1. Vicki- SRC, Test genius, Goodie two shoes
exhibit A.
french teacher: Ohh.there's only 2 people who got full marks. That's Vicki and (insert name)
exhibit B.
Jap teacher: The best results are from Vicki and (insert another name)
2. Lisa- Confused, hungry, salad roll
exhibit A.
mr makar: ohh..lisa..where is your sald roll
3. Kristie-Talkative, scared of boys, bleach
exhibit A.
kristie: today is such a sad day
me: why?
kristie: the bleach site is not working =.=
4. Annabelle- sweet, funny, skillful
exhibit A.
annabelle: hey ann, wb this dance move (does rad dance move)
ann: *gasps*
5. Lamya- secret keeper, funny, rad
exhibit A.
Lamya: (add gossip here)
ann: omg..really? where did you get that from
lamya: my sources
(this happenes to a billion other secrets she has told me which I swear I will never tell)
6. Sadia- Nice, normal, overeacting goddess
exhibit A.
sadia overeacts
nish: uhhhh..don't do that
teacher: no, thats good..10/10
7. Angela Peyotis- The angela no.2, loud, great basketball skills
exhibit A.
angie p: No ann, thats a foul. That's coz (insert scientific basketball reason)
ann: Oooookayyy, I'll just go out
8. Lin- Rad, BOF geek, really late in korean news
6 months after BOF is aired done with..
lin: omg..i just finished watching bof, its so rad!
ann: omg..its so old
9. Mathi- great, funny, smart
exhibit A.
geo teacher: do you know why (insert something)
mathi: yes..coz (insert something)
nish: ann..don't you think she's a stuck-up at geo?
ann: no..she's just good at it
10.Jane-bookworm, innocent, normal
exhibit A.
ann: jane, why are you reading a text book?
(touched her book that's the size of 3 maths text book)
jane: it's not a text book..it's a novel
11.Jojo-Kim Bum freak, just knew suju, kyuhyun lover :L
exhibit A
jojo: omg, i love kyuhyun. He's so good at singing and he's so hot
ann: uhuh
(minutes later, i peeked over at her science book..all over it is "kyuhyun, KYUHYUN, KyUhYuN")
12. Steph- Weird, retarded, movie knower
exhibit A.
steph: hey, have you watched (insert movie)
ann: nahh..what's it about
(steph starts talking about the movie IN DETAIL)
exhibit B
ann: you're retarded
steph: thanx, I know I am
13. Erin-wise, good hockey player, pixie-like
Exhibit A
mr flanno: Ohhh..does anyone know what aurora australis means?
whole class: whaaaa??
*erin puts hand up*
mr flanno: yes, linxie
Erin: Does that mean southern lights?
mr flanno: correct
ann: I thought that was an Australian flower..*silence*
14. Angela Prendergast- quirky, social, suck up to miss aldridge
Exhibit A.
Miss: Who would like to read this passage?
Angela: Me!!
Exhibit B.
Miss: Who wants to share to the class their paragraph?
Angela: Me!!
Kristie: Suck-up!!
15. Julia-Cheeky, quiet, has an evil side
Exhibit A.
*Alisa playing DS with her jumper over her head*
Julia: OMG Alisa, there's an insect on your head! *there was actually none*
Alisa: OMG..*stops her winning streak on DS* where?
Julia: Ohhh..it went away..
Alisa: Grrr..*random insect came*
Julia: There it is..
*Julia to me*
Julia: Omg, there really was an insect
16. Holly- "OMG, you're so cute" sayer, loud, funny
Exhibt A
Holly to me
Holly: Ann, you're so cute *squishes cheek*
Ann: Uhhh..I'm older than you?
Holly: So what, who cares
17. Nigashini- smart, sportive, talks about too personal stuff..too much
Exhibit A.
*Nish standing at the canteen with me*
Nish: Omg, I have a wedgie
Ann: *sarcasticly freaked out* Wow, that's good to know...
18. Sally- normal, bored, 'doesn't care' person
Exhibit A.
*me looking at her group's routine*
Me: Don't do that, it'll make you look retarded
Sally: Uhh..we don't care about this dance routine..
Me: Okkkayyy.
19. Jessica- good dancer, giving, tickles me too much
Exhibit A:
She gave me a 2PM album worth more than 20 bucks for my bday.
And it was sold out. She bought it on the day the next batch of albums came just for me.
*sniff sniff*
20. Maike- make-up person, highway pursuit geek, highly pretty.
Exhibit A.
*Maike playing highway pursuit like a game nerd*
*Making noises resembling a car and-to me- like orgasm noises*
Me: Maike, you sound like a game nerd
Kristie: Yea..she loves Highway Pursuit
Maike: Yeaaaa
This list will continue. But for now, ima stop coz my hands hurt. Ima go drink some mocha.
It wil continue!!
My Happy Day
Good news today: Ima name them
1. Janny is close to giving me the 2pm poster
2. I can access facebook FREE on my phone
3. Finally know how to add rad skins on my blog
4.Mr.Bussell's last day
5.Met Tammy and Serena yesterday
6.Stephanie is back at school
7. And last, my favourite one, I talked to my CRUSHH
mel, stop teasing me, you are crushless.
And tomorrow we're going to the museum..oh crap.
1. Janny is close to giving me the 2pm poster
2. I can access facebook FREE on my phone
3. Finally know how to add rad skins on my blog
4.Mr.Bussell's last day
5.Met Tammy and Serena yesterday
6.Stephanie is back at school
7. And last, my favourite one, I talked to my CRUSHH
mel, stop teasing me, you are crushless.
And tomorrow we're going to the museum..oh crap.
It's too late guys..Jaebeom is leaving Korea for good..
Jaebeom is leaving Korea...today..2 hours later..to return to america forever.
And I am in my emotional breakdown.
Why do those netizens have to do this so badd. They could have just made 2pm cancel their activities for a while..just over 3 f****** words. This so shows that Korea is gay. Korea has lost a lot of fans and 2pm lovers through this. All because of three words. Why did Jaebeom write them? All because they never treatd him well before, when he was young. Everyone makes mistakes, so why can't they just let this mistake go? Let they never said anything worth being guilty before.
From now on, 2pm never is the same again. There will be no more wild bunny, no more funny leader, no more happy carefree 2pm..the 2nd album will be cancelled and Jaebeom will never step foot onto Korea and the korean music industry again.
Message to those people who made Jaebeom quit:
Thanx a lot netizens..you guys are just so sick.
One day, we may even sign petitions to make you suicide like what you did to Jaebeom. You fully deserve it. You are the true reason why Korea is gay.
And I am in my emotional breakdown.
Why do those netizens have to do this so badd. They could have just made 2pm cancel their activities for a while..just over 3 f****** words. This so shows that Korea is gay. Korea has lost a lot of fans and 2pm lovers through this. All because of three words. Why did Jaebeom write them? All because they never treatd him well before, when he was young. Everyone makes mistakes, so why can't they just let this mistake go? Let they never said anything worth being guilty before.
From now on, 2pm never is the same again. There will be no more wild bunny, no more funny leader, no more happy carefree 2pm..the 2nd album will be cancelled and Jaebeom will never step foot onto Korea and the korean music industry again.
Message to those people who made Jaebeom quit:
Thanx a lot netizens..you guys are just so sick.
One day, we may even sign petitions to make you suicide like what you did to Jaebeom. You fully deserve it. You are the true reason why Korea is gay.
A Very Heartwarming Message
Hey guys~
I would like to tell you this heartwarming messaeg that would all make you cry:
Who is Jaebeom i here you ask (this sounds so gay)?

This is who I'm talking about. He is a hot..20 and over or something ..year old guy who is the leader of 2PM. 2PM is the hottest kpop guy group everrr. And no katherine, they are not burned pineapple heads..super junior guys are all olddd.
The story is that korean netizens found Jaebeom's old myspace and he wrote that korea is gay. So now, they've made him get out of variety shows, signed petitions to make him quit 2pm and even signed petitions to make him suicide. F*** patriotic koreans.
Please show your support to jaebeom. even if you don't know him...It would be better if you kindly show him some love. thank you so much
To My Troubled Friend
In this post, I'd like to talk about someone I consider as my friend. Though I wouldn't want to be her friend in public becuase she embarasses me. I hope she can read this post and understand why everyone doesn't really like her and change her personality. She will be known as Jane for certain reasons.
Well, Jane is an unusual girl. You can pretty much spot her a mile away for her very distinctive weird looking face. I didn't mean she's ugly..but..not that good looking.
Though I don't mind about her physical appearances, her personality is what ticks us off.
Firstly, she has this thing of arguing back things that are not so necessary. Like say, we were joking about cows and saying to another friend she's dumb as a cow (no offence). Jane would butt in and say, "Cows aren't dumb you say, they have an IQ of 178..blah blah".
Well..nuhh..we kind of know that. We were just joking about it. No need to go into detail.
Exhibit B
Friend B: Jane, stop annoying us, or we'll leave you in Hawaii.
Friend A: Wait, don't leave her in Hawaii or else we can't eat Hawaiian pizza.
Friend B: Okay then, we'll leave her in North Korea. That way she can't go out. (She says North Korea coz she doesn't know where else to leave Jane)
Jane: What do you mean I can't go out? Who says I can go out? I can go out easily by plane..blah blah..you can't leave me in North Korea! (*laughs retardedly)
That's what really stinks. So that why we don't like her, but we have 2 friends that really don't like her. So my two friends started this thing called Survivor China or some random crap to try to get her out of our group. They say:" Everyone who wants friend 2 to leave the 'island' put your hand up. No-one? Okay then, friend 3? no-one? okay then..Jane?" and she makes everyone put their hand up. Then the 2 friends say bitchy things abouther in front of her. Sometimes, Jane argues back..well..everytime she argues back. She may put on a i don't care face but I know she's really hurt. I wouldn't like to be in her spot if I was her. Sometimes, I think my two friends go overboard..too overboard that they call me softies when I don't help them insult Jane. So I did what a friend would do and consult her. Turns out, she thinks she's so rightful that everything I said about her is wrong and , in the end, she never takes in my advice.
Evidence 1:
Me: Hey Jane, I really need to tell you something.
Jane: What?
Me: The reason why these girls keep picking on you is that you think you're so right that you always argue with us..even the most unimportant things..even our jokes. Sometimes, you are right..but it's only a joke. And you say the most unimportant weirdest things which we really don't want to talk about. I think you'd either join in the conversation as a normal person or shut up for the rest of the day.
Jane: I'll stop talking if you stop talking,
Me: Jane, you kow we're dooing this for your own benefit. Listen to us and you won't be told to be ignored or anything anymore.
Jane: You never listen to me, why do I have to listen to you? Whenever I talk about something, all of you ignore me and say 'ohh..i just heard a fly buzzing' and you never talk to me.
Me: That's what I've been telling you..the thing that's making us ignore and stuff is that you keep arguing back the weirdest things and we don't want that. We want you to change so you can freely talking to us next time.
Jane: You guys are just so mean. You guys don't care about me..
Me: I'm trying to help you here..
Jane: No you're not, you are just tell me to shut up
Friend 1: Oh..who cares Ann, she's not gonna listen to you since you've tried 100 times already.
And..it ends there. I really know that this friend can be a really nice person..but if she continues this habit of hers..she'll never be able to make friends..or even keep friends. She's just hanging out wiht us because we are the only people there that we know. She's not even making new friends coz she things she's part of the 'group'. And we do try to include her, but it's very hard if she keeps on doing this atitude.
So there you are my friend, I hope you can read this and see why we do these things to you. I hope you can change, that way, I'll friendship towards you can change too ;)
Well, Jane is an unusual girl. You can pretty much spot her a mile away for her very distinctive weird looking face. I didn't mean she's ugly..but..not that good looking.
Though I don't mind about her physical appearances, her personality is what ticks us off.
Firstly, she has this thing of arguing back things that are not so necessary. Like say, we were joking about cows and saying to another friend she's dumb as a cow (no offence). Jane would butt in and say, "Cows aren't dumb you say, they have an IQ of 178..blah blah".
Well..nuhh..we kind of know that. We were just joking about it. No need to go into detail.
Exhibit B
Friend B: Jane, stop annoying us, or we'll leave you in Hawaii.
Friend A: Wait, don't leave her in Hawaii or else we can't eat Hawaiian pizza.
Friend B: Okay then, we'll leave her in North Korea. That way she can't go out. (She says North Korea coz she doesn't know where else to leave Jane)
Jane: What do you mean I can't go out? Who says I can go out? I can go out easily by plane..blah blah..you can't leave me in North Korea! (*laughs retardedly)
That's what really stinks. So that why we don't like her, but we have 2 friends that really don't like her. So my two friends started this thing called Survivor China or some random crap to try to get her out of our group. They say:" Everyone who wants friend 2 to leave the 'island' put your hand up. No-one? Okay then, friend 3? no-one? okay then..Jane?" and she makes everyone put their hand up. Then the 2 friends say bitchy things abouther in front of her. Sometimes, Jane argues back..well..everytime she argues back. She may put on a i don't care face but I know she's really hurt. I wouldn't like to be in her spot if I was her. Sometimes, I think my two friends go overboard..too overboard that they call me softies when I don't help them insult Jane. So I did what a friend would do and consult her. Turns out, she thinks she's so rightful that everything I said about her is wrong and , in the end, she never takes in my advice.
Evidence 1:
Me: Hey Jane, I really need to tell you something.
Jane: What?
Me: The reason why these girls keep picking on you is that you think you're so right that you always argue with us..even the most unimportant things..even our jokes. Sometimes, you are right..but it's only a joke. And you say the most unimportant weirdest things which we really don't want to talk about. I think you'd either join in the conversation as a normal person or shut up for the rest of the day.
Jane: I'll stop talking if you stop talking,
Me: Jane, you kow we're dooing this for your own benefit. Listen to us and you won't be told to be ignored or anything anymore.
Jane: You never listen to me, why do I have to listen to you? Whenever I talk about something, all of you ignore me and say 'ohh..i just heard a fly buzzing' and you never talk to me.
Me: That's what I've been telling you..the thing that's making us ignore and stuff is that you keep arguing back the weirdest things and we don't want that. We want you to change so you can freely talking to us next time.
Jane: You guys are just so mean. You guys don't care about me..
Me: I'm trying to help you here..
Jane: No you're not, you are just tell me to shut up
Friend 1: Oh..who cares Ann, she's not gonna listen to you since you've tried 100 times already.
And..it ends there. I really know that this friend can be a really nice person..but if she continues this habit of hers..she'll never be able to make friends..or even keep friends. She's just hanging out wiht us because we are the only people there that we know. She's not even making new friends coz she things she's part of the 'group'. And we do try to include her, but it's very hard if she keeps on doing this atitude.
So there you are my friend, I hope you can read this and see why we do these things to you. I hope you can change, that way, I'll friendship towards you can change too ;)
Well, to start with, I've already made a blog once, but then i forgot my username and password and stuff..so here i am again.
Some reasons why I am writing this blog:
1. my friend mel is begging me to follow her blog coz she only has 2 followers (ima ridicule you XD)
2. I am actually finding someone special right now and i hope this comes out to him- mel..if you bug me about this ima switch carriages and sit with the nerdy weird people.
3. I hope to uncover some truths about some people i don't really like..and i hope you apologise if i am offending you
4. ima spread the word about koreaness XD
mel told me to go on blog and start writing all korean gossip but i really can't be bothered. ohh..and if you do want to read some korean gossip on my bebo and my bebo group and my bebo band..feel free to..except i forgot the link to it XD
and mel..sorry to copy your link and change it..I am very uncreative
Some reasons why I am writing this blog:
1. my friend mel is begging me to follow her blog coz she only has 2 followers (ima ridicule you XD)
2. I am actually finding someone special right now and i hope this comes out to him- mel..if you bug me about this ima switch carriages and sit with the nerdy weird people.
3. I hope to uncover some truths about some people i don't really like..and i hope you apologise if i am offending you
4. ima spread the word about koreaness XD
mel told me to go on blog and start writing all korean gossip but i really can't be bothered. ohh..and if you do want to read some korean gossip on my bebo and my bebo group and my bebo band..feel free to..except i forgot the link to it XD
and mel..sorry to copy your link and change it..I am very uncreative
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