I'd be blunt and say I'm not jealous. And i usually mean it, about not giving a crap. hahas yeah, I guess that's how I roll.
You don't diss Frank Ocean
You can't diss Frank Ocean's music !
He's not like all those soppy RnB music that talks about the cliche guy loves girl, guy wants to be with girl, HAPPY FCKING DANDY SHIT ROLLING IN THE GRASS GURL ID LIKE TO KISS YOU.
No. Every single song has its own deep meaning and i get that some people don't get this genre of music cause the tunes are soo different to all those mainstream music. The tracks sound distorted and theres no electric beat and dubstep. But thats what makes it beautiful.
Frank Ocean explores many layers of music, experimenting with so many things, each some you'd never expect for it is never the same as others. Unlike music nowadays how a group's/artist's music would be either bought by another low earning artist, recycled from an old track, or just stolen.
AND GUESS WHAT. He was the person who originally made "Thinking About You" that all your kiddy celebs sing ALL THE FCKING TIME and have their own renditions and shit. And you think it's about unrequited love that some guy has for a girl? oh girl, there's so much more meaning to it that you don't EVEN KNOW.
Frank Ocean doesn't talk about shit like 'oh daaamn girl you look good in that dress, you're bootiful, that sort of stuff. AND HE DOESNT FCKING GO RING DING DONG AND USELESS SHIT LIKE IM LUCIFER I COME OUT IN THE DARK LUB ME.' does that even make sense idek.
He's not a popstar, dance king, hot to trot guy. Sorry no he does not have a mob of screaming girls with him cause he doesnt even have long swept hair to sweep and attract them girls with.
Go look back at that ipod of yours and your random crap kpop stuff that dont even make sense and you don't even get what it means and soppy love songs or hot girls on the dancefloor songs that you call music and say it to my face again.
He's not like all those soppy RnB music that talks about the cliche guy loves girl, guy wants to be with girl, HAPPY FCKING DANDY SHIT ROLLING IN THE GRASS GURL ID LIKE TO KISS YOU.
No. Every single song has its own deep meaning and i get that some people don't get this genre of music cause the tunes are soo different to all those mainstream music. The tracks sound distorted and theres no electric beat and dubstep. But thats what makes it beautiful.
Frank Ocean explores many layers of music, experimenting with so many things, each some you'd never expect for it is never the same as others. Unlike music nowadays how a group's/artist's music would be either bought by another low earning artist, recycled from an old track, or just stolen.
AND GUESS WHAT. He was the person who originally made "Thinking About You" that all your kiddy celebs sing ALL THE FCKING TIME and have their own renditions and shit. And you think it's about unrequited love that some guy has for a girl? oh girl, there's so much more meaning to it that you don't EVEN KNOW.
Frank Ocean doesn't talk about shit like 'oh daaamn girl you look good in that dress, you're bootiful, that sort of stuff. AND HE DOESNT FCKING GO RING DING DONG AND USELESS SHIT LIKE IM LUCIFER I COME OUT IN THE DARK LUB ME.' does that even make sense idek.
He's not a popstar, dance king, hot to trot guy. Sorry no he does not have a mob of screaming girls with him cause he doesnt even have long swept hair to sweep and attract them girls with.
Go look back at that ipod of yours and your random crap kpop stuff that dont even make sense and you don't even get what it means and soppy love songs or hot girls on the dancefloor songs that you call music and say it to my face again.
BACK TO THE PAST + awkward train with the awkward friend
HAHAHS so i was on facebook and this guy posted up this picture of us in preschool and omg, i changed so much ahahas. well yeah obviously.
But yeah, he tagged many people so i got to connect with all these other people hahahs.
but anyway. it was really awkward this morning. I went on the train and I wanted to talk to angel and ask her about iga and stuff. and then at regos Alvin came on and I'm like, holyshit why did I kind of expect this to happen :/
and it's not like i don't want to meet him cause he's an okay guy and we haven't talked in ages. but then idk, i cant usually have a conversation with people where im the 'mutual person'- like the person thats like the bridge from one side to another. hhahas let me explain.
so i was talking to him normally and some school girl was staring at us and i was like..errr awkward. and then nina came on so i introduced them and talked to her but then like...look at him once in a while because i didn't want to leave him out of the convo. BUT HE LOOKED SO AWKS! and i hate making people feel awkward. but i cant just talk to him cause then nina would have noone to talk to. so yeah. tried my best.
and in the end i was talking to angel and asking her more stuff. and i felt so bad cause he just stood there.
and i was trying to make him go away in nice way cause i didn't want him to be an awks wheel so I was like 'oh wouldnt your friends be like 'where is alvin?' and he's like 'yeah but naaah, i want to be here.'" and i was thinking in my head OMFG STUFF YOU GO AWAY PLEASEEEE I'LL TALK TO YOU LATER.
he got off afterwards and omg the two kiddies were like "OHMYYYGOOOOD ANNNN OOOOOOOOOHHHHHS." and i was like "hahahas no wtf we're not even close." and they were like "THEN WHY DID HIM COME HERE FOR." asdkajslkdjalsd.
printed off my invites and gave them around and i realised i kinda invited too many people. and usually around 10 people don't end up going, but I have a feeling it's going to be the full pack. well like..just 1 or 2 people off cause it's a morning party so people have better transport and ava times. gave them to everyone except for one person cause i couldnt find her at all.
sat outside with sadia and sarah at lunch instead of with the others cause it was too good weather to be spending indoors. and then we had this whole rant and talk about people in the group and, so far, we have the same opinion towards some people in the group. and then lily and xin and angela and kim came and we chilled.
and afterschool went to hj and got a cheeseburger and nish was like "SHARE IT" but then i felt bad for ditching lily on the train most of the time so i saved it for her as an apology burger hahahs. went and sat at the front carriage and omfg these random sbhs guys just sat on our 6 seater and we were like hahahahas okayyyy. and they'd chime in at random times and shit.
ughs such a weird day. AND OMG THOUGHT I COULD HAVE A RELAXING WEEK. nope, it's screwed cause of a truong test :/
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But yeah, he tagged many people so i got to connect with all these other people hahahs.
but anyway. it was really awkward this morning. I went on the train and I wanted to talk to angel and ask her about iga and stuff. and then at regos Alvin came on and I'm like, holyshit why did I kind of expect this to happen :/
and it's not like i don't want to meet him cause he's an okay guy and we haven't talked in ages. but then idk, i cant usually have a conversation with people where im the 'mutual person'- like the person thats like the bridge from one side to another. hhahas let me explain.
so i was talking to him normally and some school girl was staring at us and i was like..errr awkward. and then nina came on so i introduced them and talked to her but then like...look at him once in a while because i didn't want to leave him out of the convo. BUT HE LOOKED SO AWKS! and i hate making people feel awkward. but i cant just talk to him cause then nina would have noone to talk to. so yeah. tried my best.
and in the end i was talking to angel and asking her more stuff. and i felt so bad cause he just stood there.
and i was trying to make him go away in nice way cause i didn't want him to be an awks wheel so I was like 'oh wouldnt your friends be like 'where is alvin?' and he's like 'yeah but naaah, i want to be here.'" and i was thinking in my head OMFG STUFF YOU GO AWAY PLEASEEEE I'LL TALK TO YOU LATER.
he got off afterwards and omg the two kiddies were like "OHMYYYGOOOOD ANNNN OOOOOOOOOHHHHHS." and i was like "hahahas no wtf we're not even close." and they were like "THEN WHY DID HIM COME HERE FOR." asdkajslkdjalsd.
printed off my invites and gave them around and i realised i kinda invited too many people. and usually around 10 people don't end up going, but I have a feeling it's going to be the full pack. well like..just 1 or 2 people off cause it's a morning party so people have better transport and ava times. gave them to everyone except for one person cause i couldnt find her at all.
sat outside with sadia and sarah at lunch instead of with the others cause it was too good weather to be spending indoors. and then we had this whole rant and talk about people in the group and, so far, we have the same opinion towards some people in the group. and then lily and xin and angela and kim came and we chilled.
and afterschool went to hj and got a cheeseburger and nish was like "SHARE IT" but then i felt bad for ditching lily on the train most of the time so i saved it for her as an apology burger hahahs. went and sat at the front carriage and omfg these random sbhs guys just sat on our 6 seater and we were like hahahahas okayyyy. and they'd chime in at random times and shit.
ughs such a weird day. AND OMG THOUGHT I COULD HAVE A RELAXING WEEK. nope, it's screwed cause of a truong test :/
I HATE. SUPER DUPER HATE. Guys who think they have swag and are top shit.
The ones that think the best way to talk to a girl would be like 'yo babe, how r u?' or something like that and they think it's going to impress people but it just makes them look like such douches.
And then on their fb page they're like "Works at "Swag..100% Complete".
hahahas it's so amazing how they think they're so 'dope' and they're like 'a hot cunt' and you just sit there going "Omg no. please don't. stop it. you are so embarassing, please somebody pull a blanket on top of that kid please."
Yeah and i know that everyone hates these type of people and it's not just me but YOU CAN'T SAY YOU HAVE SWAG. YOU CAN'T BE LIKE "OH IM SO SWAG". YOU ONLY DESERVE ITIF SOMEONE ACTUALLY SAYS IT TO YOU. AND WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO BE SWAG ANYWAY?! It wasn't cool to begin with. ughhhs lsdjflksjdkfdj don't get these people. And they wonder why they don't have many friends.
The ones that think the best way to talk to a girl would be like 'yo babe, how r u?' or something like that and they think it's going to impress people but it just makes them look like such douches.
And then on their fb page they're like "Works at "Swag..100% Complete".
hahahas it's so amazing how they think they're so 'dope' and they're like 'a hot cunt' and you just sit there going "Omg no. please don't. stop it. you are so embarassing, please somebody pull a blanket on top of that kid please."
Yeah and i know that everyone hates these type of people and it's not just me but YOU CAN'T SAY YOU HAVE SWAG. YOU CAN'T BE LIKE "OH IM SO SWAG". YOU ONLY DESERVE ITIF SOMEONE ACTUALLY SAYS IT TO YOU. AND WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO BE SWAG ANYWAY?! It wasn't cool to begin with. ughhhs lsdjflksjdkfdj don't get these people. And they wonder why they don't have many friends.
welcome back to another ann 'crazed-filled' spastic post!
hahahahas im so lame wtf.
so this morning me and chen and kim went early to shoot some stuff. and we had a little coffee run cause kristie told me to get green tea latte. and it's so goddamn nice lkdfjslkdjfklsjdflsdf.
funny science period. it was only me and ann and nish because the others were at cricket. and everyone was just like "OMG WOW YOU LOOK SO PRETTY." and "DAT LEG. DAT THIGH. DAT STOMACHE." to people around the class and i was like 'THAT IS WHY I HATE MUFTI YOU GET SO FCKING SELF CONSCIOUS, STAP IT." i don't know how american people do this shit. like do they get teased for wearing shit twice in a week?
and then there was elec history and we watched ELIZABETH I and she's so interesting. and her whole love life and blah and yeah hahahahas, i love David Starkey he's so funny.
and then at recess i was meant to get this cool shirt off sarah. except she gave it to nigashini WHO LOST IT. and now im like sldjflksdjflksdlfjsdl WHY WOULD ANYONE TAKE A SHIRT. THEY DONT KNOW WHERE IT HAS BEEN STUPID BITCHES.
Sport was fun. and then i had a period of english where it was just slacking off and looking at the yearlies timetable and OMFG I LOVE THE YEARLIES TIMETABLE. THIS IS THE FCKING FIRST TIME MATHS IS NOT WITH FRENCH.
YURYURYUR. so i got english and science first day, and then maths second day with an arvo free. and the science with an arvo free. and then thursday and friday is ooooff so i got like 4 free days. and monday i have french and elec his which is a bit..hahahas. then there's pd on tuesday with morning and arvo free. AND THEN MORNING FOR TEXTILES ON FORMAL DAY.
so fcking good :))
went on a job run after school with kim. came to yagoona early so i asked the iga manager and he said that there's a position ava so FINGERS CROSS I MIGHT GET IT. and i was super excited about it and then, 5 mins later, walked to kfc. and the guy was like :ohhh fill out that form. and i was like coolcool. met a cute guy there bahahahas.
finished the form and the manager was like 'yeah you gotta work hard!' and i was like 'i can do that!' and he's like 'hahahahs okay i'll contact you laters.'
then i went home and showered and called kim and then went to maccas. and omg one of the guys there was in my old school except he didnt recognise me and i look really different so i didn't say anything. the lady sat me down and we had like..this really weird conversation. hahahs it sounded as if we were old buddies and sitting down for a chat. but she was oh so nice and i was like..trying to innitiate a lot of conversations with her.
and afterwards she's like
"yeah i like you. you're very bubbly, i'm going to hire you." and i was like BOOYEAAAAAH.
and then i came home and the kfc man called me and he was like 'ooorrrrhhh yur man. you got in. bring your docos and stuff tomorrow' and i couldnt just say 'oh im sorry i cant take the job' cause i literally came to the store 1 hour before that. so i said 'yeah okay' but i think im going to call him tomorrow and tell him i can't take the job.
thing is i really don't know which one to pick- iga or maccas. and ive been asking so many people and even my mum and they're all giving me mix replies. so i'm just going to wait until iga accepts me, call kfc and tell them i can't take the job tomorrow, and figure everything else after..cause i gotta write my invites hehehehes.
too much shit happened in one day but i'm feeling pretty good (: fingers cross everything will carry out well :))
hahahahas im so lame wtf.
so this morning me and chen and kim went early to shoot some stuff. and we had a little coffee run cause kristie told me to get green tea latte. and it's so goddamn nice lkdfjslkdjfklsjdflsdf.
dat green tea latte |
and then there was elec history and we watched ELIZABETH I and she's so interesting. and her whole love life and blah and yeah hahahahas, i love David Starkey he's so funny.
and then at recess i was meant to get this cool shirt off sarah. except she gave it to nigashini WHO LOST IT. and now im like sldjflksdjflksdlfjsdl WHY WOULD ANYONE TAKE A SHIRT. THEY DONT KNOW WHERE IT HAS BEEN STUPID BITCHES.
Sport was fun. and then i had a period of english where it was just slacking off and looking at the yearlies timetable and OMFG I LOVE THE YEARLIES TIMETABLE. THIS IS THE FCKING FIRST TIME MATHS IS NOT WITH FRENCH.
YURYURYUR. so i got english and science first day, and then maths second day with an arvo free. and the science with an arvo free. and then thursday and friday is ooooff so i got like 4 free days. and monday i have french and elec his which is a bit..hahahas. then there's pd on tuesday with morning and arvo free. AND THEN MORNING FOR TEXTILES ON FORMAL DAY.
so fcking good :))
went on a job run after school with kim. came to yagoona early so i asked the iga manager and he said that there's a position ava so FINGERS CROSS I MIGHT GET IT. and i was super excited about it and then, 5 mins later, walked to kfc. and the guy was like :ohhh fill out that form. and i was like coolcool. met a cute guy there bahahahas.
finished the form and the manager was like 'yeah you gotta work hard!' and i was like 'i can do that!' and he's like 'hahahahs okay i'll contact you laters.'
then i went home and showered and called kim and then went to maccas. and omg one of the guys there was in my old school except he didnt recognise me and i look really different so i didn't say anything. the lady sat me down and we had like..this really weird conversation. hahahs it sounded as if we were old buddies and sitting down for a chat. but she was oh so nice and i was like..trying to innitiate a lot of conversations with her.
and afterwards she's like
"yeah i like you. you're very bubbly, i'm going to hire you." and i was like BOOYEAAAAAH.
and then i came home and the kfc man called me and he was like 'ooorrrrhhh yur man. you got in. bring your docos and stuff tomorrow' and i couldnt just say 'oh im sorry i cant take the job' cause i literally came to the store 1 hour before that. so i said 'yeah okay' but i think im going to call him tomorrow and tell him i can't take the job.
thing is i really don't know which one to pick- iga or maccas. and ive been asking so many people and even my mum and they're all giving me mix replies. so i'm just going to wait until iga accepts me, call kfc and tell them i can't take the job tomorrow, and figure everything else after..cause i gotta write my invites hehehehes.
too much shit happened in one day but i'm feeling pretty good (: fingers cross everything will carry out well :))
i tend
i tend to, when things get rough, try to run away from it.
i know it's sucha sucky part of me and I often try to avoid it but sometimes it just doesnt work that way-you can't just FACE it. Like i wish the other person would think the same as me and do the honors of expressing the problem instead of me doing myself.
and then I make excuses, and then shit happens and I feel guilty and that just keeps me prolonging myself from actually dealing with the problem. And then i feel like I'm stuck with this huge responsibility that isn't mine to begin with in the first place.
i don't know. right now it feels as if things are working my way, and if this keeps happening, then surely whatever I wish for would happen. And i know I would be upset about it for sometime but, i don't know, a part of me feels that I would be relieved that the whole thing is over. It's like taking this huge boulder of my back and I could be more carefree.
i know it's sucha sucky part of me and I often try to avoid it but sometimes it just doesnt work that way-you can't just FACE it. Like i wish the other person would think the same as me and do the honors of expressing the problem instead of me doing myself.
and then I make excuses, and then shit happens and I feel guilty and that just keeps me prolonging myself from actually dealing with the problem. And then i feel like I'm stuck with this huge responsibility that isn't mine to begin with in the first place.
i don't know. right now it feels as if things are working my way, and if this keeps happening, then surely whatever I wish for would happen. And i know I would be upset about it for sometime but, i don't know, a part of me feels that I would be relieved that the whole thing is over. It's like taking this huge boulder of my back and I could be more carefree.
stupid stupid stupid omfg.
why did i try to find a job at this time. at this fcking time.
it's such bad timing.
like it's fine cause ive got the holidays and so i can work any time blahblah my dad would be all gee.
but then omfg there are yearlies. FCKNG YEARLIES.
how important it is to redeem myself at this period for every single subject cause i've been failing bad at most of them. and i know that i gotta do well in maths. like a definite no joke cause i've been slacking so much no kid.
im not going to get anywhere. and then, hypothetically, wouldn't it just be so dodgy if i make myself unavailable for work in the exam weeks since i just joined- if i make it in-.
why did i not join like. after the yearlies. stoopid. fcking stupid.
why did i try to find a job at this time. at this fcking time.
it's such bad timing.
like it's fine cause ive got the holidays and so i can work any time blahblah my dad would be all gee.
but then omfg there are yearlies. FCKNG YEARLIES.
how important it is to redeem myself at this period for every single subject cause i've been failing bad at most of them. and i know that i gotta do well in maths. like a definite no joke cause i've been slacking so much no kid.
im not going to get anywhere. and then, hypothetically, wouldn't it just be so dodgy if i make myself unavailable for work in the exam weeks since i just joined- if i make it in-.
why did i not join like. after the yearlies. stoopid. fcking stupid.
pretty new layout?
hahahas i think so too!
playing around with photoshop atm and i feel like such a noob hahahas.
this morning I woke up and got in the mood to do some cardio! so im really pumped up right now and running through daisies hahahas.
but yeah, i've decided not to do a house party cause my backyard is too small- and frankly too messy- for a whole lot of people. Plus, it's going to be an all games/fun party so it'll be hard to do all that in my backyard.
so that means no jumping castle :( but it'slike around 400 for4 hours of hire for a teenage one anyway, so thats like, even more expensive than hiring a hall.
got another job interview next monday so i couldnt go attend the cricket match which i wanted to do so much BECAUSE I HAVENT PLAYED COMPETITIVE SPORT IN AGES. and it's really killing me.
playing around with photoshop atm and i feel like such a noob hahahas.
this morning I woke up and got in the mood to do some cardio! so im really pumped up right now and running through daisies hahahas.
but yeah, i've decided not to do a house party cause my backyard is too small- and frankly too messy- for a whole lot of people. Plus, it's going to be an all games/fun party so it'll be hard to do all that in my backyard.
so that means no jumping castle :( but it'slike around 400 for4 hours of hire for a teenage one anyway, so thats like, even more expensive than hiring a hall.
got another job interview next monday so i couldnt go attend the cricket match which i wanted to do so much BECAUSE I HAVENT PLAYED COMPETITIVE SPORT IN AGES. and it's really killing me.
couldnt go hire a kids one cause we're too old:/
far out its like more expensive than hiring a hall :(
far out its like more expensive than hiring a hall :(
hahas no not really. still got elec. history. but i'll think of that after a night or two of procrast ;)
Your hopes are too high up
Nothing lasts forever.
Even you, who's never skeptical, can see it for yourself now.
Its hard to make things last when you dont know what youre fighting for anymore.
And one day you'll wake up knowing that it was all your wishful thinking, wondering why you bothered in the first place.
My job interview went horrible!
I know i wont get in. Said the most stupidest things even though i was being honest.
Give me a sec so i could go into my loner corner and cry aheodmownxkejdiej.
Give me a sec so i could go into my loner corner and cry aheodmownxkejdiej.
so i woke up early and rushed to the station at around 6.30 to get to St James at 7.15. But then we got lost in Hyde Park cause we couldnt find the place where they handed out all the stuff cause it was the back of a church.
Me and Chen paired up and got our pack and went around st james but it was useless cause there were a lot of people standing around there already, so we went to martin place and stood at the train tunnels.
It was pretty fun except for the part where these fort street stupid kids came over and tried to get in our way of our selling and me and chen were like death glaring and going 'omfg he's next on our kill list' hahahahas. These two fort street kids even went up to us and like 'oh you guys want to buy anything?" and i was like "hahahaha..very smart." sarcastically, and we thought they'd be gone for good but then they fcking came back again and stole our customer.
and, although tbh i thought there wouldnt be many people who would support this charity because it's really 'less known' compared to others, many people happily supported. me and chen made around $300 in total :)
we stood there for about 2/3 hours and then walked around because there were less people at that place at around 10. Went to priceline and bought nish her birthday present. afterwards we came back to the place and had recess. and then started off again to go sell some more. but then we got hungry so we went for a round of hungry jacks checkins hahahahas. omfg altogether we got one cheesehamburger, 2 medium frozen cokes, one medium fries.and that was pretty much a free lunch ;) and we also got people buying from us which was good as well.
finished at around 1.30, in time for another round of lunch hahas but i couldnt eat much. and our group were just sitting there talking about the 'asian corner' and actions that fob asians do like the peace signs and bruised face sign and these cadet men sitting behind us were laughing their heads off and it was really embarassing.
afterwards me and angel and jasmine and chen went to FROYOLAND. hahahahas yeah we went to stratty and went to yogohouse and it was so fcking cheap im still in awe. like we got this whole big thing and we had like 3 huge swirls and topped it up with chokefuls of mochi and oreos and m&ms and watermelon..and it was only $8. so fcking cheap.
and omg they played gangnam style in there as well. hahahs.
came back to chens house and played band hero and song all these old songs until 15 ins before we had to go tutoring.
tutoring was okay hahas. tired and couldnt pay attention much and this guy was just staring at me from the row in front while i was talking to chen as if he was judging me. rude.
yeah, really really fun day :)
Me and Chen paired up and got our pack and went around st james but it was useless cause there were a lot of people standing around there already, so we went to martin place and stood at the train tunnels.
It was pretty fun except for the part where these fort street stupid kids came over and tried to get in our way of our selling and me and chen were like death glaring and going 'omfg he's next on our kill list' hahahahas. These two fort street kids even went up to us and like 'oh you guys want to buy anything?" and i was like "hahahaha..very smart." sarcastically, and we thought they'd be gone for good but then they fcking came back again and stole our customer.
and, although tbh i thought there wouldnt be many people who would support this charity because it's really 'less known' compared to others, many people happily supported. me and chen made around $300 in total :)
we stood there for about 2/3 hours and then walked around because there were less people at that place at around 10. Went to priceline and bought nish her birthday present. afterwards we came back to the place and had recess. and then started off again to go sell some more. but then we got hungry so we went for a round of hungry jacks checkins hahahahas. omfg altogether we got one cheesehamburger, 2 medium frozen cokes, one medium fries.and that was pretty much a free lunch ;) and we also got people buying from us which was good as well.
finished at around 1.30, in time for another round of lunch hahas but i couldnt eat much. and our group were just sitting there talking about the 'asian corner' and actions that fob asians do like the peace signs and bruised face sign and these cadet men sitting behind us were laughing their heads off and it was really embarassing.
afterwards me and angel and jasmine and chen went to FROYOLAND. hahahahas yeah we went to stratty and went to yogohouse and it was so fcking cheap im still in awe. like we got this whole big thing and we had like 3 huge swirls and topped it up with chokefuls of mochi and oreos and m&ms and watermelon..and it was only $8. so fcking cheap.
and omg they played gangnam style in there as well. hahahs.
came back to chens house and played band hero and song all these old songs until 15 ins before we had to go tutoring.
tutoring was okay hahas. tired and couldnt pay attention much and this guy was just staring at me from the row in front while i was talking to chen as if he was judging me. rude.
yeah, really really fun day :)
Probably the funnest yet :)
Firstly me and Angela paired up to do ambassador duties so we started walking to all the gates but there were so little parents and every other ambassador were hawking everyone so we couldn't get anyone at the start.
Got fed sushi by Lamya cause she was desperate for people to eat her sushi ahahahas. THE RED VELVETS GOT SOLD OUT QUICK SO FCKING HAPPY! Went down to the music rooms to listen to people sing and there was this year 7 cute girl who started off low and it didn't sound good so i was like 'mehh' but then she full on belted out and she was amaaazing. And then me and angela got free lollies hahahs and tried to pull in some parents who endedup ditching us.
Then we had french store duties which was sososos fun. Scabbed so much free food for 'testing' hahahs and all these cute kids came and they were all so cute. Until this idiot of a Sydney Boys guy - and i swear he was from my grade- came over and looked at me and said 'oh is this stuff free?'. and i was like 'you think?'UGHS THESE STUPID PEOPLE WHY THE FCK WOULD IT BE FREE.
yeah, stayed there for 2 shifts and then me and angela went around and got free lollies and then went into the hall to watch drama/dance. and then walked around the school and got more freebies and PLAYED BADMINTON! eholeheoleholelhoel.
and then it was time to prepare for fashion parade. and it was so hectic. ms told us to get there at 6.30 but it pretty much started at 6.30. so ann had to quickly get my makeup on and also do my hair in time to start. and ms was rushing me so fcking much that, when i got down to the hall, there was 20mins left. And then miss's prepared speech was stuffed up cause the real running order was different to the speech so i had to impromptu. Thank goodness there was people cheering for the different years so i covered all the times i tried to think up shit.
walked right off the stage and instantly ran behind the curtains and changed there because we had our walk really quick. But then,after that, it was better. there was less rush and it was all just enjoying everything.
Funny funny ride home with kim hahahas. all in all i'm really thank you for all the people who came and supported the whole parade and the nice comments today :) and get ready for next years fashion parade ;)
Firstly me and Angela paired up to do ambassador duties so we started walking to all the gates but there were so little parents and every other ambassador were hawking everyone so we couldn't get anyone at the start.
Got fed sushi by Lamya cause she was desperate for people to eat her sushi ahahahas. THE RED VELVETS GOT SOLD OUT QUICK SO FCKING HAPPY! Went down to the music rooms to listen to people sing and there was this year 7 cute girl who started off low and it didn't sound good so i was like 'mehh' but then she full on belted out and she was amaaazing. And then me and angela got free lollies hahahs and tried to pull in some parents who endedup ditching us.
Then we had french store duties which was sososos fun. Scabbed so much free food for 'testing' hahahs and all these cute kids came and they were all so cute. Until this idiot of a Sydney Boys guy - and i swear he was from my grade- came over and looked at me and said 'oh is this stuff free?'. and i was like 'you think?'UGHS THESE STUPID PEOPLE WHY THE FCK WOULD IT BE FREE.
yeah, stayed there for 2 shifts and then me and angela went around and got free lollies and then went into the hall to watch drama/dance. and then walked around the school and got more freebies and PLAYED BADMINTON! eholeheoleholelhoel.
and then it was time to prepare for fashion parade. and it was so hectic. ms told us to get there at 6.30 but it pretty much started at 6.30. so ann had to quickly get my makeup on and also do my hair in time to start. and ms was rushing me so fcking much that, when i got down to the hall, there was 20mins left. And then miss's prepared speech was stuffed up cause the real running order was different to the speech so i had to impromptu. Thank goodness there was people cheering for the different years so i covered all the times i tried to think up shit.
walked right off the stage and instantly ran behind the curtains and changed there because we had our walk really quick. But then,after that, it was better. there was less rush and it was all just enjoying everything.
Funny funny ride home with kim hahahas. all in all i'm really thank you for all the people who came and supported the whole parade and the nice comments today :) and get ready for next years fashion parade ;)
okeleys. firstly i gotta do ambassadoring. And i was thinking of going out to get some food but it doesn't look like so cause my shift starts at 3.30 :/
french store shift starts at 4.15 and we're going to around 4.30 and then back to ambassodoring. but omfg me and kim made the noicest red velvets, which is really good for serious baking amateurs. but yeah so i had to come home late to a friggin sucky internet connection SO I COULDN'T DO MY PILATES.
FASHION PARADE STARTS AT 6.30 ALL OF YOUSE COME CAUSE I WILL BE MCing! in school unifrom though :/ but idc, at least i get to do something :DD
so that means waking early to run cause ive been so unfit today, then fixing makeup and bringing stuff for the hair like loads of hairties, pins, blahblah.
all this shit happening tomorrow but i can't wait for all of this to happen. it's going to be so much fun :))
okeleys. firstly i gotta do ambassadoring. And i was thinking of going out to get some food but it doesn't look like so cause my shift starts at 3.30 :/
french store shift starts at 4.15 and we're going to around 4.30 and then back to ambassodoring. but omfg me and kim made the noicest red velvets, which is really good for serious baking amateurs. but yeah so i had to come home late to a friggin sucky internet connection SO I COULDN'T DO MY PILATES.
FASHION PARADE STARTS AT 6.30 ALL OF YOUSE COME CAUSE I WILL BE MCing! in school unifrom though :/ but idc, at least i get to do something :DD
so that means waking early to run cause ive been so unfit today, then fixing makeup and bringing stuff for the hair like loads of hairties, pins, blahblah.
all this shit happening tomorrow but i can't wait for all of this to happen. it's going to be so much fun :))
Woke up and ran.
Spent 5 fcking dollars on a small card for miss cause it was so ast minute and we had to get it at central, the place where where every single thing is expensive.
Had sport and got told off by ms siamas for getting there late. And angela was in full running mode so we'd sprint half half along the centennial park track. Hahas happy with that though cause i only thought of walking the lap.
Felt super tired during textiles and ms gave out the schedule for the next two days in prep for open night and im so fcking dead. Ive got all lumch taking as for speaker practice AND I NEED FCKING WEDNESDAY LUNCH TO SHOOT NISHS VIDEO.
And how is that going? Crapshit. Barely anyones handed it their messages and paid their amount and a few have shot their messages. And i need to get this to chen before wedneaday the latest. And fcking sent chen all these photos to print out but she hasnt replied so im assuming she hasnt checked her email and i need them printed out cause i cant. Fcking. Do. It. Any. Other. Time. And ive called and texted and emojied-hahahas- her but she hasnt replied. Aockskckskcjsk.
And tomorrow i gotta go over to kims to bake for the french atore. Also for open night, and its gone beserk now cause we dont have flour so i gotta go to coles early in the morning to get it.
And fcking i was so busy this whole weekend i couldnt go get a strapless to wear with my after five dress so now im screwed.
Bring so much shit to school tomorrow. My shoes, all the baling stuff including them baking tins, both costumes.
Im in such a distressing mood right now and, to top it off, ive got maths hw due tomoz. Fml.
Spent 5 fcking dollars on a small card for miss cause it was so ast minute and we had to get it at central, the place where where every single thing is expensive.
Had sport and got told off by ms siamas for getting there late. And angela was in full running mode so we'd sprint half half along the centennial park track. Hahas happy with that though cause i only thought of walking the lap.
Felt super tired during textiles and ms gave out the schedule for the next two days in prep for open night and im so fcking dead. Ive got all lumch taking as for speaker practice AND I NEED FCKING WEDNESDAY LUNCH TO SHOOT NISHS VIDEO.
And how is that going? Crapshit. Barely anyones handed it their messages and paid their amount and a few have shot their messages. And i need to get this to chen before wedneaday the latest. And fcking sent chen all these photos to print out but she hasnt replied so im assuming she hasnt checked her email and i need them printed out cause i cant. Fcking. Do. It. Any. Other. Time. And ive called and texted and emojied-hahahas- her but she hasnt replied. Aockskckskcjsk.
And tomorrow i gotta go over to kims to bake for the french atore. Also for open night, and its gone beserk now cause we dont have flour so i gotta go to coles early in the morning to get it.
And fcking i was so busy this whole weekend i couldnt go get a strapless to wear with my after five dress so now im screwed.
Bring so much shit to school tomorrow. My shoes, all the baling stuff including them baking tins, both costumes.
Im in such a distressing mood right now and, to top it off, ive got maths hw due tomoz. Fml.
it's true what they say
you don't realise what you have until you lose it.
i've been haughty and careless. i'm sorry, i guess i'm paying the price for what i've done. it feels really weird without you. really incomplete. you think we could try this again?
for all we've gone through, i really don't want to lose this.
i've been haughty and careless. i'm sorry, i guess i'm paying the price for what i've done. it feels really weird without you. really incomplete. you think we could try this again?
for all we've gone through, i really don't want to lose this.
Go and click 'like', sil vous plait.
One of Tina's competitions thingos.
so today was fun/okay/tiring.
we went to the temple as a family. and ate loads of food. and listened to lectures. and met up with other buddhist families and their children and everyone's going "omg you two have grown!" to me and tina.
went shopping and got the corkboard and also the pins and wrapping paper.
went home and napped. and then woke up and caught up with maths and got some music for nish's party. and then went out and jogged about around the neighbourhood and did some pilates when i came back.
and mum was lazy to cook so we ordered pizza hahas, which defeated my whole purpose of eating clean today.
kinda pissed off right now. i've got a textiles assignment due soon and im done for. and brian fell asleep again since he's probs too tired so he can't help me. ughs lsdkfjsldjflsdjfsd. whatta oldie, falling asleep all the time.
I STILL HAVENT GOTTEN NISH MY INDIV. PRESENT. i really don't know what to get her. makeup would just come out as so little because they are expensive but so small and i dont want to give her like..2 mascaras and a small eyeshadow pallette on the day. but the big cool pallettes are too expensive.dflksjdfkljsdlkfjskdjflsdjff. need a job hurhur.
One of Tina's competitions thingos.
so today was fun/okay/tiring.
we went to the temple as a family. and ate loads of food. and listened to lectures. and met up with other buddhist families and their children and everyone's going "omg you two have grown!" to me and tina.
went shopping and got the corkboard and also the pins and wrapping paper.
went home and napped. and then woke up and caught up with maths and got some music for nish's party. and then went out and jogged about around the neighbourhood and did some pilates when i came back.
and mum was lazy to cook so we ordered pizza hahas, which defeated my whole purpose of eating clean today.
kinda pissed off right now. i've got a textiles assignment due soon and im done for. and brian fell asleep again since he's probs too tired so he can't help me. ughs lsdkfjsldjflsdjfsd. whatta oldie, falling asleep all the time.
I STILL HAVENT GOTTEN NISH MY INDIV. PRESENT. i really don't know what to get her. makeup would just come out as so little because they are expensive but so small and i dont want to give her like..2 mascaras and a small eyeshadow pallette on the day. but the big cool pallettes are too expensive.dflksjdfkljsdlkfjskdjflsdjff. need a job hurhur.
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